Coral Highlands /2
Southern Camp (1)
Northeast Camp (12)
Quest /50
★4Ballooning ProblemsCoral Highlands
★5Legiana: Embodiment of EleganceCoral Highlands
★4It's a Crying ShamosCoral Highlands
★4A Tzitzi for ScienceCoral Highlands
★4Sorry You're Not InvitedCoral Highlands
★4What a Bunch of AbaloneCoral Highlands
★4White Monster for a White CoatCoral Highlands
★5A Humid HeadacheCoral Highlands
★5Gone in a FlashCoral Highlands
★7Old World Monster in the New WorldCoral Highlands
★6Say Cheese!Coral Highlands
★6Loop the PaolumuCoral Highlands
★7A Cherry Wind upon the ReefsCoral Highlands
★7Legiana: Highlands RoyaltyCoral Highlands
★7A Sore SiteCoral Highlands
★7Talons of Ire and Ice Coral Highlands
★9Thunderous Rumble in the HighlandsCoral Highlands
★8Lightning Strikes TwiceCoral Highlands
★9Thunderous Rumble in the HighlandsCoral Highlands
M★1All the Wrong SignalsCoral Highlands
M★2Play Both EndsCoral Highlands
M★2The Plight of PaolumuCoral Highlands
M★2Pink Power GrabCoral Highlands
M★2Protip: Stay HydratedCoral Highlands
M★2Put That Red Cup AwayCoral Highlands
M★3Legiana Left BehindCoral Highlands
M★3The Black WindCoral Highlands
M★3A Nasty Flesh WoundCoral Highlands
M★4Bad Friends, Great EnemiesCoral Highlands
M★4A Shadowy OffenderCoral Highlands
M★5A Light From The AbyssCoral Highlands
M★5Lightning CrashesCoral Highlands
M★5Memories of the Sea GodCoral Highlands
M★6Divine Surge Coral Highlands
★4Troubled Troupers Coral Highlands
M★2Every Hunter's Dream IICoral Highlands
M★6A Shocking Climax Coral Highlands
M★1Skyward SnipersCoral Highlands
★9A Whisper of White ManeCoral Highlands
★6Scrapping with the ShamosCoral Highlands
★6Wiggle Me ThisCoral Highlands
★5Kirin The Myth Coral Highlands
★7Coral Waltz Coral Highlands
★9Snow & Cherry Blossoms Coral Highlands
M★3Soaked and Shivering Coral Highlands
M★5The Winter Blues Coral Highlands
M★6Moonlit HowlCoral Highlands
M★6Symphony of the Coral Coral Highlands
M★6The Distant Dark TideCoral Highlands
M★1Fetching Light PearlsCoral Highlands
Low RankMining OutcropIron Ore x 134%
Low RankMining OutcropMachalite Ore x 110%
Low RankMining OutcropCoral Crystal x 123%
Low RankMining OutcropDragonite Ore x 117%
Low RankMining OutcropAquacore Ore x 113%
Low RankMining OutcropLightcrystal x 13%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Iron Ore x 220%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Coral Crystal x 138%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Dragonite Ore x 118%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Aquacore Ore x 121%
Low RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Lightcrystal x 13%
Low RankBonepileMonster Bone S x 160%
Low RankBonepileSturdy Bone x 120%
Low RankBonepileCoral Bone x 120%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Monster Bone S x 120%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Monster Bone S x 220%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Sturdy Bone x 130%
Low RankBonepile (Upsurge)Coral Bone x 130%
Low RankConch ShellSuper Abalone x 180%
Low RankConch ShellChoice Abalone x 120%
Low RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Super Abalone x 160%
Low RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Choice Abalone x 140%
Low RankPearl OysterLight Pearl x 180%
Low RankPearl OysterDeep Pearl x 120%
Low RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Light Pearl x 160%
Low RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Deep Pearl x 140%
Low RankMining Outcrop - RedEarth Crystal x 1100%
Low RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Earth Crystal x 1100%
Low RankConch Shell
Upsurge: Conch Shell
Violet Abalone x 1100%
Low RankPearl Oyster
Upsurge: Pearl Oysters
Platinum Pearl x 1100%
High RankMining OutcropCoral Crystal x 137%
High RankMining OutcropDragonite Ore x 117%
High RankMining OutcropAquacore Ore x 115%
High RankMining OutcropLightcrystal x 17%
High RankMining OutcropCarbalite Ore x 121%
High RankMining OutcropNovacrystal x 13%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Coral Crystal x 126%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Dragonite Ore x 213%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Aquacore Ore x 121%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Lightcrystal x 17%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Carbalite Ore x 130%
High RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Novacrystal x 13%
High RankBonepileSturdy Bone x 147%
High RankBonepileCoral Bone x 120%
High RankBonepileQuality Bone x 130%
High RankBonepileDragonbone Relic x 13%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Sturdy Bone x 225%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Coral Bone x 130%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Quality Bone x 140%
High RankBonepile (Upsurge)Dragonbone Relic x 15%
High RankConch ShellSuper Abalone x 165%
High RankConch ShellChoice Abalone x 130%
High RankConch ShellPrecious Abalone x 15%
High RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Super Abalone x 155%
High RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Choice Abalone x 138%
High RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Precious Abalone x 17%
High RankPearl OysterLight Pearl x 165%
High RankPearl OysterDeep Pearl x 130%
High RankPearl OysterInnocent Pearl x 15%
High RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Light Pearl x 155%
High RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Deep Pearl x 138%
High RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Innocent Pearl x 17%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedDragonite Ore x 150%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedDragonvein Crystal x 134%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedSpiritcore Ore x 113%
High RankMining Outcrop - RedNovacrystal x 13%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragonite Ore x 133%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragonvein Crystal x 141%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Spiritcore Ore x 121%
High RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Novacrystal x 15%
High RankConch Shell
Upsurge: Conch Shell
Violet Abalone x 1100%
High RankPearl Oyster
Upsurge: Pearl Oysters
Platinum Pearl x 1100%
High Rankcondition 16Advanced Armor Sphere x 1100%
Master RankMining OutcropEltalite Ore x 150%
Master RankMining OutcropMeldspar Ore x 116%
Master RankMining OutcropBathycite Ore x 131%
Master RankMining OutcropPurecrystal x 13%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Eltalite Ore x 140%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Meldspar Ore x 116%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Bathycite Ore x 141%
Master RankMining Outcrop (Upsurge)Purecrystal x 13%
Master RankBonepileThick Bone x 172%
Master RankBonepileCoral Bone x 125%
Master RankBonepileDragonbone Artifact x 13%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Thick Bone x 152%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Thick Bone x 218%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Coral Bone x 125%
Master RankBonepile (Upsurge)Dragonbone Artifact x 15%
Master RankConch ShellSuper Abalone x 155%
Master RankConch ShellChoice Abalone x 135%
Master RankConch ShellPrecious Abalone x 110%
Master RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Super Abalone x 144%
Master RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Choice Abalone x 142%
Master RankConch Shell (Upsurge)Precious Abalone x 114%
Master RankPearl OysterLight Pearl x 155%
Master RankPearl OysterDeep Pearl x 135%
Master RankPearl OysterInnocent Pearl x 110%
Master RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Light Pearl x 144%
Master RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Deep Pearl x 142%
Master RankPearl Oyster (Upsurge)Innocent Pearl x 114%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedSpiritvein Crystal x 145%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedDragonvein Shard x 144%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedDreamcore Ore x 18%
Master RankMining Outcrop - RedDragoncore Ore x 13%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Spiritvein Crystal x 145%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragonvein Coal x 138%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dreamcore Ore x 112%
Master RankMining Outcrop - Red (Upsurge)Dragoncore Ore x 15%
Master RankConch Shell
Upsurge: Conch Shell
Violet Abalone x 1100%
Master RankPearl Oyster
Upsurge: Pearl Oysters
Platinum Pearl x 1100%
Master Rankcondition 16Hard Armor Sphere x 1100%