What Lurks In The Forest

TARGET | Slay all target monsters |
Failure Conditions | Time expires Faint 9 times |
Client | The Commander We can't lavish any more praise on a hunter such as yourself, who has survived the dangers of the New World. But we do have a quest that will challenge even you, our Sapphire Star! |
INFO | Aptonoth Jagras Mernos Gajalaka |
Quest ID | 63110 |
Map | Ancient Forest |
Reward Money | 3240zenny |
Time Limit | 50 Minute |
Conditions | HR16hunterrank |
Event | A quest designed for the Monster Hunter Championship 2018 - Semi-final. |
ID | solo | Size | Health | Damage | PartHP | StatusBase | StatusBuildup | Stun | Exhaust | Mount |
Anjanath | solo | 100% | 5233 | 320% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 150% | 100% |
Anjanath | multi2 | 100% | 3506 | 320% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 150% | 100% |
Anjanath | multi | 100% | 5233 | 320% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 150% | 100% |
Rathalos | solo | 100% | 4908 | 360% | 160% | 120% | 120% | 120% | 150% | 100% |
Rathalos | multi2 | 100% | 3288 | 360% | 160% | 120% | 120% | 120% | 150% | 100% |
Rathalos | multi | 100% | 4908 | 360% | 160% | 120% | 120% | 120% | 150% | 100% |
Great Jagras | solo | 100% | 2200 | 275% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 70% | 100% |
Great Jagras | multi2 | 100% | 1474 | 275% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 70% | 100% |
Great Jagras | multi | 100% | 2200 | 275% | 145% | 110% | 110% | 110% | 70% | 100% |
Quest Rewards /5
Item | Percentage |
Hunter King Coin x 1 | 28% |
Well-done Steak x 2 | 23% |
Lifepowder x 3 | 22% |
Steel Egg x 2 | 14% |
Voucher x 1 | 13% |
aeq_id | 19 |
playerRestriction | 2 |
rankA | 00:08:00 |
rankB | 00:18:00 |
rankC | 00:50:00 |
Loadout Set 1 /9
Name | Attribute | Decoration | Skills |
Giant Jawblade I | Critical Jewel 2 | ||
Rath Soul Helm β | Lvl 8 | Smoke Jewel 1, Smoke Jewel 1 | Critical Boost+1 |
Hunter's Mail α | Lvl 8 | Slinger Capacity+2 | |
Hunter's Vambraces β | Lvl 8 | Stonethrower Jewel 1 | Stealth+1 |
Hunter's Coil α | Lvl 8 | Master Gatherer+1 Stealth+1 | |
Pukei Greaves α | Lvl 8 | Botanist+2 Survival Expert+1 | |
Critical Charm I | Critical Boost+1 | ||
Ghillie Mantle | |||
Challenger Mantle |
Loadout Set 2 /9
Name | Attribute | Decoration | Skills |
Malady's Tabar III | |||
Lumu Hat β | Lvl 7 | Botany Jewel 1 | Stamina Surge+1 |
Rathian Mail α | Lvl 7 | Botanist+2 Recovery Up+1 | |
Dodogama Vambraces α | Lvl 7 | Bombardier+2 | |
Tzitzi Coil α | Lvl 7 | Wide-Range+2 Water Attack+1 | |
Pukei Greaves β | Lvl 7 | Bomber Jewel 1 | Botanist+1 |
Friendship Charm III | Wide-Range+3 | ||
Apothecary Mantle | |||
Affinity Booster |
Item Box Set 2 /15
Type | Name | Quantity |
Items | Herbal Medicine | 5 |
Items | Might Seed | 5 |
Items | Adamant Seed | 5 |
Items | Fire Herb | 4 |
Items | Bitterbug | 5 |
Items | Dash Extract | 2 |
Items | Nourishing Extract | 2 |
Items | Large Barrel | 4 |
Items | Gunpowderfish Scale | 4 |
Items | Throwing Knife | 10 |
Items | Poison Knife | 2 |
Items | Sleep Knife | 2 |
Items | Paralysis Knife | 2 |
Items | Powercharm | 1 |
Items | Powertalon | 1 |
Loadout Set 3 /9
Name | Attribute | Decoration | Skills |
Grandrock I | Critical Jewel 2 | ||
Vangis Helm β | Lvl 1 | Critical Jewel 2 | Partbreaker+1 |
Vangis Mail β | Lvl 1 | Speed Eating+1 | |
Leather Gloves α | Lvl 5 | Recovery Speed+1 | |
Uragaan Coil β | Lvl 1 | Partbreaker+1 | |
Vangis Greaves α | Lvl 1 | Speed Eating+2 Partbreaker+1 | |
Critical Charm I | Critical Boost+1 | ||
Ghillie Mantle | |||
Challenger Mantle |
Loadout Set 4 /9
Name | Attribute | Decoration | Skills |
Heavy Bone Lance II | |||
Kirin Horn β | Lvl 3 | Friendship Jewel 1 | Marathon Runner+2 |
Commission Jacket β | Lvl 3 | Botany Jewel 1 | Wide-Range+2 |
Barroth Vambraces β | Lvl 3 | Botany Jewel 1 | Marathon Runner+1 |
Tzitzi Coil α | Lvl 3 | Wide-Range+2 Water Attack+1 | |
Pukei Greaves α | Lvl 3 | Botanist+2 Survival Expert+1 | |
Bombardier Charm III | Bombardier+3 | ||
Impact Mantle | |||
Affinity Booster |
Item Box Set 4 /14
Type | Name | Quantity |
Items | Herbal Medicine | 5 |
Items | Might Seed | 5 |
Items | Adamant Seed | 5 |
Items | Fire Herb | 4 |
Items | Bitterbug | 5 |
Items | Dash Extract | 2 |
Items | Nourishing Extract | 2 |
Items | Large Barrel | 4 |
Items | Gunpowderfish Scale | 4 |
Items | Throwing Knife | 10 |
Items | Poison Knife | 2 |
Items | Sleep Knife | 2 |
Items | Paralysis Knife | 2 |
Items | Powercharm | 1 |
Loadout Set 5 /8
Name | Attribute | Decoration | Skills |
Hunter's Proudbow II | Pierce Jewel 3 | ||
Anja Helm β | Lvl 7 | Fire Attack+2 | |
Anja Mail β | Lvl 7 | Trueshot Jewel 1 | Marathon Runner+1 |
Anja Vambraces β | Lvl 7 | Special Ammo Boost+1 | |
Anja Coil β | Lvl 7 | Mighty Bow Jewel 2 | Fire Resistance+2 |
Jyura Greaves β | Lvl 7 | Focus+1 | |
Ghillie Mantle | |||
Challenger Mantle |
Item Box Set 5 /1
Type | Name | Quantity |
Items | Empty Phial | 99 |
JA 日本語 | MHWイベント:森に潜む者達 |
US English | What Lurks In The Forest |
FR Français | Celui qui rôde dans la forêt |
ES Español | Acechando en el bosque |
DE Deutsch | Was im Wald lauert |
IT Italiano | Ciò che si nasconde nella foresta |
KR 한국어 | MHW 이벤트: 숲에 숨어든 자들 |
TW 繁體中文 | MHW活動:潛藏在森林中的人們 |
CN 簡体中文 | 怪物猎人 世界活动:隐藏在森林中的人们 |
RU Русский | Что скрывается в лесу |
PL Polski | Co czyha w lesie |
PO Português do Brasil | Aquilo que Espreita na Floresta |
AR العربية | ما يتربص في الغابة |