Panel Tutorial /112
0The SmithyYou can use monster materials and ore to forge and upgrade
equipment at the Smithy.

Give the materials you earn as quest rewards or carve from
monsters to the Smithy to create new equipment for taking
on even tougher monsters.
1The Botanical Research CenterThe Botanical Research Center can take your plants, mushrooms,
and insects
and produce more of them for you.

Visit the facility and select the item you wish to reproduce.
The amount of time required to reproduce varies by item, and
the facility will automatically continue growing more of them
until you come to collect the results.

The time required to produce items advances one unit for
each quest you complete.

Items will not be produced if your Harvest Box is full
(check the baskets by the pond to see the harvest status).
2Fertilizer, Facility Level, and the Harvest BoxFertilizer
You can use research points to increase the amount of items

Facility Level and Harvest Box Expansion
As the facility level increases, you will be able to grow more
types of items
at once. Expanding your Harvest Box means
that you can wait until more items are produced
before coming to collect them.

Unlocking fertilizers, raising your facility level, and
expanding your Harvest Box all have their own requirements.
3QuestsQuests involve objectives such as slaying monsters.
To get started on a quest, first you have to accept it.

Assignments: Complete these missions to advance the story.

Optional Quests: These include favors for NPCs. More will
become available as you meet the necessary requirements.
You can take on optional quests as many times as you like.

Investigations: These special quests are issued by the
Resource Center and can only be taken a limited number
of times

Events: Special quests exclusive to online play.
4The Fourteen Hunter WeaponsDifferent weapons offer different combat experiences.

Great swords hit with devastating force, while the sword &
allow for quick, mobile flurries. The heavy bowgun,
while unwieldy, fires powerful blasts, and so on. Choose any
weapon and take to the field!

You can visit the Training Area after equipping a weapon by
speaking to the
Housekeeper in your room. There, you can
practice with your chosen weapon as much as you'd like.
5Armor: Your Five-Piece ProtectionArmor sets are comprised of five pieces.

Each piece offers some amount of defense plus equipment
to aid you in your hunts. You can mix and match pieces
however you like to suit your play style.

Use / to view your gear's stats and skills.

You can save
equipment loadouts to quickly switch
to your favorite gear combinations.
6Explore Astera Until the Download Completes!While you wait for Monster Hunter: World to finish
downloading, take a stroll around Astera, your
main base and home to many helpful facilities.
7Get In Some Hunting Practice!You can try out all 14 weapon types in the Training Area.

Speak to the Housekeeper in your room to access the
Training Area. Take as much time as you need to practice
there until you're comfortable.

Select Change Appearance from the item box in your
house to change some aspects of how your character looks.
8Prepare for the Hunt!There are a range of facilities in Astera.
While you're waiting for the download to complete, explore
what's available and prepare for the hunt.

Eating at the Canteen will give you a temporary boost on
your next quest, and you'll find a range of useful goods
for sale at the Provisions Stockpile.
9Welcome to the Training Area!Strike the various objects placed around the area to get
a feel for your weapon's move set.

If you'd like to try a different weapon, just head to the
item box to switch equipment.

All ammo and coating types are available to try out.
Using them or any other consumable items here will
not deplete any stock you own.
10Invalid MessageInvalid Message
11Quest CountdownYou're free to explore Astera until preparations
for the quest are complete

Grab a meal at the Canteen, shore up your supplies at the
Provisions Stockpile, get the latest gear from the Smithy
and Armory, then adjust your equipment and organize your
at the item box.

You'll be heading out into the field in no time!
12The Quest Begins!Take a look at the upper-left corner of the screen. When
the quest is ready to begin, you'll see a notification there.

Once you're prepared, press at any time to enter standby.
You can go on standby by pressing at one of Astera's gates.

From the Party Members' Status menu, selecting
Standby for Departure will have your party depart on
the quest as soon as all preparations are accounted for.

If you are the leader of the party, pressing will let
depart first with other members who are on standby.
13Things To Do Around CampCamp offers five basic amenities. Use them to prepare for
the hunt.

1) Tent
2) Supply Box
3) Quest Counter
4) Your Palico
5) Canteen

The camp Canteen offers the same meals that are
available in Astera.
14Check Your Gear!1) The Tent
The tent lets you swap out the items you're carrying
and change your and your Palico's equipment.

2) The Supply Box
The supply box contains useful items issued to hunters
free of charge by the Resource Center. Don't hesitate to take
them with you
, but remember to share when playing with
15Quest Counter and Palico Settings3) The Quest Counter
Speak to the Handler during an expedition to take on
new quests
. This is particularly handy if you want to keep
hunting with the same party in the same locale.

4) Your Palico
Your Palico can be found in camp. Speak to them to
choose whether to bring them with you on your hunt
or have them wait until you return.
16Fast TravelFast Travel
When you're ready to return to camp, press to open the
Wildlife Map, then select Camp to call a wingdrake to your
current location for a free ride back.

The wingdrakes can't approach while you're engaged in combat,
so fast travel is unavailable until the fighting is finished.
17The CanteenEating meals can boost stats such as health and stamina,
and grant special food skills.

Select the meal you wish to eat from the menu.
The meal effects are shown in the center of the screen.
Take a good look at each meal's effects to help you
determine which one will provide the best benefits for
your next hunt!

Food skills have a probability of being activated.
fresh ingredients to raise that probability.

Note that meal effects are not saved.
18MealsMeal effects end when any of the following happen:

– You complete a quest
– You return from a quest or expedition
– You faint during a quest or expedition

You can eat again at camp a short time after eating a meal
(about 10 minutes). Don't forget to eat again after fainting!

Meal effects will carry over when starting a quest during
an expedition, or when switching from an expedition in
one locale to another.
19Oven RoastingOven roasting cooks food over the time it takes to
complete one quest.

For example, if you oven roast some raw meat, once the quest
is done you'll return to find a ration!

Be sure to collect your cooked food on your way out to
the next quest.

Oven roasting requires research points.
20Ecological ResearchEcological Research is a facility that studies monsters.
Their studies can help you with your hunts and investigations.

Gathering monster tracks and the like will earn you research
. Collect enough, and your research level will go up,
giving you access to new features and intel that will make
your hunts easier.

You can also consult the monster field guide to view
monster info, such as habitat, weaknesses, and materials
that can be carved.
21Research LevelsResearch levels do not increase automatically.

When you see "Report to the Ecological Research team" on
the results screen, be sure to pay them a visit.

In the research level menu item, you'll also find your
scoutflies' level, which determines their abilities.
The higher your scoutflies' level, the sooner your scoutflies
will pick up the next set of monster tracks.
22The Gathering HubThe Celestial Pursuit is a Gathering Hub where up to 16 players
can get together for a hunt. It contains the following:

1) Arena Counter/Quest Counter
2) Event Manager
3) Notice Board
4) Canteen/your room/Hub Provisions

You can also engage fellow hunters in arm wrestling and
other fun activities.

Most of the facilities listed above are also available
during offline play.
23Gathering Hub Facilities1) Arena Counter/Quest Counter
Here, you can participate in arena quests and compete
against hunters from all over the world.

2) Event Manager
The reception desk for the in-game community.

3) Notice Board
Check here for your login bonuses and important notices.

4) Canteen/your room/Hub Provisions
These offer the same services as their HQ counterparts.
24Arena QuestsArena quests take place in the Arena with a fixed equipment
set. Compete against others for the fastest slaying time.
Once complete, you'll receive a reward based on your time
and see how you stack up against hunters worldwide.

Arena quests
Standard arena quests.
Challenge quests
Arena quests that are available for a limited time only.

Up to two players can participate in each multiplayer
arena quest, which can be started from the
Arena Counter.
You cannot join arena quests that are already in progress.
The leader can register your time on the world rankings.
25The Special ArenaThe Special Arena is decked out with cannons, ballistae,
and even a falling boulder trap!

Use this equipment to hunt your marks.

Hunt a monster on a quest or expedition to unlock
its Special Arena quest (some exceptions apply).

The order of quests on the quest board is random.
26SquadsSquads are invite-based in-game communities.

Join a squad and you'll...
– Gain access to a members-only Online Session
– Get a squad icon and name above your character's name and
on your Guild Card
– Be able to leave messages for squad mates even if they're not

...and more! So join up today and add a whole new dimension
to your game.

Non-squad members can join a squad's Online Session
via invitation or by entering the Online Session ID.
27Creating/Joining a SquadYou can join a squad by creating your own, or by being invited
by another player while in the Gathering Hub.

You can belong to up to eight squads at once, so feel free
to team up with different groups of friends and other
hunters with common goals.

One squad can have up to 50 members.

Only squad leaders have permission to invite and remove
members from the squad.
28Invalid MessageInvalid Message
29Upgrading WeaponsFirst, select the weapon you want to upgrade to.
You can use materials to upgrade to different weapons
with a variety of improved stats.

If you want more base weapons to enhance, you can create
more by selecting Forge Equipment at the Smithy, or by
purchasing them at the Armory.

Upgraded weapons can also be downgraded. The materials
used to upgrade the weapon will be returned to you.
30The WishlistSelect a weapon with the cursor and press to add it to
your wishlist.

Once you acquire all the necessary materials to create a
wishlisted item, you'll receive a message.

You can add weapons and armor to your wishlist from the
Forge Equipment screen.
31Upgrading ArmorEach piece of armor has a level.

You can use armor spheres to gain points, which are used
to raise your armor's level. The equipment's appearance
won't change, but its defense will increase.

There is a limit to the number of times a piece of
armor can be leveled up.

The number of points gained depends on the type of
Armor Sphere used.
32Forging EquipmentNew weapons and armor can be created by selecting
Forge Equipment.

Most weapons, however, can't be created via Forge Equipment.
Instead, you'll have to make a base weapon first, and then
upgrade it into a more powerful weapon via Upgrade Equipment.

All armor can be created via Forge Equipment.
33Equipment SkillsEquipment skills are helpful skills that remain active
as long as you have the piece of equipment equipped.
Each armor piece has its own skills.

Be sure to keep an eye on the skills when forging and
upgrading your gear!

If multiple pieces of gear share a skill, the skill's level
will be the
sum of each piece's skill level.
Equip sets of gear with the same skills to power
up those skills' effects.
34Augmenting EquipmentAfter upgrading a weapon to the end of its upgrade tree,
you can further tweak it by selecting Augmentations.

Check the weapon status on the right side of the screen to
see which augmentations have been made and how many
augmentation slots remain.

Augmentations cost money relative to the weapon's
rarity, as well as materials, which differ according to the
weapon and the augmentation type.
35Types of AugmentationWhen augmenting a weapon, there are five options to
choose from:
– Attack Increase
– Affinity Increase
– Defense Increase
– Slot Upgrade
– Health Regen

Enhancements chosen multiple times will stack.

Augmenting armor increases the number of times
it can be upgraded
. The armor can then be
upgraded normally via Upgrade Equipment.
36DecorationsDecorations are items with skills that
can be added to equipment.

Gear created or upgraded using materials earned from high
rank quests (6 and above) and high rank expeditions will
have up to three slots for decorations.

Adding decorations to those slots allows you to imbue your
gear with more powerful skills.
37Decoration LevelsDecorations and equipment slots both have levels from 1 to 3.

Decoration Levels
Higher level decorations contain more powerful skills.

Slot Levels
Slots can be filled with decorations of the same level
or lower. For example, a level 2 decoration cannot be
added to a level 1 slot.
38CharmsCharms are pieces of gear that can activate skills.
Only one can be equipped at a time.

Charms can be created by selecting Forge Equipment at the
Smithy. Some can be powered up via Upgrade Equipment,
strengthening the effects of the skill.
39MultiplayerIn multiplayer, you can enjoy quests and expeditions
in a team of up to four players formed from the maximum 16
players present in your Online Session.

Players in the same Online Session can communicate via chat
regardless of their locations.

quests can be joined while in progress!

Expeditions are unlocked as you progress through the game.

Multiplayer is not available during story-related Expeditions.
40Accepting a New QuestWhen choosing a quest, select "Post a New Quest," then
set the following options:

1) Players
How many hunters you wish to join the quest.
If you wish to play solo, set this number to 1.

2) Set Passcode
Choose four numbers to restrict the quest
to specific players.
41Joining QuestsSelect "Join a Quest" to participate in a quest or expedition
initiated by another player. Doing so will send the quest
leader a join request so they can approve you.

Join requests are set to auto accept by default.
To change this, select Quest Join Settings from options
to set join requests to

Expeditions are not listed at the Quest Counter unless an
SOS flare has been used.

If no one in your Online Session is recruiting for the
quest you want, you can select "
Online Sessions" to
move to a new session to try again.
42Joining Quests in ProgressMany quests and expeditions can be joined while in progress.

However, if you join a quest in progress after a set time has
passed since it was begun
, you will not receive credit for
completing the quest, and you will not earn the quest rewards.
Please keep this in mind when joining quests.

You will still retain any items carved from monsters or
gathered while on the quest.

Rewards for breaking monster parts or capturing monsters
will still be earned as long as the relevant conditions are met.
43The Resource CenterThe Resource Center oversees researcher requests and
manages the resources required for their investigations.

To do bounties you need to register beforehand, whereas delivery
can be completed just by handing in items.

When you unlock investigations during quests and expeditions,
check in with the Resource Center to make them available
as special quests.

You can view Resource Center information at any time from
the start menu under "Resource Center."
44BountiesBounties are missions you complete over the course of
your quests and expeditions.

First, check the critical bounties. Then pick a registered
. You can take on multiple bounties at once.

Most bounties will reward you with armor spheres and
research points. Once you've
completed the bounty,
drop by the Resource Center
to collect your reward.
45Critical Bounties and Registered BountiesRegistered Bounties
You can select up to six of these from the list to accept.
The list is updated when you return from a quest or
, so check back frequently.

Critical Bounties
These bounties unlock new facilities or upgrade existing
ones, and are accepted automatically.
They can all be completed in parallel with your registered
bounties and with one another.
46Limited BountiesLimited Bounties
These quests are offered periodically to online users around
the world, and are available for a limited time only.

When the next limited bounty is released, it will overwrite
the previous one. If you want to complete them all, be sure
to keep an eye on the expiry date!
47Turning in Delivery RequestsYou can complete the delivery requests you accept from
researchers by turning in the specified items at
the Resource Center.

Completing delivery requests will reward you with new
ingredients for the Canteen or upgrade your facilities.
48InvestigationsSometimes when collecting monster tracks or materials,
breaking monster parts, or after slaying monsters, you may
unlock a new investigation.

Check in with the Resource Center to make these
investigations available as special quests, which may have
additional reward slots or ask you to slay multiple monsters.
They also have a limit on how many times they can be taken.

The investigation you get depends on the area you were

Difficult investigations, such as multiple monster slayings,
will offer
better rewards in terms of both quality and quantity.
49Registering InvestigationsTo undertake an investigation, you must first go to the list
of available quests under Manage Investigations and register
the one(s) you wish to undertake.

You will then be able to accept it by going to the Quest
and selecting "Investigations."

There is a limit to the number of investigations you can
register, and to how many total investigations you can
have. When you can't register any more investigations,
to remove some.
50Tempered Monster InvestigationsWhile out on high rank expeditions, you may find tracks or
unlock investigations for Tempered Monsters:
exceptionally powerful members of their species.

While Tempered Monsters pose a terrible threat, defeating
one will yield materials that can be used for augmenting.
If you think you're up to the challenge, the rewards are well
worth the risk.

The chance of unlocking a Tempered Monster investigation
increases as you collect Tempered Monster tracks.
51ExpeditionsYou can depart on an expedition by selecting a
destination from the World Map without first accepting
a quest

Unlike quests, expeditions are very open-ended, and are
great if you want to freely explore the world.

Expeditions have the following special characteristics:
– There is no time limit
– You will not fail no matter how many times you faint
– There are no completion conditions or rewards, but you
will keep any materials you gather and points you earn
– Monsters will depart the field after a set time elapses
52Returning from ExpeditionsYou can decide when to return from an expedition.
Once you're done exploring, return by doing one the following:

1) Speak to the Handler at camp.
2) Select "Return from Expedition" from the menu.
3) Select "Astera" from the World Map.

When you return to camp after completing a quest, you will
automatically switch to an
expedition. If you then accept
a new quest from your handler, it will take less time to
prepare for that quest
, provided that the new quest takes
place in the same locale
53Capture QuestsCapture quests require you to:
1) Weaken the monster
2) Trap the monster
3) Use a tranquilizer to capture the monster alive

Be sure to bring the traps and tranquilizer you'll need with
you. You'll find them in your item box or the supply box.

Traps: shock traps, pitfall traps, etc.
Tranquilizers: tranq bombs, tranq ammo, etc.

Traps and tranquilizers can be crafted, or bought from the
Provisions Stockpile.
54Weakening MonstersYou must significantly weaken a monster before
you can capture it with tranquilizers.

Once a monster's health is low enough for tranquilizers
to be effective, it will begin to limp.

That's your cue to stop attacking and ready your traps.

Be careful not to deal too much more damage to the
monster, as accidentally slaying the target will result in
failing a capture quest.
55TrapsLimping monsters will attempt to flee to their nest in order
to recover their health.

Select a trap, such as a shock trap, from the item list
and place it in the monster's path with .

Once you've snared the weakened monster, you're nearly done
capturing it!

It can also be effective to place traps around the nest where
the monster is sleeping. Wake the monster up and lure it into
the traps you've set.
56Tranquilizing the TargetOnce you've successfully snared a monster in your trap,
select a tranq bomb from the item list and press to
throw it at your target so it hits the monster's face.
Once the monster is asleep, you've captured it!

You can also use tranq ammo when you're using
a ranged weapon.

Capturing a monster will also fulfill the completion
requirements for "hunt" quests. While you'll be unable to
carve items from your target, you'll gain different rewards
from the quest results screen than if you'd slayed it.
57Specialized ToolsSpecialized tools refer to clothing and equipment that
grants you useful unique skills.

For example, using a Ghillie Mantle will temporarily
prevent monsters from being able to see you.
58Effect Duration and Cooldown TimesSpecialized tools must be equipped and then used as items
for their effects to be activated.

They can be used an unlimited number of times, but have a
cooldown time after each use.

You can check the effects of any specialized tools you have
equipped from Equipment Info in the menu.
59The Tailraider SafariYou can dispatch Grimalkynes and other players'
Palicoes on Tailraider Safaris. They'll venture into
the field to gather items and materials and unlock
for you while you're out on quests
or expeditions.

It costs Research Points to dispatch a safari.

The Palicoes that join your safari are recruited from
hunters in your Squad, hunters whose Guild Cards you've
received, and hunters who you've recently played with.
60Dispatching the Tailraider SafariSelect a Safari
Each team of three has its own characteristics. The higher
their skill at gathering what you're after, the better
their results will be.

Select a Destination
Choose the area to dispatch the safari to and you'll be
presented with three routes. Use the item and monster
icons shown to decide which route to choose.

The number of s indicates the difficulty. A paw icon
indicates that local Tailraiders at that location will lend
a paw, increasing the safari's chances of success.
61Collecting RewardsRemember to Collect Your Rewards!
Once you return from a quest or expedition, the safari
will have completed one quest as well. Give them the order
to return when you're ready to collect their rewards.

Two Places Where You Can Manage Tailraider Safaris
You can manage safaris at the Research Base and via
your housekeeper.

As you make progress, you will be able to choose
from more teams to dispatch, and you will also get
additional safari destinations to choose from.
62The Elder MelderAt the Elder Melder, items can be converted into points,
which can be used to create powerful consumables
and bowgun ammunition.

While conventional crafting requires specific ingredients,
the Elder Melder offers a great degree of freedom.

Items marked with a bonus marker will yield 1.5
times the normal amount of points.

More features are available at the Elder Melder as you
progress in the game.
63Searching for ??? Rathian TracksAccept high rank expeditions and optional quests to gather
??? Rathian tracks and discover the true nature of this
enigmatic monster.

Collect enough ??? Rathian tracks and complete
quests to obtain research points.

Once you have enough points, report back to
Ecological Research and select Special Investigations.

A new assigned quest will then be issued.
64High Rank Quests and ExpeditionsSightings of powerful monsters have been reported throughout
the New World now more than ever before. Take on high rank
quests and expeditions
to investigate.

High Rank Quests
Quests with a rank of 6 or higher are considered "high rank."
Quests with a red will feature very powerful monsters.

High Rank Expeditions
To depart on a high rank expedition, ensure
High Rank is selected on the World Map.

Discovering a monster during a high rank expedition or
quest will unlock that monster's optional quest.
65Making Even Better Gear!Superior materials can be carved from the fearsome monsters
found on high rank quests and expeditions.

Once you've acquired some of these materials,
pay a visit to the Smithy.

There, you'll be able to use your hard-earned spoils to
create new gear of exceptional quality.
66The ArgosyThe Argosy is a trade ship that comes into port at random
to sell item sets to the hunter population.

The sets for sale change each time the ship docks. They often
include rare items unavailable for purchase elsewhere,
so they're well worth checking out.

After arriving, the Argosy will stay in port for the time it
takes you to complete three quests or expeditions. After
departing, it will remain gone for four to six quests.

You can use "Request Goods" to change the types of items
that will be sold during the next visit.
67Uncovering Nergigante's SecretsFind Nergigante by gathering its tracks, which your scoutflies
react to by turning blue, and by investigating all of the large
that dwell within the Elder's Recess by sighting them.

Once that's done, accept high rank expeditions and optional
around the world to gather Nergigante tracks and
pinpoint its habitat.

Once you've collected enough Nergigante research points,
report back to Ecological Research and a new assignment
will be issued.

You can also get research points by completing high rank quests.
68Investigate the Awoken Elder DragonsElder dragons around the New World are stirring.
Investigate by undertaking high rank expeditions and
, and gathering elder dragon tracks
that your scoutflies respond to in blue.

Once you've collected enough research points, report back to
Ecological Research by selecting "Special Investigations."

A new assigned quest will then be issued.

You can get research points from completing high rank quests.
69SOS FlaresHunting monsters on your own can get tough.

If you need a little help, send out a call to other hunters
around the world. They can then join your quest and
lend a hand.

Open the menu screen, head to the Quest menu, and
select "Fire SOS Flare." Your flare will then show up on
other players' quest boards.

SOS flares will reach players in other Online Sessions, too.

During expeditions, firing an SOS flare is the only way
to play multiplayer.
70Accepting/Rejecting Players Joining Mid-QuestWhen someone responds to your SOS flare, they'll automatically
join your quest in progress.

If you set the game to manually accept join requests, you will
receive a system message asking for permission to join the quest.

To accept a request, select join requests to see
a list of requests, and pick the one that you want.

There is no penalty for rejecting a join request.
71Delivery QuestsDelivery quests require you to collect special items.

Once gathered, these items are delivered automatically, and
do not get added to your item pouch. As a result, there is
no need to worry about running out of space, and no need
to manually deliver them.

Deliver the required number of items during the
to complete it.

Special items other than those specified by the quest are
automatically converted into zenny.
72Transport QuestsTransport quests require you to carry items that won't fit
in your item pouch, such as monster eggs, back to camp.

Once you've delivered the required number of items to the
supply box in camp, the quest is complete.
73TransportingYou cannot wield your weapon while transporting an item.

If you fall over or get attacked, you will drop the item
and need to transport it from the beginning again
Plan your route carefully!

You can still sprint, scale ledges, and move along walls
while transporting an item, but make sure you don't run out
of stamina.

You can drop the item you're transporting by pressing
but you won't be able to pick it up again.
74Customizing BowgunsBowguns can be enhanced by adding mods.

The number of mods that can be added varies depending on
the rarity of the bowgun. Multiple mods with the same
effect will stack, further enhancing that effect.

Rarity 1-2: One mod
Rarity 3-4: Two mods
Rarity 5+: Three mods

Use to scroll the center-right window and view
the changes caused by the added mods.
75Managing KinsectsInsect glaives are used together with a Kinsect,
and both can be enhanced independently.

To get a new Kinsect, select "Purchase Kinsect."
To enhance an existing Kinsect, select "Nurture a Kinsect."

As you progress through the game, the menu option
Kinsect Elements" will be unlocked. There, you can trade a
power level to add one of the following elements: fire,
water, ice, thunder, or dragon.

To equip a Kinsect, first equip the Insect Glaive you wish
to pair it with, then select "Equipment Box" from the
"Change Equipment" screen and choose a Kinsect.
76The Map/ScoutfliesYour scoutflies can guide you to monsters, Grimalkynes,
and gatherable items.

Press to open the Wildlife Map.

Use the cursor to select the target you wish to seek, then
press to place a pin on it. Your scoutflies will take it
from there.

During expeditions, simply collecting monster tracks will
not engage your scoutflies' guide feature. To do so, make
use of map
77Lucky VouchersWhen Lucky Vouchers are used when posting a quest,
you'll receive bonus rewards upon completing the quest.
Be sure to use vouchers whenever you have the chance!

- Random quest rewards are guaranteed to drop
- Reward money doubles

Note: Lucky Vouchers are obtained via login bonuses.
One voucher is delivered each day, and you can claim
up to five days' worth (five vouchers) of vouchers at once.

Also note that you can only carry a maximum of five
Lucky Vouchers at one time.
78Zorah Magdaros Quest AvailabilityZorah Magdaros's optional quest has been unlocked.

This quest will randomly appear when you finish any
quest, or return to Astera from an expedition.

Once it appears, it'll stay on the optional quest list
for a period of 2 quests, so don't let the opportunity
pass you by!

Hint: Pay close attention to the music and system

The odds of the quest appearing increases as your
hunter rank increases.
79Xeno'jiiva Quest AvailabilityXeno'jiiva's optional quest has been unlocked.

This quest will randomly appear when you finish
any quest, or return to Astera from an expedition.

Once it appears, it'll stay on the optional quest list for a
period of 2 quests, so don't let the opportunity pass you by!

Hint: Pay close attention to the music and system
. Note that Xeno'jiiva and Zorah Magdaros
optional quests will not appear at the same time.

From Hunter Rank 16, the odds of the quest appearing
go up as your hunter rank increases.
80Deviljho InvestigationThe World Eater, Deviljho has been spotted in the New World
and it's threatening the local ecosystem!

In every high rank locale, and 6 or 7 optional quests, you
may find Deviljho tracks that will help in your investigation...
or you may run into the beast itself!

Once you've gathered enough research points, talk to
the Jovial Scholar, who will issue a Special Assignment.

Special Assignments can yield special rewards.

Note: Deviljho can also appear in quests it is not listed in.
81Special AssignmentsSpecial Assignments are quests that are assigned to you
that are not related to the Elder Crossing.

To receive a Special Assignment, talk to anyone with
a blue exclamation mark above their head.
82Coordinated Investigation!The Kulve Taroth Siege is a special quest where
you team up with all hunters in the Celestial Pursuit.

Talk to the Hub Lass to join the Kulve Taroth Siege.
Special rewards can be obtained from Kulve Taroth's
metallic armor, and the more you progress in the
investigation, the better and more plentiful the rewards.

The Kulve Taroth Siege is available only in the
Celestial Pursuit for a limited time. Players can
join the siege in progress, but SOS flares cannot
be used.
83How to ProgressAll hunters in the Celestial Pursuit investigate one
Kulve Taroth. It begins once someone initiates the
Kulve Taroth Siege.

The final objective is to completely break Kulve Taroth's
giant horns, but to do so requires a thorough investigation.

Collect tracks, destroy parts, and whittle down its health
with other hunters using various methods to contribute to
the investigation
. By cooperating with other hunters, you
raise your chances of completing your objective before
Kulve Taroth retreats. The investigation is considered a
success once Kulve Taroth's horns are destroyed.
84Review Kulve Taroth Siege ProgressCheck Kulve Taroth's info to see investigation progress.

Pursuit Level: During an ongoing investigation, info about
Kulve Taroth is displayed in levels, based on the results
of everyone's contribution. The higher the level, the
better your chances of completing your objective.

Reward Level: The higher the reward level, the better the
. Complete research entries and you'll accumulate
points that will raise your reward level.

You can only receive a certain amount of points from other
parties. If your party completes an already completed
objective, the reward level will be overwritten.
85Kulve Taroth RewardsOnce Kulve Taroth's giant horns are broken off, the
investigation is considered complete.

Once it's complete, head to the quest counter in
the Celestial Pursuit to pick up any special rewards
you may have earned. Please note that rewards vary
depending on your reward level.

Each gathering hub investigates their own Kulve Taroth.
If you move to another gathering hub, your reward level will
reset and you can obtain your rewards. You can investigate
other Kulve Taroth during the available time period. Keep
in mind that your special rewards will be available even
after the Kulve Taroth Siege is no longer available.
86Investigate the Teostra in the Wildspire WasteTeostra has been spotted in the Wildspire Waste.

Post or join the special assignment, The Blazing Sun
to begin the investigation.

Special assignments involve objectives different from
the Research Commission's main mission of solving
the Elder Crossing. Speak to characters with a
blue !
to advance the special assignment

Special assignments give you special rewards once
they have been completed.
87Welcome to the Spring Blossom Fest!For a limited time, the Celestial Pursuit and its staff will
serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits.

A special seasonal platter will also be available, packed
with fresh ingredients. These ingredients are on the house!

Get the Handler and your Poogie into the spirit of things
with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official
site for the Spring Blossom Fest availability.

The Handler's special outfit is only available during
the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper
and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". The Poogie's
seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends.
88During the Spring Blossom FestDuring Astera's Spring Blossom Fest, many facilities and
features provide some extra perks!

1) Sales
During a fest, each facility features daily sales.

2) Event Quests
Event quests available only during the Spring Blossom Fest
and other challenge quests are available.

In addition, during a fest, most of the past event quests are
available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to
try again for a chance at special equipment!
89Spring Blossom Fest Perks3) Login Bonus
Not only will you get two Lucky Vouchers during a fest instead
of one, you'll also receive a special Spring Blossom Ticket!

4) Limited Bounties
Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during
feasts, and will reward you with Fireworks or Spring Blossom

Fireworks is a consumable item. Use them when you're out
on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by
using a Spring Blossom Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder.
90Welcome to the Summer Twilight Fest!For a limited time, the Celestial Pursuit and its staff will
serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits.

A special seasonal platter will also be available, packed
with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house!

Get the Handler and your Poogie into the spirit of things
with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official
site for the Summer Twilight Fest availability.

The Handler's special outfit is only available during
the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper
and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's
seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends.
91During the Summer Twilight FestDuring the Summer Twilight Fest, many facilities and
features provide some extra perks!

1) Sales
During a fest, each facility features daily sales.

2) Event Quests
Event quests available only during the Summer Twilight Fest
and other challenge quests are available.

In addition, during a fest, most of the past event quests are
available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to
try again for a chance at special equipment!
92Summer Twilight Fest Perks3) Login Bonus
Not only will you get two Lucky Vouchers during a fest instead
of one, you'll also receive a special Summer Twilight Ticket!

4) Limited Bounties
Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during
fests, and will reward you with Fireworks or Summer Twilight

Fireworks is a consumable item. Use them when you're out
on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by
using a Summer Twilight Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder.
93Welcome to the Autumn Harvest Fest!For a limited time, the Celestial Pursuit and its staff will
serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits.

A special seasonal platter will also be available, packed
with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house!

Get the Handler and your Poogie into the spirit of things
with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official
site for the Autumn Harvest Fest availability.

The Handler's special outfit is only available during
the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper
and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's
seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends.
94During the Autumn Harvest FestDuring the Autumn Harvest Fest, many facilities and
features provide some extra perks!

1) Sales
During a fest, each facility features daily sales.

2) Event Quests
Event quests available only during the Autumn Harvest Fest
and other challenge quests are available.

In addition, during a fest, most of the past event quests are
available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to
try again for a chance at special equipment!
95Autumn Harvest Fest Perks3) Login Bonus
Not only will you get two Lucky Vouchers during a fest instead
of one, you'll also receive a special Autumn Harvest Ticket!

4) Limited Bounties
Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during
fests, and will reward you with Fireworks or Autumn Harvest

Fireworks is a consumable item. Use them when you're out
on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by
using an Autumn Harvest Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder.
96Welcome to the Winter Star Fest!For a limited time, the Celestial Pursuit and its staff will
serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits.

A special seasonal platter will also be available, packed
with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house!

Get the Handler and your Poogie into the spirit of things
with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official
site for Winter Star Fest availability.

The Handler's special outfit is only available during
the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper
and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's
seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends.
97During the Winter Star FestDuring the Winter Star Fest, many facilities and
features provide some extra perks!

1) Sales
During a fest, each facility features daily sales.

2) Event Quests
Event quests available only during the Winter Star Fest
and other challenge quests are available.

In addition, during a fest, most of the past event quests are
available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to
try again for a chance at special equipment!
98Winter Star Fest Perks3) Login Bonus
Not only will you get two Lucky Vouchers during a fest instead
of one, you'll also receive a special Winter Star Ticket!

4) Limited Bounties
Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during
fests, and will reward you with Fireworks or Winter Star

Fireworks are a consumable item. Use them when you're out
on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by
using an Winter Star Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder.
99Welcome to the Appreciation Fest!For a limited time, the Celestial Pursuit and its staff will
serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits.

A special appreciation platter will also be available, packed
with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house!

Get the Handler and your Poogie into the spirit of things
with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official
site for Appreciation Fest availability.

The Handler's special outfit is only available during
the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper
and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's
seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends.
100During the Appreciation FestDuring the Appreciation Fest, many facilities and
features provide some extra perks!

1) Sales
During a fest, each facility features daily sales.

2) Event Quests
Event quests available only during the Appreciation Fest
and other challenge quests are available.

In addition, during a fest, most of the past event quests are
available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to
try again for a chance at special equipment!
101Appreciation Fest Perks3) Login Bonus
Not only will you get three Lucky Vouchers during a fest instead
of one, you'll also receive a special Appreciation Ticket!

4) Limited Bounties
Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during
fests, and will reward you with Fireworks or Appreciation

Fireworks are a consumable item. Use them when you're out
on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by
using an Appreciation Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder.
102Layered ArmorNew delivery requests have been added that will let
you forge layered armor from the Kulve Taroth Siege.

Complete the requests to receive the layered armor.

About Layered Armor
Layered armor does not have any special traits, but
instead is something you wear over your current armor
to change your appearance.

To change layered armor, go to your living quarters
and select "Change Appearance" while accessing your
Item Box.
103Search the Wildspire Waste for AnomaliesAn unknown lifeform has been spotted in the
Wildspire Waste.

Post or join the special assignment,
A Visitor from Another World to begin the investigation.

Special assignments involve objectives different from
the Research Commission's main mission of solving
the Elder Crossing. Speak to characters with a
blue !
to advance the special assignment.

Special assignments give you special rewards once
they have been completed.
104Team Together to Fight the Behemoth!There are some special rules that are applied to the
quests that feature the Behemoth.

1. Multiplayer is highly recommended, kupo!
We recommend tackling this quest with a full group
of four hunters. Try to find friends and meet up at
the gathering hub.

2. Drawing enmity is a good thing, kupo!
Enmity is when the monster has its sights set on you.
Once the monster concentrates enmity on one player,
you can seal certain powerful attacks, kupo! This is
when your teammates should attack! But remember
to support your teammates if they draw enmity, kupo!
105Controlling Enmity is the Key, Kupo!3. Raise enmity by attacking the head, kupo!
Attacking the Behemoth's head repeatedly raises enmity.
When a red line is displayed, that's when you've successfully
drawn the Behemoth's gaze, kupo! Weapons with strong
blocking capabilities raise enmity easier, but each weapon
has their own unique characteristic.

4. Watch the Comet!
By hiding in the shadow of the Comets that appears during the
quest, you can avoid damage from the extremely powerful
Ecliptic Meteor attack, kupo! This is vital to your success!
But Comet can be destroyed by either hunter or the
Behemoth. Try to position yourself in a place where it's
easy to hide but Comet is hard to break, kupo!
106Investigate Arch-tempered Kulve TarothThe existence of an Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth has
been confirmed! Investigate this menacing monster
and draw out its true power.

Obtain new Kulve Taroth weapons
Due to the appearance of an Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth,
siege objectives have been revised. By completing specific
objectives, you'll have a chance at receiving new rainbow
rewards that are more powerful than gold rewards

Some new siege objectives will be considered incomplete
if you return from the siege and your pursuit level is at 1.
107Investigate the Anomaly at the Research Base.Something has happened at the Research Base.
Head there at your earliest convenience.

This is a special assignment unrelated to the Research
Commission's main mission of solving the Elder Crossing.
Speak to the Third Fleet member with a
blue ! above her
head to advance the special assignment.

This special assignment has voice options for
English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. Adjust
the language to get the most authentic experience
for this collaboration title!
108Take on the Woodland Spirit with a Group of Hunters!Another leshen has been sighted in the Ancient Forest.

This one seems to be even more powerful than the last.
Team up with other Hunters to take it down.

If you're going to take on this leshen, the item and
gesture Geralt of Rivia gave you
will come in handy.

We recommend you complete the special assignment,
Contract: Trouble in the Ancient Forest before accepting
this quest.
109Find all Branches of this Special Assignment!You can play the special assignment Contract:
Trouble in the Ancient Forest
, a collaboration
with "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt," as many times
as you want

Step into Geralt of Rivia's shoes once more
and try to find all of the side quests and endings.
Complete all of the side quests in one playthrough
and you'll be awarded the "Wild Hunt" title at the end.
110Flame ManipulationYour Hunter has learned Flame Manipulation.

Either use the Hunter Runestone you received
from Geralt of Rivia from your item pouch, or
perform the The Witcher 3: Flame Manipulation
gesture to spray fire at your enemies.
111Upgrade Your Magic with the Geralt of Rivia Full Armor SetEquip the Geralt of Rivia Full Armor Set to
upgrade your magic with the Igni Intensity skill.

The Hunter Runestone you received from Geralt
will turn into an Igni Sign, granting a significant
boost in magic power. Use it to your advantage!

Similarly, the gesture you received will change to
The Witcher 3: Igni Sign, and increase your
magical prowess even more!