Monster Slogbone

Bone obtained from large master rank monsters. Far heavier than its outward appearance would suggest.

Craft /153
Ingot Helm α+1
Ingot Helm β+1
Rath Soul Helm α+5
Rath Soul Helm β+5
Clockwork Helm α+3
Clockwork Helm β+3
Rose Headpiece α+1
Ingot Mail α+1
Ingot Mail β+1
Diablos Mail α+2
Diablos Mail β+2
Lavasioth Mail α+4
Lavasioth Mail β+4
Brachydios Mail α+5
Brachydios Mail β+5
Artian Mail α+3
Artian Mail β+3
Clockwork Mail α+3
Clockwork Mail β+3
Rose Jacket α+1
Ingot Vambraces α+1
Ingot Vambraces β+1
Rathalos Vambraces α+4
Rathalos Vambraces β+4
Artian Vambraces α+3
Artian Vambraces β+3
Rose Arms α+1
Ingot Coil α+1
Ingot Coil β+1
Odogaron Coil α+4
Odogaron Coil β+4
Uragaan Coil α+4
Uragaan Coil β+4
Rose Belt α+1
Ingot Greaves α+1
Ingot Greaves β+1
Diablos Greaves α+5
Diablos Greaves β+5
Tigrex Greaves α+3
Tigrex Greaves β+3
Dober Greaves α+4
Dober Greaves β+4
Rose Boots α+1
Chrome Deathscythe II3
Jagras Deathclaw II3
Datura Hellspine II3
Ogre's Jaw II3
Tiger Jawblade3
Barroth Greatedge II3
Dragonseal Sword I4
Freezer Speartuna5
Iron Eschaton II3
Rafiq al-Nasr II3
Grand Khopesh II3
Tigrine Edge3
Dipterus Varzea II2
Dragonseal Aldblade I4
Chrome Knight Sword II3
Legacy Bang5
Datura Florescence II3
Radobaan Os II3
Saber's Gullet II3
Rex Talon3
Barroth Slicer II3
Dragonseal Aldsword I4
Chrome Cross II3
Asefar al-Nasr II3
Rex Chain I3
Hulking Choppers II3
Diablos Clubs III3
Jyura Keenblades II2
Enduring Sacrifice4
Kurogane II3
Buona Florescenza3
Earth Ender II3
Striped Striker3
Makhlab al-Nasr II3
Diablos Shatterer III3
Barroth Crusher II3
Dragonseal Basher I4
Sforzando II3
Taghrid al-Nasr II3
Striped Dragonga3
Mad Bone Horn II3
Gama Chorus II5
Datura Maestro II3
Dragonseal Aldhorn I4
Chrome Drill II3
Minqar al-Nasr II3
Gama Drill II5
Datura Stalk II3
Grand Halberd II3
Barroth Halberd II3
Odogaron's Misery I3
Tiger Stinger3
Dragonseal Aldspear I4
Chrome Halberd II3
Jyura Demolisher II2
Dragonpike "Quake" II3
Glutton's Fang II3
Tiger Blast3
Barroth Bluff II3
Dragonseal Gunlance I4
Chrome Machina II3
Datura Garden II3
Rex Raider I3
Saber's Bite II3
Mighty Gear II3
Jyura Cataclysm II2
Barroth Dozer II3
Axe of Demons+3
Dragonseal Axe I4
Chrome Fortress II3
Deep Terroir II2
Wild Force II3
Diablos Tyrannis III3
Saber's Maw II3
Gama Escudo II5
Rex Arms I3
Dragonseal Blade I4
Chrome Trident II3
Yatir al-Nasr II3
Datura Storm II3
Gama Magus II5
Aerial Magus II3
Rex Rod I3
Tyrannis Glaive III3
Dragonseal Aldstaff I4
Crossblitzer II3
Saber's Howl II3
Rex Fusillade I3
Breakshot II3
Barroth Bazooka II3
Dragonseal Bowgun I4
Fatal Assault II3
Gluttonous Direcannon3
Tigrex Howl3
Cartilage Blaster II3
Griffon Blazooka+3
Gama Turret II5
Dragonseal Cannon I4
Dragon Perforator II3
Alqaws al-Nasr II3
Rex Bow I3
Hunter's Bravebow II3
Cera Coilbender+3
Datura Squall II3
Dragonseal Aldbow I4
Strong Ale5
Obtaining Quest /59
13Blizzard Blitz143%
13Ever-present Shadow143%
13The Scorching Blade143%
13Absolute Power143%
13A Smashing Cross Counter143%
13A Tale of Ice and Fire143%
13Remember That One Time?143%
13The Purr-fect Room: Stone143%
13Proud White Knight224%
13Special Arena: MR Legiana136%
13Special Arena: MR Odogaron136%
13Special Arena: MR Uragaan136%
13Special Arena: MR Rathalos136%
13Special Arena: MR Diablos136%
13Special Arena: MR Barioth136%
13Special Arena: MR Nargacuga136%
13Special Arena: MR Glavenus136%
13Special Arena: MR Brachydios136%
13Special Arena: MR Tigrex136%
13Swoop to a New Low143%
13Nargacoulda, Shoulda, Woulda143%
13The Secret to a Good Slice143%
13Red and Black Aces222%
13A Line in the Sand143%
13A Flash of the Blade143%
13Simmer and Slice!222%
13Legiana Left Behind143%
13The Black Wind143%
13A Nasty Flesh Wound224%
13Don't be a Jerk with the Jerky143%
13A Roar that Shook the Vale143%
13Runnin', Rollin', and Weepin'222%
13Blast Warning In Effect!143%
13Everyone's a Critic143%
13Begone Uragaan143%
13Secret of the Ooze143%
13Festival of Explosions!222%
14Duet of Rime222%
14Special Arena: MR Azure Rathalos215%
14Special Arena: MR Black Diablos215%
14Special Arena: MR Acidic Glavenus215%
14Special Arena: MR Ebony Odogaron215%
14Special Arena: MR Fulgur Anjanath215%
14The Purr-fect Room: Dark Iron222%
16Return of the Crazy One215%
16We Run This Town530%
16Special Arena: MR Zinogre215%
16Special Arena: MR Yian Garuga136%
16Special Arena: MR Brute Tigrex215%
16Special Arena: MR Gold Rathian215%
16Special Arena: MR Silver Rathalos215%
16Reveal Thyself, Destroyer215%
16Across the Lost Path215%
16Special Arena: MR Stygian Zinogre215%
15Scores of Ores216%
13Fired-Up Bruisers31% (Guaranteed)
13Fired-Up Bruisers123%
14In the Depths of the Forest224%
15The Assassin224%
Monster /30
Pink RathianInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Gold RathianInvestigationMaster Rank321%
RathalosInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Azure RathalosInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Silver RathalosInvestigationMaster Rank321%
DiablosInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Black DiablosInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Yian GarugaInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Scarred Yian GarugaInvestigationMaster Rank230%
RajangInvestigationMaster Rank321%
Furious RajangInvestigationMaster Rank321%
TigrexHunt %sMaster Rank118%
TigrexInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Brute TigrexInvestigationMaster Rank230%
LavasiothInvestigationMaster Rank230%
NargacugaInvestigationMaster Rank230%
BariothInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Savage DeviljhoInvestigationMaster Rank230%
UragaanInvestigationMaster Rank230%
ZinogreInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Stygian ZinogreInvestigationMaster Rank321%
BrachydiosInvestigationMaster Rank230%
GlavenusInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Acidic GlavenusInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Fulgur AnjanathInvestigationMaster Rank230%
LegianaInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Shrieking LegianaInvestigationMaster Rank230%
OdogaronInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Ebony OdogaronInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Seething BazelgeuseInvestigationMaster Rank230%
Tailraider Safari /17
Ancient Forest47Master Rank1Nargacuga Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Ancient Forest70Master Rank1Glavenus Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Ancient Forest73Master Rank1Tigrex Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Wildspire Waste70Master Rank1Glavenus Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Wildspire Waste73Master Rank1Tigrex Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Coral Highlands47Master Rank1Nargacuga Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Rotten Vale73Master Rank1Tigrex Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Elder's Recess70Master Rank1Glavenus Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Elder's Recess72Master Rank1Brachydios Cortex x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Elder's Recess73Master Rank1Tigrex Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Hoarfrost Reach46Master Rank1Barioth Cortex x1 40%
Cryo Sac x1 31%
Monster Slogbone x1 20%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
Hoarfrost Reach73Master Rank1Tigrex Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
The Guiding Lands46Master Rank1Barioth Cortex x1 40%
Cryo Sac x1 31%
Monster Slogbone x1 20%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
The Guiding Lands47Master Rank1Nargacuga Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
The Guiding Lands70Master Rank1Glavenus Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
The Guiding Lands72Master Rank1Brachydios Cortex x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
The Guiding Lands73Master Rank1Tigrex Shard x1 50%
Monster Slogbone x1 41%
Ancient Fragment x1 9%
0, 0, 10, 0, 30
JA 日本語重竜骨
US EnglishMonster Slogbone
FR FrançaisOs robustos
ES EspañolHueso aplastante
DE DeutschMonster-Prügelknochen
IT ItalianoOsso mostruoso
KR 한국어중용골
TW 繁體中文重龍骨
CN 簡体中文重龙骨
RU РусскийСвинцовая кость чудовища
PL PolskiGnat potwora
PO Português do BrasilLaborosso de Monstro
AR العربيةعظْمة الوحش القوية