Quest /53
★1Jagras of the Ancient ForestAncient Forest
★2A Kestodon KerfuffleAncient Forest
★2The Great Jagras HuntAncient Forest
★2Bird-Brained BanditAncient Forest
★3Urgent: Pukei-Pukei HuntAncient Forest
★3The Best Kind of QuestWildspire Waste
★3Sinister Shadows in the SwampWildspire Waste
★3Flying Sparks: Tobi-KadachiAncient Forest
★4The Encroaching AnjanathAncient Forest
★4One for the History BooksGreat Ravine
★4Ballooning ProblemsCoral Highlands
★4Radobaan RoadblockRotten Vale
★5Legiana: Embodiment of EleganceCoral Highlands
★5Into the Bowels of the ValeRotten Vale
★5A Fiery Throne Atop the ForestAncient Forest
★5Horned Tyrant Below the SandsWildspire Waste
★6A Colossal TaskEverstream
★6Invader in the WasteWildspire Waste
★6Tickled PinkWildspire Waste
★7Old World Monster in the New WorldCoral Highlands
★8A Wound and a ThirstElder's Recess
★8Kushala Daora, Dragon of SteelElder's Recess
★8Teostra the InfernalElder's Recess
★8Hellish Fiend Vaal HazakRotten Vale
★9Land of ConvergenceConfluence of Fates
★9Beyond the Blasting Scales Wildspire Waste
★9Thunderous Rumble in the HighlandsCoral Highlands
M★1Baptism by IceHoarfrost Reach
M★1Banbaro BlockadeHoarfrost Reach
M★2Ready to StrikeHoarfrost Reach
M★2No Time for NapsWildspire Waste
M★2Play Both EndsCoral Highlands
M★3Blizzard BlitzHoarfrost Reach
M★3Ever-present ShadowAncient Forest
M★3The Scorching BladeWildspire Waste
M★3Absolute PowerRotten Vale
M★3A Smashing Cross CounterElder's Recess
M★3A Tale of Ice and FireElder's Recess
M★4When the Mist Taketh YouHoarfrost Reach
M★4The Disintegrating BladeRotten Vale
M★4Bad Friends, Great EnemiesCoral Highlands
M★4The Defense of SelianaSeliana Supply Cache
M★4The Thunderous Troublemaker!Hoarfrost Reach
M★5The Iceborne WyvernHoarfrost Reach
M★5The Second ComingElder's Recess
M★5Under the Veil of DeathAncient Forest
M★5A Light From The AbyssCoral Highlands
M★6To The Guided, A PaeanOrigin Isle
M★6Paean of GuidanceOrigin Isle
M★6Sleep Now in the Fire Ancient Forest
M★6Big Burly Bash Elder's Recess
M★6To the Very Ends with YouThe Guiding Lands
M★6Return of the Crazy OneThe Guiding Lands