Advanced Armor Sphere

Reacts uniquely to heat. Fuse this to armor to improve it.

Obtaining Quest /62
7Old World Monster in the New World11% (Guaranteed)
6A Meow for Help11% (Guaranteed)
6A Scalding Scoop11% (Guaranteed)
6Dodogama Drama11% (Guaranteed)
8A Wound and a Thirst216%
7Special Arena: HR Pink Rathian21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Legiana21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Odogaron21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Uragaan21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Rathalos21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Azure Rathalos21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Diablos21% (Guaranteed)
7Special Arena: HR Black Diablos21% (Guaranteed)
7Rathalos Rematch11% (Guaranteed)
7Rathalos in Blue11% (Guaranteed)
7The Red and Blue Crew21% (Guaranteed)
7Pretty In Pink11% (Guaranteed)
7Well, That Diablos!11% (Guaranteed)
7Two-horned Hostility11% (Guaranteed)
7RRRRRumble in the Waste!21% (Guaranteed)
7A Cherry Wind upon the Reefs11% (Guaranteed)
7Legiana: Highlands Royalty11% (Guaranteed)
7A Sore Site11% (Guaranteed)
7Talons of Ire and Ice21% (Guaranteed)
7Odogaron Unleashed11% (Guaranteed)
7Lavasioth, Monster of Magma11% (Guaranteed)
7Ore-eating Occupier11% (Guaranteed)
7Ruler of the Azure Skies11% (Guaranteed)
7Bazelgeuse in the Field of Fire11% (Guaranteed)
7A Fiery Convergence21% (Guaranteed)
8Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel216%
8Teostra the Infernal216%
8Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak216%
8A Portent of Disaster216%
8A Blaze on the Sand216%
8Lightning Strikes Twice216%
8Stirrings from the Grave216%
8The Eater of Elders216%
8Master of the Gale216%
8Hellfire's Stronghold216%
8The Eater of Elders216%
8The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep216%
8The Fires of Hell Bite Deep216%
6A Visitor from Another World124%
7The Food Chain Dominator11% (Guaranteed)
7Today's Special: Hunter Flambé11% (Guaranteed)
8The Blazing Sun216%
9Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest130%
6Mosswinin' and Dinin'121%
12Paolumu Lullabies123%
9Relish the Moment224%
7Rollin' With The Uragaan23% (Guaranteed)
7Rollin' With The Uragaan119%
7Deep Green Blues31% (Guaranteed)
7Wildspire Bolero31% (Guaranteed)
7Coral Waltz31% (Guaranteed)
7Effluvial Opera31% (Guaranteed)
7Rock N' Roll Recess31% (Guaranteed)
7This is How Revolts Start21% (Guaranteed)
9Snow & Cherry Blossoms21% (Guaranteed)
7A Rush of Blood112%
7USJ Blazing Azure Stars!115%
Monster /18
RathianInvestigationHigh Rank118%
Pink RathianInvestigationHigh Rank215%
RathalosInvestigationHigh Rank215%
Azure RathalosInvestigationHigh Rank215%
DiablosInvestigationHigh Rank215%
Black DiablosInvestigationHigh Rank215%
LavasiothInvestigationHigh Rank215%
BarrothInvestigationHigh Rank118%
UragaanInvestigationHigh Rank215%
AnjanathInvestigationHigh Rank118%
Pukei-PukeiInvestigationHigh Rank118%
JyuratodusInvestigationHigh Rank118%
Tobi-KadachiInvestigationHigh Rank118%
PaolumuInvestigationHigh Rank118%
LegianaInvestigationHigh Rank215%
OdogaronInvestigationHigh Rank215%
RadobaanInvestigationHigh Rank118%
Kulve TarothProgress RewardsHigh Rank122%
Ancient ForestHigh Rankcondition 161100%
Wildspire WasteHigh Rankcondition 161100%
Coral HighlandsHigh Rankcondition 161100%
Rotten ValeHigh Rankcondition 161100%
Elder's RecessHigh Rankcondition 161100%
Steamworks /1
TypeNameQuantitySpawn Weightpower
NormalAdvanced Armor Sphere1331
JA 日本語尖鎧玉
US EnglishAdvanced Armor Sphere
FR FrançaisSphère d'armure acérée
ES EspañolEsfera armadura avanz.
DE DeutschFortschrittliche Rüstkugel
IT ItalianoSfera-armatura avanzata
KR 한국어첨갑옥
TW 繁體中文尖鎧玉
CN 簡体中文尖铠玉
RU РусскийПродвинутая сфера доспехов
PL PolskiZaawansowana kula pancerza
PO Português do BrasilEsfera de Armadura Avançada
AR العربيةإطار الدرع المتطور