Skills /203
Skill Info
Set Bonus Skills
Poison ResistanceReduces damage while poisoned.3
Paralysis ResistanceReduces the duration of paralysis.3
Sleep ResistanceReduces the duration of sleep.3
Stun ResistanceReduces stun duration.3
Muck ResistanceReduces impairments to mobility while stuck in monster muck.1
Blast ResistanceGrants protection against blastblight.3
Bleeding ResistanceGrants protection against bleeding.3
Iron SkinGrants protection against Defense Down.3
EarplugsGrants protection from large monsters' roars.5
WindproofGrants protection against wind pressure.5
Tremor ResistanceGrants protection against ground tremors.3
DungmasterMakes monsters hit with slinger dung pods more likely to run.1
Effluvial ExpertNullifies or reduces environmental damage in the Rotten Vale.1
Heat GuardNullifies damage from heat.1
Attack BoostIncreases attack power. Also improves affinity at higher levels.7
Defense BoostIncreases defense. Level up to improve resistances as well.7
Health BoostIncreases health.3
Recovery UpIncreases the amount recovered when restoring health.3
Recovery SpeedSpeeds healing of recoverable damage (the red portion of the health gauge).3
Fire ResistanceIncreases fire resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.3
Water ResistanceIncreases water resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.3
Ice ResistanceIncreases ice resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.3
Thunder ResistanceIncreases thunder resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.3
Dragon ResistanceIncreases dragon resistance. Also improves defense at higher levels.3
Blight ResistanceGrants protection against all elemental blights.3
Fire AttackIncreases fire element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)6
Water AttackIncreases water element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)6
Ice AttackIncreases ice element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)6
Thunder AttackIncreases thunder element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)6
Dragon AttackIncreases dragon element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)6
Poison AttackIncreases the rate of poison buildup. (Elemental buildup has a maximum limit.)4
Paralysis AttackIncreases the rate of paralysis buildup. (Elemental buildup has a maximum limit.)4
Sleep AttackIncreases the rate of sleep buildup. (Elemental buildup has a maximum limit.)4
Blast AttackIncreases the rate of blast buildup. (Elemental buildup has a maximum limit.)4
Normal ShotsIncreases the attack power of normal ammo and normal arrows.2
Piercing ShotsIncreases the attack power of piercing ammo and Dragon Piercer.2
Spread/Power ShotsIncreases the attack power of spread ammo, power shot arrows, and Thousand Dragons.2
Poison FunctionalityAllows you to apply poison coatings.1
Para FunctionalityAllows you to apply paralysis coatings.1
Sleep FunctionalityAllows you to apply sleep coatings.1
Blast FunctionalityAllows you to apply blast coatings.1
Free Elem/Ammo UpUnlocks your weapon's hidden element. Also increases bowgun loading capacity. (There is a cap to loading capacity.)3
Critical EyeIncreases affinity.7
Critical BoostIncreases the damage of critical hits.3
Weakness ExploitIncreases the affinity of attacks that exploit a monster weak spot.3
FocusIncreases the fill rate for weapons with gauges and the charge rate for weapons with charge attacks.3
Power ProlongerAllows long swords, dual blades, insect glaives, switch axes, and charge blades to stay powered up longer.3
HandicraftExtends the weapon sharpness gauge. However, it will not increase the gauge past its maximum.5
Critical DrawIncreases affinity when performing draw attacks.3
PartbreakerMakes it easier to break or sever parts of large monsters.3
SluggerMakes it easier to stun monsters.5
Stamina ThiefIncreases certain attacks' ability to exhaust monsters.5
Master MounterMakes it easier to mount monsters.1
AirborneIncreases the damage caused by jumping attacks.1
Latent PowerTemporarily increases affinity and reduces stamina depletion when certain conditions are met.7
AgitatorIncreases attack power and affinity when large monsters become enraged.7
Peak PerformanceIncreases attack when your health is full.3
HeroicsIncreases attack power and defense when health drops to 35% or lower.7
FortifyTemporarily increases your attack and defense every time you faint up to 2 times.1
ResentmentIncreases attack when you have recoverable damage (the red portion of your health gauge).5
ResuscitateImproves evasion and reduces stamina depletion when afflicted with abnormal status effects.1
Horn MaestroIncreases the effect duration of hunting horn melodies.2
Capacity BoostIncreases the gunlance's shell capacity and charge blade's phial capacity.1
Special Ammo BoostIncreases the power of bowgun special ammo, Dragon Piercer, and Thousand Dragons.2
ArtilleryStrengthens explosive attacks like gunlance shells, Wyvern's Fire, charge blade phial attacks, and sticky ammo.5
Heavy ArtilleryIncreases the firepower of ballistae and cannons.2
Marathon RunnerSlows down stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain stamina (such as dashing).3
ConstitutionReduces stamina depletion when performing stamina-draining moves such as evading, etc.5
Leap of FaithAllows you to do a dive-evade when facing towards large monsters, and extends the dive-evade distance.1
Stamina SurgeSpeeds up stamina recovery.3
Hunger ResistanceReduces maximum stamina depletion over time. However, does not work against cold environments that reduce stamina.3
Evade WindowExtends the invulnerability period when evading.5
Evade ExtenderIncreases evade distance.3
GuardReduces knockbacks and stamina depletion when guarding.5
Quick SheathSpeeds up weapon sheathing.3
Wide-RangeAllows the effects of certain items to also affect nearby allies.5
Item ProlongerExtends the duration of some item effects.3
Free MealGives you a predetermined chance of consuming a food or drink item for free.3
Speed EatingIncreases meat-eating and item-consumption speed.3
Speed SharpeningSpeeds up weapon sharpening when using a whetstone.3
BombardierIncreases the damage of explosive items.5
MushroomancerLets you digest mushrooms that would otherwise be inedible and gain their advantageous effects.3
Master FisherImproves your skill at fishing.1
BBQ MasterImproves your skill at cooking meat.1
Pro TransporterIncreases your speed while transporting items and decreases the likelihood of dropping them.1
Master GathererAllows you to gather more quickly, and also prevents attacks from knocking you back while gathering.1
Honey HunterIncreases the quantity of honey you receive when gathering in the field.1
Carving ProPrevents knockback from attacks while carving.1
Divine BlessingHas a predetermined chance of reducing the damage you take.5
Palico RallyPowers up Palicoes.5
BotanistIncreases the quantity of herbs and other consumable items you gather.4
GeologistIncreases the number of times you can use a gathering point.3
Maximum MightIncreases affinity as long as stamina is kept full for a period of time.5
Slinger CapacityIncreases loading capacity for slinger ammo obtained in the field. Limits the amount of ammo used when firing certain shots.5
StealthMakes it easier for monsters to lose sight of you.3
Flinch FreePrevents knockbacks and other reactions to small damage.3
Scoutfly Range UpExpands your scoutflies' detection range.1
Speed CrawlerIncreases movement speed while crouching.1
Jump MasterPrevents attacks from knocking you back during a jump.1
Survival ExpertExtra health is recovered from environmental interactables like Sporepuffs or Wiggly Litchi.3
Aquatic/Polar MobilityLets you move more freely in water. Also prevents you from being slowed down by terrain effects, such as deep snow.3
CliffhangerDecreases stamina depletion when evading while clinging to walls or ivy, or when moving while grappling onto an enemy.1
BlindsiderImproves the effectiveness of flash attacks and items.1
ScholarSpeeds up progress on research levels and special investigations. (Effect is applied at the quest results screen.)1
EntomologistDecreases the chances of destroying the bodies of small insect monsters, allowing them to be carved.3
Effluvia ResistanceGain a resistance to effluvial buildup.3
ScenthoundIncreases your scoutflies' gauge fill rate when you find tracks and other traces left by monsters.1
Forager's LuckIncreases the chance of finding rare gathering points.1
DetectorShows rare gathering points on the Wildlife Map.1
Tool SpecialistReduces the recharge time for specialized tools.5
Affinity SlidingSliding increases your affinity for a short time.1
Elderseal BoostIncreases the Elderseal of weapons and dragon ammo.1
IntimidatorReduces the chances small monsters will attack after spotting you. (No effect on certain monsters.)3
Anjanath PowerLv3 Adrenaline Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower.
Nergigante HungerLv3 Hasten Recovery Regenerates your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon.
Vaal Hazak VitalityLv3 Super Recovery Allows recovery to exceed the red portion of the health gauge.
Rathalos PowerLv3 Critical Element Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Diablos PowerLv3 Bludgeoner Raises attack as your weapon loses sharpness. Also boosts ranged weapon melee attacks and odds of stunning.
Kirin BlessingLv4 Capture Master High chance of increased capture rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Pink Rathian MasteryLv3 Poison Duration Up Extends the duration of your poison's effect on monsters.
Anjanath WillLv2 Adrenaline Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower.
Lv4 Stamina Cap Up Increases stamina cap.
Rathalos MasteryLv4 Mind's Eye/Ballistics Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Lv2 Critical Element Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Diablos MasteryLv2 Bludgeoner Raises attack as your weapon loses sharpness. Also boosts ranged weapon melee attacks and odds of stunning.
Lv4 Non-elemental Boost Powers up non-elemental weapons you have equipped.
Kirin FavorLv3 Capture Master High chance of increased capture rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Uragaan ProtectionLv3 Guard Up Allows you to guard against ordinarily unblockable attacks.
Bazelgeuse ProtectionLv3 Guts Above a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).
Teostra TechniqueLv3 Master's Touch Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits.
Kushala Daora FlightLv3 Nullify Wind Pressure Negates all wind pressure.
Xeno'jiiva DivinityLv3 Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Halves sharpness loss. For bows and bowguns, shots have a chance not to expend coatings or ammo.
Zorah Magdaros MasteryLv3 Critical Status Increases abnormal status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.
Guild GuidanceLv4 Great Luck High chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Commission GuidanceLv4 Carving Master Lets you carve one additional time. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Legiana BlessingLv3 Good Luck Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Legiana FavorLv2 Good Luck Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv4 Bow Charge Plus Increases max bow charge level by one.
Odogaron PowerLv3 Punishing Draw Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Odogaron MasteryLv2 Punishing Draw Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Lv4 Protective Polish Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
Bow Charge PlusIncreases max bow charge level by one.1
Mind's Eye/BallisticsPrevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.1
Guard UpAllows you to guard against ordinarily unblockable attacks.1
Protective PolishWeapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.1
Non-elemental BoostPowers up non-elemental weapons you have equipped.1
GutsAbove a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).1
Hasten RecoveryRegenerates your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon.1
Razor Sharp/Spare ShotHalves sharpness loss. For bows and bowguns, shots have a chance not to expend coatings or ammo.1
Lunastra FavorLv2 Stamina Cap Up Increases stamina cap.
Lv4 Mind's Eye/Ballistics Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Soul of the DragoonLv2 Elemental Airborne Elemental damage increased for jumping attacks.
Lv4 Master's Touch Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness during critical hits.
Critical ElementIncreases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.1
Critical StatusIncreases abnormal status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.1
Witcher's KnowledgeLv2 Igni Intensity Only those who complete the rigorous witcher training are allowed to use the powerful magic of the Igni Sign.
Lv4 Super Recovery Allows recovery to exceed the red portion of the health gauge.
Astera BlessingLv5 Great Luck Often increases the number of rewards received at the end of a quest. (Does not work if joining a quest in progress)
Zinogre EssenceLv3 Latent Power Secret Raises the maximum level of the Latent Power skill.
Tigrex EssenceLv3 Free Meal Secret Raises the maximum level of the Free Meal skill.
Nargacuga EssenceLv3 True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot Greatly reduces sharpness loss. Bows and bowguns have a chance not to expend coatings or ammo.
Brachydios EssenceLv3 Agitator Secret Raises the maximum level of the Agitator skill.
Glavenus EssenceLv3 Maximum Might Secret Raises the maximum level of the Maximum Might skill.
Silver Rathalos EssenceLv2 Slinger Ammo Secret Raises the maximum level of the Slinger Capacity skill.
Lv4 True Critical Element Greatly increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Gold Rathian EssenceLv2 Divine Blessing Secret Raises the maximum level of the Divine Blessing skill.
Lv4 True Critical Status Greatly increases status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.
Shara Ishvalda DivinityLv4 Gaia's Veil While wearing a mantle, gain Windproof Lv3, Earplugs Lv3, Tremor Res Lv3, and Flinch Free.
Lv5 True Gaia's Veil While wearing a mantle, gain Tremor Resistance Lv3, Earplugs Lv5, max Windproof, and Flinch Free.
Namielle DivinityLv2 Element Acceleration Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv2 and increases elemental damage.
Lv4 True Element Acceleration Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv3 and increases elemental damage.
Velkhana DivinityLv4 Frostcraft An aura of frost builds when your weapon is sheathed, raising attack. Wanes each melee hit or shot fired.
Lv2 Critical Element Increases elemental damage (fire, water, thunder, ice, dragon) when landing critical hits.
Ancient DivinityLv2 Critical Status Increases abnormal status effect damage (paralysis, poison, sleep, blast) when landing critical hits.
Commission AlchemyLv3 Bombardier Secret Raises the maximum level of the Bombardier skill.
Instructor's GuidanceLv2 Capture Master High chance of increased capture rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Anjanath DominanceLv2 Stamina Cap Up Increases stamina cap.
Rathian EssenceLv2 Poison Duration Up Extends the duration of your poison's effect on monsters.
ProvokerIncreases the attention drawn when attacking a monster.1
Offensive GuardTemporarily increases attack power after executing a perfectly-timed guard.3
CoalescenceTemporarily enhances attacks after recovering from blights or abnormal status.3
Safe LandingAllows you to quickly recover from heavy attacks that blow you back when you have your weapon unsheathed.1
Barioth Hidden ArtLv2 Punishing Draw Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Rathalos EssenceLv3 Mind's Eye/Ballistics Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Diablos AmbitionLv3 Slugger Secret Raises the maximum level of the Slugger skill.
Legiana AmbitionLv3 Bow Charge Plus Increases max bow charge level by one.
Odogaron EssenceLv3 Protective Polish Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.
Uragaan AmbitionLv2 Guard Up Allows you to guard against ordinarily unblockable attacks.
Bazelgeuse AmbitionLv2 Guts Above a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).
Deviljho EssenceLv3 Stamina Thief Secret Raises the maximum level of the Stamina Thief skill.
Vaal SoulveinLv2 Super Recovery Allows recovery to exceed the red portion of the health gauge.
Kirin DivinityLv3 Great Luck High chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Guild PrideLv2 Good Luck Good chance of increased quest rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv4 Carving Master Lets you carve one additional time. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Zorah Magdaros EssenceLv3 Artillery Secret Raises the maximum level of the Artillery skill.
Lunastra EssenceLv3 Tool Specialist Secret Raises the maximum level of the Tool Specialist skill.
Nergigante AmbitionLv2 Hasten Recovery Regenerates your health as you continually attack a monster. Recovery varies by weapon.
BludgeonerRaises attack as your weapon loses sharpness. Also boosts ranged weapon melee attacks and odds of stunning.1
AdrenalineTemporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower.1
ColdproofNullifies the effects of cold weather.1
Rajang's RageLv2 Mind's Eye/Ballistics Prevents attacks from being deflected. Also shortens the distance before ammo and arrows reach maximum power.
Lv4 Protective Polish Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set amount of time after sharpening.
Power CellLv5 Ancient Armory Increases defense and eliminates damage reactions. Taking several hits knocks it out, but reactivates over time.
SurvivorLv2 Zombie & Effluvia Res Prevents zombie and effluvial buildup.
Lv4 Agitator Secret Raises the maximum level of the Agitator skill.
Safi'jiiva SealLv3 Dragonvein Awakening Elem., abnormal status, & affinity up with weapon drawn. Take damage when attacking, but can be recovered by continually attacking.
Lv5 True Dragonvein Awakening Enhances attacks even more with weapon drawn. Take damage when attacking, but can be recovered by continually attacking.
Joyful BlessingLv3 Joy's Gift Increases odds of getting special Holiday Joy rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv5 Joy's Gratitude Greatly increases odds of getting special Holiday Joy rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Appreciation BlessingLv3 Gratitude's Gift Increases odds of getting special Grand Appreciation rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv5 Gratitude's Blessing Greatly increases odds of getting special Grand Appreciation rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Full Bloom BlessingLv3 Full Bloom's Gift Increases odds of getting special Full Bloom rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv5 Full Bloom Gratitude Greatly increases odds of getting special Full Bloom rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Sizzling BlessingLv3 Sizzling Gift Increases odds of getting special Sizzling Spice rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv5 Sizzling Gratitude Greatly increases odds of getting special Sizzling Spice rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Fun Fright BlessingLv3 Fun Fright's Gift Increases odds of getting special Fun Fright rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Lv5 Fun Fright's Gratitude Greatly increases odds of getting special Fun Fright rewards. (No effect when joining mid-quest.)
Rajang WillLv2 Maximum Might Secret Raises the maximum level of the Maximum Might skill.
Lv4 Heroics Secret Raises the maximum level of the Heroics skill.
Brachydios WillLv4 Artillery Secret Raises the maximum level of the Artillery skill.
Lv2 Agitator Secret Raises the maximum level of the Agitator skill.
Kulve Taroth EssenceLv2 Guts Above a certain health threshold, you withstand an attack that would normally cart you (once only).
Lv4 Free Meal Secret Raises the maximum level of the Free Meal skill.
Frostfang Absolute ArtLv1 Punishing Draw Adds a stun effect to draw attacks and slightly increases attack power.
Lv3 Slugger Secret Raises the maximum level of the Slugger skill.
Alatreon DivinityLv2 Element Conversion Equipped weapon's elemental power increases as your armor's elemental resistance increases.
Lv3 All Elemental Resistance Increases all elemental resistances +20%.
Fatalis LegendLv2 Inheritance Removes the skill level cap for the skill secrets.
Lv4 Transcendence Grants True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot. Health/Stamina +100 at the start of a quest or after fainting. (Effect doesn't stack.)
Clutch Claw BoostClutch claw weapon attacks wound monsters easier, and have a better chance of dropping slinger ammo.1
New World11