Panel Tutorial /112
# | Name | Description |
0 | 何謂加工屋? | 可使用狩獵獲得的 來 將從任務報酬或 《 並調整裝備吧。 |
1 | 何謂植生研究所? | 植生研究所是一個可委託生產 並可進行 請選擇想要增加的道具。 收穫則依每個道具所設定的 ※若收穫箱滿了,將不會繼續增加。 (水池前的籠子會顯示收穫狀況) |
2 | 肥料、設施等級與收穫箱 | 使用調查點數後 每一次栽培的 提升設施等級後, 一次可栽培的 若追加收穫箱,在去領取前 可先收穫許多道具並存放 必須完成各自特定的條件。 |
3 | 何謂任務? | 有討伐魔物等各種目的的任務。 請先至《 可無限次自由遊玩的任務。 有 |
4 | 獵人的武器共有14種 | 獵人狩獵使用的《 各個動作皆有很大的差異。 如一擊攻擊威力很大的 很重但可發射強力射擊的 請從各自擁有不同特徵的 可前往 就在鍛鍊區域嘗試不同的武器動作直到滿足為止吧。 |
5 | 由5個零件構成的防具 | Each piece offers some amount of skills however you like to suit your play style. You can save to your favorite gear combinations. |
6 | 下載完成前,先在《 星辰 》散步吧! | 在「 請先在調查據點「星辰」內好好享受一下設施吧。 |
7 | 練習狩獵的動作吧! | 共有 與在小屋中的 前往鍛鍊區域 看看吧。 選擇《 再次確認創建角色的部分造型。 |
8 | 做好狩獵的準備吧! | 另外在調查據點中還有各種的設施。 在 請先做好狩獵的 用餐後可暫時提高在任務中的力量。 可購買在狩獵中使用的道具。 |
9 | 歡迎來到鍛鍊區域! | 攻擊設施內的各種物件, 藉此確認 若也想測試其他的武器時, 請在道具箱中變更裝備。 |
10 | Invalid Message | Invalid Message |
11 | 在出發進行任務前,請稍等片刻。 | 在 可 可在用餐地區中 在補給物資所中 在加工屋或武器店中 道具箱中 |
12 | 出發進行任務! | Take a look at the the quest is ready to begin, you'll see a notification there. From the the quest as soon as all preparations are accounted for. you |
13 | 營地中可做的事 | 在出發狩獵前,先做好裝備吧。 ②補給品箱 ③任務櫃台 ④隨從 ⑤用餐地區 |
14 | 出發前檢查攜帶物品! | ① 在帳篷裡可 ② 補給品箱裡有由調查資源管理所 但別忘了多人遊玩時,需和其他人分配使用。 |
15 | 任務櫃台與隨從的設定 | ③ 和接待員對話後, 探索時,可 想與相同成員在相同原野繼續狩獵時,可以很便利使用。 ④ 與在營地中坐著的隨從對話後, 可選擇將隨從 或是讓隨從 |
16 | 關於快速的移動 | 想返回營地時,請按下 打開 即可在原野中的任何地方 騎乘翼龍返回營地。 因此無法使用快速的移動。 |
17 | 何謂用餐地區? | 可藉由 餐點請從《 好好查看畫面中央的餐點效果, 並食用適合狩獵目的的定食吧。 使用 |
18 | 用餐的規則 | 餐點的 但 可在營地中 力竭倒下時,就再次用餐吧。 完成任務。 從任務或從探索中歸來。 在任務或探索中力竭倒下。 其他原野探索時,餐點效果會持續不斷。 |
19 | 何謂鍋燒? | 例如「生肉」與鍋燒組合, 任務結束以後,會完成「隨身食物」。 在前往下次任務時,去向 或是到用餐地區領取 |
20 | 何謂生態研究所? | 是可研究、調查魔物的生態 及對狩獵有幫助的設施。 可藉由採集魔物的痕跡等等來累積 可提升《 便可升級對獵人狩獵有用的功能或情報。 此外,觀看 便可得知魔物的生態、弱點 或是可獲得的素材等相關的 |
21 | 何謂研究等級? | 結算畫面上若顯示了「 便請前往 等級愈高,會愈早開始 誘導至下次的痕跡或魔物身邊。 |
22 | 何謂集會區域? | The Celestial Pursuit is a can get together for a hunt. It contains the following: 2) Event Manager 3) Notice Board 4) Canteen/your room/Hub Provisions other fun activities. Most of the facilities listed above are also available during offline play. |
23 | 關於集會區域的設施 | 1) Here, you can participate in against hunters from all over the world. 2) The reception desk for the in-game community. 3) Check here for your login bonuses and important notices. 4) These offer the same services as their HQ counterparts. |
24 | 何謂鬥技大會任務? | 這是以鬥技場為舞台,用每個任務所限定的裝備, 來比較魔物的 完成後可獲得與討伐時間相對應的報酬, 還可與全世界的獵人比賽討伐時間。 挑戰常設的鬥技大會任務。 挑戰期間限定的鬥技大會任務。 請從 ※隊長可將完成時間登錄至世界排名。 |
25 | 何謂特殊鬥技場? | 是以設置了大砲、弩砲、落石陷阱等等裝置的 特殊鬥技場為舞台的任務。 會解放該魔物的特殊鬥技場任務 (不包含部分例外的魔物) 但是會以隨機形式出現在任務板。 |
26 | 何謂小隊? | Join a squad and you'll... – Get a squad icon and name above your character's name and on your Guild Card – Be able to leave messages for squad mates even if they're not online ...and more! So join up today and add a whole new dimension to your game. via invitation or by entering the Online Session ID. |
27 | 建立與參加小隊吧 | 或是 邀請來參加。 最多可所屬 若是有合得來的好友,或是要集結目的相同的獵人 就 ※邀請人進入小隊與成員的退出權限 只有隊長才有。 |
28 | Invalid Message | Invalid Message |
29 | 關於強化武器裝備 | 請從作為強化基底的 會根據使用的素材 ※ 可以《生產裝備》製作或是從武器店購買。 ※武器可降級。 降級會歸還強化時所用的素材。 |
30 | 便利功能《欲購清單》 | 游標對準任意武器按下 即可登錄《 當登錄欲購清單的裝備品材料全部備齊時, 系統訊息便會發送 武器與防具的《欲購清單》。 |
31 | 關於強化防具裝備 | 各個 請輸入消耗 所需要的強化點數。 可不改變外觀並 ※鎧玉在每個等級能獲得的點數皆不相同。 |
32 | 何謂生產裝備? | 《 可製作新的武器或防具。 許多武器無法直接以《生產裝備》來製作。 《 再從《強化裝備》製作衍生的強大武器吧。 防具可在《 |
33 | 關於裝備技能 | 《 用來輔助狩獵的 每個防具零件皆有設定技能。 確認過會發動的《 再生產、強化吧。 若裝備了多個會發動相同技能的裝備品, 則會得到更強大的效果。 |
34 | 何謂客製強化? | 《 可強化的次數與強化內容 請從畫面右邊顯示的狀態確認。 也會有對應其強化內容所需的素材。 |
35 | 客製強化的內容 | 請從5種強化項目中,選擇1項。 ※強化項目…… /強化鑲嵌槽/賦予恢復能力 進行多次相同的強化時,效果會重複。 強化防具請在《強化裝備》中進行。 |
36 | 何謂穿脫裝飾品? | 秘藏有《 由進階任務(★6以後)或進階探索中獲得的素材 生產、強化的裝備品有用來裝備裝飾品的 《 將裝飾品嵌入鑲嵌槽, 可發動比以前更強大的裝備技能。 |
37 | 關於裝飾品的等級 | 各自設定了1~3個 等級愈高裝飾品,愈能發動更強大的 裝備技能。 可嵌入鑲嵌槽等級以下的裝飾品。 例如,等級1的鑲嵌槽無法嵌入 等級2以上的裝飾品。 |
38 | 何謂護石? | 僅可裝備1個。 護石可在加工屋中的《 部分的護石可利用《 裝備技能的等級。 |
39 | 享受多人遊玩的樂趣吧 | 任務或探索可與在集會區域裡的 16人之中 一同享受 都可利用聊天溝通交流。 ※許多的 的。 ※探索會隨著遊戲的發展進行而解放。 |
40 | 何謂承接新任務? | 承接任意的任務時請選擇這裡。 可在《 ① 可接受指定人數的參加請求。 想 ② 想與特定的用戶遊玩時,請使用此功能。 |
41 | 何謂參加任務? | 想參加其他玩家承接的任務或探索時, 請選擇這裡。 獲得隊長 可從選項《參加任務承認設定》 變更為《 ※《探索》只要未發出救難信號, 就不會載入任務櫃台,無法中途參加。 ※沒有希望參加的募集時,可利用《 集會區域。 |
42 | 關於中途參加 | 多數的任務與探索隨時 但是, 時,將不被認定為完成任務, 無法獲得任務所設定的報酬, 請注意。 以及任務中所採集的道具。 ※破壞部位報酬、捕獲報酬等等, 只要滿足發生條件即可取得。 |
43 | 何謂調查資源管理所? | 各種委託與調查所需資源的設施。 此外,可從任務或探索中發現的 《 產生《 《確認調查資源管理所》進行確認。 |
44 | 何謂獎金? | 通過任務或探索來解決的課題 即是 首先確認《 與登錄《 可同時進行多個獎金。 當獎金 |
45 | 《登錄》為手動登錄,《重要》為自動登錄 | 為登錄制的課題。可從清單 可選擇的獎金列表 會在從任務或探索 與解放設施等相關,會 獎金。 可全部同時進行。 |
46 | 《發布》為期間限定 | 定期會在線上發布的 新的發布獎金在發布後,便會 如欲完成所有的發布獎金, 請多注意每次的發布時間。 |
47 | 交貨委託從這裡交貨 | 從調查員那裡承接的 可經由運送 達成交貨委託後,可增加用餐地區的食材等等, 主要可升級設施的功能。 |
48 | 何謂調查任務? | 獲得魔物的痕跡、破壞部位、討伐魔物時等等, 可獲得《 由《 限制承接次數等等,與其他任務不同類型的 《 原野有關連。 ※多次討伐等等, 報酬的質量與欄位會 |
49 | 調查任務不登錄就無法遊玩 | To undertake an investigation, you must first go to the list of available quests under the one(s) you wish to undertake. You will then be able to accept it by going to the Counter register, and to how many total investigations you can have. When you can't register any more investigations, press |
50 | 何謂歷戰個體的調查任務? | 在進階探索裡,可發現各魔物中特別強大 被稱為《 狩獵《 所需的素材。 對身手有自信的獵人,請挑戰看看 調查報告機會將會愈高。 |
51 | 何謂探索? | 《 因此是最用來調查原野的適手段。 探索的主要特徵為 ‧無論力竭倒下多少次都不會失敗。 ‧沒有達成條件,所以也沒有達成報酬。 但可帶回採集的素材、各種點數等等。 ‧魔物經過一定時間後,會離開原野。 |
52 | 從探索中返回? | 探索的返回時機由玩家自行決定。 請用以下方式 ①與營地的 ②從選單中選擇《 ③從全域地圖中選擇《 從營地中的接待員那裡 承接任務時, 就能縮短準備時間 |
53 | 何謂捕獲任務? | 魔物的捕獲任務即是 ① 別忘了從補給品箱或道具箱中帶上捕獲 所需的《 |
54 | 將魔物削弱至行動不便為止吧 | 麻醉藥對有活力的魔物無效。 首先請持續給予傷害來 魔物的 便會開始行動不便 若開始行動不便了,便停止攻擊, 開始著手準備陷阱。 |
55 | 捕獲時不可缺的陷阱 | 開始行動不便的魔物 會為了回復體力而返回 請從道具清單中選擇麻痺陷阱等等的 並在魔物的移動路線上按下 若是虛弱的魔物中了陷阱, 那麼離捕獲成功就只差一小步了。 將魔物叫醒並將其誘導至陷阱吧。 |
56 | 只要用麻醉藥使魔物睡著,捕獲就成功了! | 若是虛弱的魔物中了陷阱, 便從道具清單中選擇 為了將麻醉粉末撒向 請按下 等魔物睡著後,就 ※達成條件為《狩獵》的任務,在捕獲魔物後也算任務完成。 雖然捕獲時無法執行剝取, 但結算所獲得的素材會與討伐時不同。 |
57 | 何謂特殊裝備? | 會帶給玩家對狩獵有幫助的 衣服或道具就稱為 例如,《 可以發揮出從魔物的視線隱藏一定時間的效果。 |
58 | 效果時間與再使用使間 | 特殊裝備可於《 透過《 雖可使用無數次,但每使用一次後, 則必須過了《 請多注意。 可從選單中的《裝備一覽》進行確認。 |
59 | 何謂隨從探險隊? | 是可派遣其他玩家的 前往探險, 並在玩家執行任務或探索的期間, 的設施。請務必多多利用。 ※在同樣的小隊、持有的公會名片、最進一起遊玩的玩家, 其玩家的隨從均可參加隨從探險隊。 |
60 | 關於隨從探險隊的派遣方法 | 1支隊伍由3個成員組成,請確認探險隊的特性。 對想收集的東西的能力愈高, 愈能期待更好的報酬。 選擇想派遣的原野後,會再顯示3條路線。 請參考道具或魔物的圖示 來選擇路線。 讓當地的隨從們參加,成功率會更加提高。 |
61 | 關於領取報酬 | 玩家玩過1次任務或探索後, 探險隊也會完成1個任務。 所以請在想領取報酬的時機返回吧。 從小屋的 也可對隨從探險隊下達指示。 會隨著遊戲進行而增加。 |
62 | 何謂神秘鍊金? | 可在此設施將作為材料的道具變換為 生成效果高的 與調合相比,使用的材料自由度高是其特徵。 可得到的鍊金值將變成1.5倍。 ※鍊金選單會隨著遊戲進行而逐漸追加。 |
63 | 調查雌火龍吧。 | 請承接各地的 並對 收集《 完成任務,可累積 等累積了足夠的 《 |
64 | 何謂進階任務與進階探索? | 在各地開始目擊到比以前更加 出發前往 為 會有強大的魔物登場。 選擇 請確認已變成《 該魔物的進階自由任務即解放。 |
65 | 製作更強大的裝備! | 可剝取更加 若是獲得了在進階中登場的魔物素材, 就前往 可製作出更加 |
66 | 何謂交易船? | 交易船會 道具的設施。 組合販售的內容在每次來航時都會改變。 因此若是看到了,就前去看看吧。 出港後,在4~6次任務之內是不會回來的。 ※當提出《進貨需求》後, 可縮小下次來航時的組合內容之範圍。 |
67 | 揭露滅盡龍的生態 | 為探尋 並調查棲息在龍結晶之地中 (請 之後,承接各地的 來追查牠們的生態吧。 累積足夠的滅盡龍 前往 |
68 | 調查各地開始活躍的古龍吧 | 在各地 請承接各地的 並收集從導蟲身上發出 對古龍群體進行調查。 等累積了足夠的 《 |
69 | 發送救難信號試試吧 | 單獨狩獵魔物偶爾會有困難的時候。 向全世界「Monster Hunter: World」玩家 發出 請打開選單畫面,並選擇任務選單中的 《 其他玩家的任務櫃台 會接收到救難信號。 ※探索如不發出救難信號無法進行多人遊玩。 |
70 | 關於允許與拒絕中途參加 | 其他玩家若是承接自己發出的救難信號任務 ,即會自動承認,並可中途參加 參加請求會送到系統訊息中。 屆時請選擇選單中的《 送來的參加請求會顯示在成員一覽中, 請選擇喜歡的成員吧。 |
71 | 何謂交貨任務? | 即是以任務將指定為 採集特產品後,不會納入道具袋, 而會 因此不需要縮減持有物也不需執行交貨動作。 只要 |
72 | 何謂搬運任務? | 搬運任務是將 無法放入道具袋的道具 只要在營地中的《 就算完成任務。 |
73 | 搬運中毫無防備!? | You cannot wield your weapon while transporting an item. If you fall over or get attacked, you will and need to transport it from the beginning again Plan your route carefully! while transporting an item, but make sure you don't run out of stamina. You can drop the item you're transporting by pressing but you won't be able to pick it up again. |
74 | 何謂客製弩槍? | Bowguns can be The number of mods that can be added varies depending on the rarity of the bowgun. effect will stack, further enhancing that effect. Rarity 3-4: Two mods Rarity 5+: Three mods the changes caused by the added mods. |
75 | 何謂管理獵蟲? | 操蟲棍是可與 各自可 欲強化獵蟲時,請選擇《 欲增加時,請選擇《 以力量等級作為交換, 可附加火、水、冰、雷、龍其中任一種屬性。 ※獵蟲的裝備,請在裝備了欲組合之操蟲棍的狀態下, 從《變更裝備》進行。 |
76 | 關於生態地圖與導引功能 | Your and gatherable items. Press Use the cursor to select the target you wish to seek, then press from there. not engage your scoutflies' guide feature. To do so, make use of map |
77 | 何謂激運票? | When you'll receive Be sure to use vouchers whenever you have the chance! One voucher is delivered each day, and you can claim up to five days' worth (five vouchers) of vouchers at once. Also note that you can only carry a maximum of five |
78 | 關於熔山龍的自由任務 | 此任務是玩過任何一項任務,或每次從 探索返回調查據點時,以 當任務出現後,會持續2次任務的時間, 請不要錯失機會挑戰看看吧。 ※ |
79 | Xeno'jiiva Quest Availability | 此任務是玩過任一項任務,或每次從 探索返回調查據點時,以 當任務出現後,會持續2次任務的時間, 請不要錯失機會挑戰看看吧。 ※HR16之後, 冥燈龍或熔山龍其中一個任務的 會增加。 |
80 | Deviljho Investigation | The World Eater, and it's threatening the local ecosystem! In every may find or you may run into Once you've gathered enough the Note: Deviljho can also appear in quests it is not listed in. |
81 | Special Assignments | that are not related to the Elder Crossing. To receive a Special Assignment, talk to anyone with a |
82 | Coordinated Investigation! | The you Talk to the metallic armor, and the more you progress in the investigation, the better and more plentiful the rewards. The Celestial Pursuit for a join the siege in progress, but SOS flares cannot be used. |
83 | How to Progress | All hunters in the Celestial Pursuit investigate one Kulve Taroth. It begins once someone initiates the The final objective is to completely break Kulve Taroth's giant horns, but to do so requires a thorough investigation. with other hunters using various methods to the investigation raise your chances of completing your objective before Kulve Taroth retreats. The investigation is considered a success once |
84 | Review Kulve Taroth Siege Progress | Check Kulve Taroth is displayed in levels, based on the results of everyone's contribution. The higher the level, the better your chances of completing your objective. rewards points that will You can only receive a certain amount of points from other parties. If your party completes an already completed objective, the reward level will be overwritten. |
85 | Kulve Taroth Rewards | Once Kulve Taroth's giant horns are broken off, the investigation is considered complete. Once it's complete, head to the the you may have earned. Please note that rewards vary depending on your If you move to another gathering hub, your reward level will reset and you can obtain your rewards. You can investigate other Kulve Taroth during the available time period. Keep in mind that your special rewards will be available even after the Kulve Taroth Siege is no longer available. |
86 | Investigate the Teostra in the Wildspire Waste | Post or join the to begin the investigation. the Research Commission's main mission of solving the Elder Crossing. Speak to characters with a Special assignments give you special rewards once they have been completed. |
87 | Welcome to the Spring Blossom Fest! | For a limited time, the serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits. A special with fresh ingredients. These ingredients are on the house! Get the with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official site for the The Handler's special outfit is only available during the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". The Poogie's seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends. |
88 | During the Spring Blossom Fest | During Astera's Spring Blossom Fest, many facilities and features provide some extra perks! 1) During a fest, each facility features daily sales. 2) Event quests available and other challenge quests are available. In addition, during a fest, most of the available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to try again for a chance at special equipment! |
89 | Spring Blossom Fest Perks | 3) Not only will you get of one, you'll also receive a special 4) Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during feasts, and will reward you with Tickets on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by using a Spring Blossom Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder. |
90 | Welcome to the Summer Twilight Fest! | For a limited time, the serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits. A special with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house! Get the with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official site for the The Handler's special outfit is only available during the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends. |
91 | During the Summer Twilight Fest | During the Summer Twilight Fest, many facilities and features provide some extra perks! 1) During a fest, each facility features daily sales. 2) Event quests available and other challenge quests are available. In addition, during a fest, most of the available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to try again for a chance at special equipment! |
92 | Summer Twilight Fest Perks | 3) Not only will you get of one, you'll also receive a special 4) Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during fests, and will reward you with Tickets on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by using a Summer Twilight Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder. |
93 | Welcome to the Autumn Harvest Fest! | For a limited time, the serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits. A special with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house! Get the with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official site for the The Handler's special outfit is only available during the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends. |
94 | During the Autumn Harvest Fest | During the Autumn Harvest Fest, many facilities and features provide some extra perks! 1) During a fest, each facility features daily sales. 2) Event quests available and other challenge quests are available. In addition, during a fest, most of the available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to try again for a chance at special equipment! |
95 | Autumn Harvest Fest Perks | 3) Not only will you get of one, you'll also receive a special 4) Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during fests, and will reward you with Tickets on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by using an Autumn Harvest Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder. |
96 | Welcome to the Winter Star Fest! | For a limited time, the serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits. A special with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house! Get the with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official site for The Handler's special outfit is only available during the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends. |
97 | During the Winter Star Fest | During the Winter Star Fest, many facilities and features provide some extra perks! 1) During a fest, each facility features daily sales. 2) Event quests available and other challenge quests are available. In addition, during a fest, most of the available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to try again for a chance at special equipment! |
98 | Winter Star Fest Perks | 3) Not only will you get of one, you'll also receive a special 4) Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during fests, and will reward you with Tickets on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by using an Winter Star Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder. |
99 | Welcome to the Appreciation Fest! | For a limited time, the serve all hunters in vivid seasonal outfits. A special with fresh ingredients. And they're on the house! Get the with special outfits! Check the Notice Board or the official site for The Handler's special outfit is only available during the event. To change outfits, talk to the Housekeeper and select "Change the Handler's Outfit". Your Poogie's seasonal outfits can still be used even after the event ends. |
100 | During the Appreciation Fest | During the Appreciation Fest, many facilities and features provide some extra perks! 1) During a fest, each facility features daily sales. 2) Event quests available and other challenge quests are available. In addition, during a fest, most of the available again! If you missed out the first time, make sure to try again for a chance at special equipment! |
101 | Appreciation Fest Perks | 3) Not only will you get of one, you'll also receive a special 4) Weekly Limited Bounties will change on a daily basis during fests, and will reward you with Tickets on a quest or expedition. You can craft more of them by using an Appreciation Ticket when talking to the Elder Melder. |
102 | Layered Armor | New you forge Complete the requests to receive the layered armor. Layered armor does not have any special traits, but instead is something you wear over your current armor to To change layered armor, go to your and select " Item Box. |
103 | Search the Wildspire Waste for Anomalies | An Wildspire Waste. Post or join the the Research Commission's main mission of solving the Elder Crossing. Speak to characters with a Special assignments give you special rewards once they have been completed. |
104 | Team Together to Fight the Behemoth! | There are some special rules that are applied to the quests that feature the We recommend tackling this quest with a full group of four hunters. Try to find friends and meet up at the gathering hub. Enmity is when the monster has its sights set on you. Once the monster concentrates enmity on one player, you can seal certain powerful attacks, kupo! This is when your teammates should attack! But remember to support your teammates if they draw enmity, kupo! |
105 | Controlling Enmity is the Key, Kupo! | When a drawn the Behemoth's gaze, kupo! Weapons with strong blocking capabilities raise enmity easier, but each weapon has their own unique characteristic. By quest, you can avoid damage from the extremely powerful But Comet can be destroyed by either hunter or the Behemoth. Try to position yourself in a place where it's easy to hide but Comet is hard to break, kupo! |
106 | Investigate Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth | The existence of an been confirmed! Investigate this menacing monster and Due to the appearance of an Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth, siege objectives have been revised. By completing specific objectives, you'll have a chance at receiving rewards that are more powerful than gold rewards if you return from the siege and your pursuit level is at 1. |
107 | Investigate the Anomaly at the Research Base. | Head there at your earliest convenience. Commission's main mission of solving the Elder Crossing. Speak to the Third Fleet member with a head to advance the special assignment. This special assignment has voice options for the language to get the most authentic experience for this collaboration title! |
108 | Take on the Woodland Spirit with a Group of Hunters! | Another This one seems to be even more powerful than the last. Team up with other Hunters to take it down. gesture Geralt of Rivia gave you this quest. |
109 | Find all Branches of this Special Assignment! | You can play the special assignment Trouble in the Ancient Forest with "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt," as you want Step into Geralt of Rivia's shoes once more and try to find all of the and you'll be awarded the "Wild Hunt" title at the end. |
110 | Flame Manipulation | Your Hunter has learned Either use the from Geralt of Rivia from your item pouch, or perform the gesture to spray fire at your enemies. |
111 | Upgrade Your Magic with the Geralt of Rivia Full Armor Set | Equip the upgrade your magic with the Igni Intensity skill. The will turn into an boost in magic power. Use it to your advantage! magical prowess even more! |