Quest /81
M★1Pearl SnatchersHoarfrost Reach
M★3Every Hunter's Dream III Arena
M★2Every Hunter's Dream IICoral Highlands
M★1Duffel DutyHoarfrost Reach
M★5Scores of OresElder's Recess
M★5A Chilling Entrance Ancient Forest
M★6Muscle Monkey Madness Arena
M★2Paolumu LullabiesArena
M★1Flora FrostbiteHoarfrost Reach
M★4Beef is Never a Mi-steak Wildspire Waste
M★350 Shades of WhiteArena
M★6A Shocking Climax Coral Highlands
M★1Skyward SnipersCoral Highlands
M★1A Fish to Whet Your AppetiteWildspire Waste
M★2Balloon Fight Special Arena
M★5Talk About a Party Foul...Special Arena
M★1Trophy Fishin' Hoarfrost Reach
M★1The Lord of the Underworld BeckonsRotten Vale
M★1A Bunch of Sticks in the Mud Wildspire Waste
M★1Desert DessertsWildspire Waste
M★2A New Troublemaker in Town Ancient Forest
M★2Colorful Carnival Special Arena
M★2Hunter-Blunderer Special Arena
M★3A Sky & Sea of Fire Elder's Recess
M★3A Curious Experiment Wildspire Waste
M★3Soaked and Shivering Coral Highlands
M★3Fired-Up Bruisers Elder's Recess
M★4The Desert Dash Wildspire Waste
M★4In the Depths of the Forest Ancient Forest
M★4Servants of the Vale Rotten Vale
M★5We Three Kings Special Arena
M★5The Winter Blues Coral Highlands
M★5A Reason Behind The HungerElder's Recess
M★6Moonlit HowlCoral Highlands
M★6I Am Tranquil, I Am SoundAncient Forest
M★6A Roar that Splinters the SkyElder's Recess
M★6A Glance of SilverElder's Recess
M★6The Moon is a Harsh QueenElder's Recess
M★6Razzled, Frazzled, and DazzledWildspire Waste
M★6Scars Tell the Whole StoryAncient Forest
M★6Yodeling in the Forest Ancient Forest
M★6Heavy Metal in the Waste Wildspire Waste
M★6Symphony of the Coral Coral Highlands
M★6Rotten Canzone Rotten Vale
M★6Alt Rock Recess Elder's Recess
M★6Ballad of the Hoarfrost Hoarfrost Reach
M★6Wolf Out of HellElder's Recess
M★6The Eternal Gold RushCaverns of El Dorado
M★3When the Swift Meets the Roar Arena
M★6The Wrath of Thunder DescendsAncient Forest
M★6Ode to the DestructionOrigin Isle
M★6In the Tempest's Wake
M★6Day of Ruin
M★6The Cold Never Bothered Me
M★6The Evening StarSecluded Valley
M★6Dawn of the Death StarSecluded Valley
M★6Fade to Black
M★6The Last White KnightHoarfrost Reach
M★6The Distant Dark TideCoral Highlands
M★6The Place Where Winter SleepsElder's Recess
M★1The New WorldWildspire Waste
M★1To Our WorldAncient Forest
M★1Fetching Light PearlsCoral Highlands
M★2CamoflawedAncient Forest
M★3Seeing is BelievingArena
M★6Don't Forget The Earplugs!Arena
M★6Monkey BusinessHoarfrost Reach
M★6The Naked TruthOrigin Isle
M★5Talk About a Party Foul...Special Arena
M★6The Wrath of Thunder DescendsAncient Forest
M★6Mew are Number One!Arena
M★2Kadachi Twins Arena
M★6Tears from NirvanaRotten Vale
M★6Mighty Muscle Monkey Madness Arena
M★6A Farewell to ZinogreArena
M★6Brand New BruteArena
M★5Old Dog, New TrickArena
M★5RE: Return of the BioweaponRotten Vale
M★5USJ: Shine On Forever
M★5The AssassinAncient Forest
M★5USJ: Ballet of FrostHoarfrost Reach