6★ Mosswinin' and Dinin'

TARGETSlay 5 Mosswine
Failure ConditionsTime expires
Faint 9 times
ClientLittle Helpful Felyne
The Admiral and Meowscular Chef trapped some Mosswine
and put them into the Arena. I didn't have the courage to tell
them, but those Mosswine look purr-ty odd to me. Take a look!
Quest ID61605
Reward Money54000zenny
Time Limit50 Minute
EventNew Year's Day only! A giant Mosswine is on the rampage! Dodge its attacks and try to gain the full amount of reward money!
Quest Rewards /7
Faux Ticket x 11% (Guaranteed)
Golden Egg x 113%
Armor Sphere x 121%
Armor Sphere+ x 121%
Advanced Armor Sphere x 121%
Hard Armor Sphere x 116%
Heavy Armor Sphere x 17%
Supply Box /16
PrimarysoloFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarysoloEZ Ration x 3
PrimarysoloEmpty Phial x 30
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEmpty Phial x 30
SecondarysoloNormal Ammo 2 x 99
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 1 x 60
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 1 x 80
SecondarymultiNormal Ammo 2 x 99
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 1 x 60
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 1 x 80
JA 日本語モスはモスでもモスのモス
US EnglishMosswinin' and Dinin'
FR FrançaisLa Saint Cochon
ES EspañolDa tocino al musgorrino
DE DeutschMosswine und Mooswein
IT ItalianoMosswine per cena
KR 한국어모스는 모스여도 모스는 모스
TW 繁體中文菌猪是菌但也是菇菌的菌
CN 簡体中文猪菌是菌但也是香菇的菌
RU РусскийМохосвины и еда
PL PolskiMchoświnie i co się nawinie
PO Português do BrasilMusgoinando no Jantar
AR العربيةموسواين والعشاء