Reveal Thyself, Destroyer

TARGET | Complete the assignment |
Failure Conditions | Time expires Faint 3 times |
Client | The Admiral We've traced whatever broke the Kirin's horn to the Guiding Lands. You can bet your bottom zenny that it's one tough customer, so don't let your guard down. And don't be late! |
INFO | Aptonoth Jagras Kestodon Girros |
Quest ID | 51601 |
Map | The Guiding Lands |
Reward Money | 36000zenny |
Time Limit | 50 Minute |
Conditions | MR24hunterrank |
HRReward | 1540 |
ID | solo | Size | Health | Damage | PartHP | StatusBase | StatusBuildup | Stun | Exhaust | Mount |
Rajang | solo | 100% | 18900 | 1130% | 500% | 150% | 240% | 130% | 180% | 150% |
Rajang | multi2 | 100% | 32291 | 1130% | 955% | 150% | 600% | 455% | 630% | 375% |
Rajang | multi | 100% | 48195 | 1130% | 1425% | 150% | 600% | 455% | 630% | 375% |
Savage Deviljho | solo | 100% | 23040 | 1050% | 460% | 145% | 230% | 130% | 150% | 150% |
Savage Deviljho | multi2 | 100% | 39364 | 1050% | 878% | 145% | 575% | 455% | 525% | 375% |
Savage Deviljho | multi | 100% | 58752 | 1050% | 1311% | 145% | 575% | 455% | 525% | 375% |
Azure Rathalos | solo | 100% | 20800 | 960% | 460% | 140% | 220% | 125% | 150% | 130% |
Azure Rathalos | multi2 | 100% | 35537 | 960% | 878% | 140% | 550% | 437.5% | 525% | 325% |
Azure Rathalos | multi | 100% | 53040 | 960% | 1311% | 140% | 550% | 437.5% | 525% | 325% |
Quest Rewards /7
Item | Percentage |
Ancient Feystone x 1 | 1% (Guaranteed) |
Monster Solidbone x 1 | 38% |
Monster Slogbone x 2 | 15% |
Hard Armor Sphere x 2 | 25% |
Dragoncore Ore x 1 | 13% |
Purecrystal x 1 | 4% |
Dragonbone Artifact x 1 | 4% |
Supply Box /16
Type | solo | Item |
Primary | solo | First-aid Med+ x 4 |
Primary | solo | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | solo | Empty Phial x 30 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med+ x 4 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med+ x 4 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med+ x 4 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | Empty Phial x 30 |
Secondary | solo | Normal Ammo 2 x 99 |
Secondary | solo | Pierce Ammo 1 x 60 |
Secondary | solo | Spread Ammo 1 x 80 |
Secondary | multi | Normal Ammo 2 x 99 |
Secondary | multi | Pierce Ammo 1 x 60 |
Secondary | multi | Spread Ammo 1 x 80 |
JA 日本語 | 出でよ破壊の権化 |
US English | Reveal Thyself, Destroyer |
FR Français | Montre ton visage, Destructeur |
ES Español | Revela tu aspecto, destructor |
DE Deutsch | Offenbare dich, Zerstörer |
IT Italiano | Esci allo scoperto, distruttore |
KR 한국어 | 모습을 드러내라, 파괴의 화신이여 |
TW 繁體中文 | 出來吧,破壞的化身 |
CN 簡体中文 | 出来吧,破坏的化身 |
RU Русский | Яви себя, разрушитель |
PL Polski | Ukaż się, niszczycielu |
PO Português do Brasil | Revela-te, Destruidor |
AR العربية | أظهر نفسك أيها المدمر |