Wildspire Waste /4
Southwest Camp (1)
Central Camp (6)
Northeast Camp (15)
Eastern Camp (11)
Quest /61
★2Snatch the SnatcherWildspire Waste
★2The Pain from GainsWildspire Waste
★2Exterminator of the WasteWildspire Waste
★3The Best Kind of QuestWildspire Waste
★3Sinister Shadows in the SwampWildspire Waste
★3Mired in the SpireWildspire Waste
★3The Piscine ProblemWildspire Waste
★3Prickly PredicamentWildspire Waste
★3Gettin' Yolked in the WasteWildspire Waste
★3Landing the Landslide WyvernWildspire Waste
★4Royal RelocationWildspire Waste
★5Horned Tyrant Below the SandsWildspire Waste
★5Twin Spires Upon the SandsWildspire Waste
★6Invader in the WasteWildspire Waste
★6Tickled PinkWildspire Waste
★6Keep Your Hands to Yourself!Wildspire Waste
★6A Crown of Mud and AngerWildspire Waste
★6Pukei-Pukei AmbushWildspire Waste
★6Up to Your Waist in the WasteWildspire Waste
★6Brown Desert, Green QueenWildspire Waste
★6Trespassing TroublemakerWildspire Waste
★7Pretty In PinkWildspire Waste
★7Well, That Diablos!Wildspire Waste
★7Two-horned HostilityWildspire Waste
★7RRRRRumble in the Waste! Wildspire Waste
★9Beyond the Blasting Scales Wildspire Waste
★8A Blaze on the SandWildspire Waste
★9Beyond the Blasting Scales Wildspire Waste
M★1Wildspire Treasure HuntWildspire Waste
M★1Dragged Through the MudWildspire Waste
M★1Jyura In My WayWildspire Waste
M★1Taster's TourWildspire Waste
M★2No Time for NapsWildspire Waste
M★2A Queen At HeartWildspire Waste
M★2A Face Nightmares Are Made OfWildspire Waste
M★2Stick Your Nose Somewhere ElseWildspire Waste
M★2Feisty Girl Talk Wildspire Waste
M★3The Scorching BladeWildspire Waste
M★3A Line in the SandWildspire Waste
M★3A Flash of the BladeWildspire Waste
M★3Simmer and Slice! Wildspire Waste
M★4In the Heat of the MomentWildspire Waste
M★4Piercing BlackWildspire Waste
M★5Royal Audience on the SandWildspire Waste
M★5The Tyrant's BanquetWildspire Waste
M★6One Hot Night in the SpireWildspire Waste
★6A Visitor from Another WorldWildspire Waste
★8The Blazing SunWildspire Waste
★8Infernal Monarchy Wildspire Waste
★7A Royal Pain Wildspire Waste
M★4Beef is Never a Mi-steak Wildspire Waste
M★1A Fish to Whet Your AppetiteWildspire Waste
★7Wildspire Bolero Wildspire Waste
★7This is How Revolts Start Wildspire Waste
M★1A Bunch of Sticks in the Mud Wildspire Waste
M★1Desert DessertsWildspire Waste
M★3A Curious Experiment Wildspire Waste
M★4The Desert Dash Wildspire Waste
M★6Razzled, Frazzled, and DazzledWildspire Waste
M★6Heavy Metal in the Waste Wildspire Waste
M★1The New WorldWildspire Waste
Low RankMining OutcropIron Ore x 150%
Low RankMining OutcropEarth Crystal x 134%
Low RankMining OutcropMachalite Ore x 113%
Low RankMining OutcropLightcrystal x 13%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Iron Ore x 134%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Earth Crystal x 141%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Machalite Ore x 118%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Lightcrystal x 17%
Low RankBonepileMonster Bone S x 180%
Low RankBonepileBoulder Bone x 120%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Monster Bone S x 150%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Monster Bone S x 220%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Boulder Bone x 130%
Low RankRound CactusBauble Cactus x 180%
Low RankRound CactusJewel Cactus x 120%
Low RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Bauble Cactus x 160%
Low RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Jewel Cactus x 140%
Low RankTough-skinned FruitHardfruit x 180%
Low RankTough-skinned FruitRockfruit x 120%
Low RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Hardfruit x 160%
Low RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Rockfruit x 140%
Low RankMining Outcrop - RedEarth Crystal x 1100%
Low RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Earth Crystal x 1100%
Low RankRound Cactus
Flourishing: Cacti
Dragonbloom x 1100%
Low RankTough-skinned Fruit
Flourishing: Fruit
Divineapple x 1100%
High RankMining OutcropEarth Crystal x 141%
High RankMining OutcropMachalite Ore x 123%
High RankMining OutcropLightcrystal x 112%
High RankMining OutcropCarbalite Ore x 121%
High RankMining OutcropNovacrystal x 13%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Earth Crystal x 230%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Machalite Ore x 218%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Lightcrystal x 115%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Carbalite Ore x 130%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Novacrystal x 17%
High RankBonepileMonster Bone S x 145%
High RankBonepileBoulder Bone x 120%
High RankBonepileQuality Bone x 130%
High RankBonepileDragonbone Relic x 15%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Monster Bone S x 223%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Boulder Bone x 130%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Quality Bone x 140%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Dragonbone Relic x 17%
High RankRound CactusBauble Cactus x 165%
High RankRound CactusJewel Cactus x 130%
High RankRound CactusKingly Cactus x 15%
High RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Bauble Cactus x 155%
High RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Jewel Cactus x 138%
High RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Kingly Cactus x 17%
High RankTough-skinned FruitHardfruit x 165%
High RankTough-skinned FruitRockfruit x 130%
High RankTough-skinned FruitWildfruit x 15%
High RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Hardfruit x 155%
High RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Rockfruit x 138%
High RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Wildfruit x 17%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedDragonite Ore x 150%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedDragonvein Crystal x 134%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedSpiritcore Ore x 113%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedNovacrystal x 13%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragonite Ore x 133%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragonvein Crystal x 141%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Spiritcore Ore x 121%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Novacrystal x 15%
High RankRound Cactus
Flourishing: Cacti
Dragonbloom x 1100%
High RankTough-skinned Fruit
Flourishing: Fruit
Divineapple x 1100%
High Rankcondition 16Advanced Armor Sphere x 1100%
Master RankMining OutcropEltalite Ore x 160%
Master RankMining OutcropMeldspar Ore x 122%
Master RankMining OutcropNovacrystal x 113%
Master RankMining OutcropPurecrystal x 15%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Eltalite Ore x 153%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Meldspar Ore x 122%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Novacrystal x 118%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Purecrystal x 17%
Master RankBonepileThick Bone x 172%
Master RankBonepileBoulder Bone x 125%
Master RankBonepileDragonbone Artifact x 13%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Thick Bone x 152%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Thick Bone x 218%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Boulder Bone x 125%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Dragonbone Artifact x 15%
Master RankRound CactusBauble Cactus x 155%
Master RankRound CactusJewel Cactus x 135%
Master RankRound CactusKingly Cactus x 110%
Master RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Bauble Cactus x 144%
Master RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Jewel Cactus x 142%
Master RankRound Cactus (Upsurge)Kingly Cactus x 114%
Master RankTough-skinned FruitHardfruit x 155%
Master RankTough-skinned FruitRockfruit x 135%
Master RankTough-skinned FruitWildfruit x 110%
Master RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Hardfruit x 144%
Master RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Rockfruit x 142%
Master RankTough-skinned Fruit (Upsurge)Wildfruit x 114%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedSpiritvein Crystal x 145%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedDragonvein Shard x 144%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedDreamcore Ore x 18%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedDragoncore Ore x 13%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Spiritvein Crystal x 145%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragonvein Coal x 138%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dreamcore Ore x 112%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragoncore Ore x 15%
Master RankRound Cactus
Flourishing: Cacti
Dragonbloom x 1100%
Master RankTough-skinned Fruit
Flourishing: Fruit
Divineapple x 1100%
Master Rankcondition 16Hard Armor Sphere x 1100%