
Increases the quantity of herbs and other consumable items you gather.

Set Bonus Skills0
Botanist /4
LevelSkill InfoParameters
1One extra consumable herb item per gather.1, 0, 0, 0
2One extra consumable herb, fruit, nut, or seed item per gather.1, 1, 0, 0
3One extra consumable herb, fruit, nut, seed, or insect item per gather.1, 1, 1, 0
4One extra consumable herb, fruit, nut, seed, insect, or mushroom item per gather.1, 1, 1, 1
Decorations List /3
Defense /23
King Beetle Vertex α42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Evade Window+2 Botanist+1
Butterfly Vertex α42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Evade Window+2 Botanist+1
Guildwork Head α+162 ‐ 180 (200)21122Botanist+3 Honey Hunter+1
Guildwork Head β+162 ‐ 180 (200)21122Botanist+2 Honey Hunter+1
Rathian Mail22 ‐ 50 (74)20-20-3Botanist+1
Pukei Mail α42 ‐ 64 (80)03-301Item Prolonger+1 Botanist+1
Rathian Mail α46 ‐ 68 (84)20-20-3Botanist+2 Recovery Up+1
Rathian Mail β46 ‐ 68 (84)20-20-3Botanist+1 Recovery Up+1
King Beetle Thorax α42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Quick Sheath+2 Botanist+1
Butterfly Thorax α42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Quick Sheath+2 Botanist+1
Rathian Mail α+130 ‐ 168 (188)20-20-3Botanist+2 Recovery Up+1
Rathian Mail β+130 ‐ 168 (188)20-20-3Botanist+1 Recovery Up+1
King Beetle Brachia α42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Botanist+2 Leap of Faith+1
King Beetle Brachia β42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Botanist+2
Butterfly Brachia α42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Botanist+2 Leap of Faith+1
Butterfly Brachia β42 ‐ 64 (80)-1-1202Botanist+2
Rathian Vambraces α+130 ‐ 168 (188)20-20-3Poison Attack+2 Botanist+1
Guildwork Braces α+162 ‐ 180 (200)21122Geologist+2 Botanist+1
Guildwork Braces β+162 ‐ 180 (200)21122Geologist+1 Botanist+1
Passionate Belt α+156 ‐ 188 (208)14111Botanist+4
Pukei Greaves12 ‐ 44 (70)03-301Botanist+1
Pukei Greaves α42 ‐ 64 (80)03-301Botanist+2 Survival Expert+1
Pukei Greaves β42 ‐ 64 (80)03-301Botanist+1
JA 日本語植生学
US EnglishBotanist
FR FrançaisBotaniste
ES EspañolExperto en recursos
DE DeutschBotaniker
IT ItalianoBotanico
KR 한국어식생학
TW 繁體中文植生學
CN 簡体中文植生学
RU РусскийБотаник
PL PolskiBotanik
PO Português do BrasilBotânica
AR العربيةعالمة النبات