The Food Chain Dominator

TARGET | Hunt a Deviljho |
Failure Conditions | Time expires Faint 3 times |
Client | Eccentric Trio The Deviljho is a frightening presence that takes the idea of the food chain and crushes it between its massive jaws! Now it's here in the New World. It's time to get investigating! |
INFO | Aptonoth Jagras Mernos Gajalaka |
Quest ID | 50701 |
Map | Ancient Forest |
Reward Money | 14400zenny |
Time Limit | 50 Minute |
Conditions | HR13hunterrank |
HRReward | 600 |
ID | solo | Size | Health | Damage | PartHP | StatusBase | StatusBuildup | Stun | Exhaust | Mount |
Deviljho | solo | 100% | 8888 | 360% | 160% | 120% | 120% | 120% | 150% | 100% |
Deviljho | multi2 | 100% | 13220 | 360% | 332% | 120% | 276% | 360% | 450% | 200% |
Deviljho | multi | 100% | 19731 | 360% | 496% | 120% | 276% | 360% | 450% | 200% |
Great Jagras | solo | 100% | 3850 | 275% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 150% | 100% |
Great Jagras | multi2 | 100% | 5726 | 275% | 301% | 110% | 253% | 330% | 450% | 200% |
Great Jagras | multi | 100% | 8547 | 275% | 449.5% | 110% | 253% | 330% | 450% | 200% |
Tobi-Kadachi | solo | 100% | 5510 | 320% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 150% | 100% |
Tobi-Kadachi | multi2 | 100% | 8196 | 320% | 301% | 110% | 253% | 330% | 450% | 200% |
Tobi-Kadachi | multi | 100% | 12232 | 320% | 449.5% | 110% | 253% | 330% | 450% | 200% |
Quest Rewards /7
Item | Percentage |
Advanced Armor Sphere x 1 | 1% (Guaranteed) |
Monster Hardbone x 1 | 24% |
Monster Keenbone x 1 | 20% |
Quality Bone x 1 | 20% |
Mysterious Feystone x 1 | 18% |
Spiritcore Ore x 1 | 12% |
Dragonbone Relic x 1 | 5% |
Supply Box /16
Type | solo | Item |
Primary | solo | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | solo | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | solo | Empty Phial x 30 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | Empty Phial x 30 |
Secondary | solo | Normal Ammo 2 x 99 |
Secondary | solo | Pierce Ammo 1 x 60 |
Secondary | solo | Spread Ammo 1 x 80 |
Secondary | multi | Normal Ammo 2 x 99 |
Secondary | multi | Pierce Ammo 1 x 60 |
Secondary | multi | Spread Ammo 1 x 80 |
JA 日本語 | 食物連鎖の波に乗れ! |
US English | The Food Chain Dominator |
FR Français | Le tyran de la chaîne alimentaire |
ES Español | El rey de la cadena alimenticia |
DE Deutsch | Der Herr der Nahrungskette |
IT Italiano | Il Re della catena alimentare |
KR 한국어 | 먹이사슬의 파도에 타라! |
TW 繁體中文 | 順應食物鏈的趨勢! |
CN 簡体中文 | 顺应食物链的趋势! |
RU Русский | Вершина пищевой цепочки |
PL Polski | Pogromca łańcucha pokarmowego |
PO Português do Brasil | Dominador da Cadeia Alimentar |
AR العربية | المُسيطر الأقوى |