Botany Charm I

A charm that enhances the Botanist skill.

SkillsBotanist Lv1
Usage /2
Forge CharmsAncient Bone x 3 (Unlock)
Boulder Bone x 3
Lightcrystal x 1
Aquacore Ore x 1
Unlock: Ancient Bone
Upgrade to Botany Charm IIQuality Bone x 3 (Unlock)
Dragonbone Relic x 1
Earth Crystal x 6
Spiritcore Ore x 1
Unlock: Quality Bone
Botanist /4
Skill Info
1One extra consumable herb item per gather.1, 0, 0, 0
2One extra consumable herb, fruit, nut, or seed item per gather.1, 1, 0, 0
3One extra consumable herb, fruit, nut, seed, or insect item per gather.1, 1, 1, 0
4One extra consumable herb, fruit, nut, seed, insect, or mushroom item per gather.1, 1, 1, 1
JA 日本語植学の護石Ⅰ
US EnglishBotany Charm I
FR FrançaisCollier d'amazonite
ES EspañolCigua botánica I
DE DeutschBotanik-Talisman I
IT ItalianoAmuleto botanica I
KR 한국어식물학의 호석Ⅰ
TW 繁體中文植學護石Ⅰ
CN 簡体中文植学护石1
RU РусскийОберег ботаника 1
PL PolskiAmulet botaniki I
PO Português do BrasilAmuleto de Botânica I
AR العربيةسحر علم النبات I