Large Elder Dragon Gem

A giant, ultra-rare stone that forms inside an Elder Dragon once in a millennium.

Craft /203
Fellshroud Helm α+1
Fellshroud Helm β+1
Kaiser Crown α+1
Kaiser Crown β+1
Clockwork α+ Layered Head1
Brachydium Helm α+1
Brachydium Helm β+1
Empress Crown α+1
Empress Crown β+1
Rimeguard Helm γ+1
Leon+ Layered Head1
Claire+ Layered Head1
Clockwork β+ Layered Head1
Sealed Dragon Cloth Layered Head1
Wyverian Ears Layered Head1
Duffel Penguin Layered Head1
Pearlspring Layered Head1
Clockwork α+ Layered Chest1
Grand God's Peer Garb α+1
Grand God's Peer Garb β+1
Tentacle Cloak γ+1
Leon+ Layered Chest1
Claire+ Layered Chest1
Clockwork β+ Layered Chest1
Buff Body α+ Layered Chest1
Innerwear αLayered Body1
Innerwear βLayered Body1
Kushala Grip α+1
Kushala Grip β+1
Clockwork α+ Layered Arms1
Kulve Taroth's Rage α+1
Kulve Taroth's Rage β+1
Rimeguard Vambraces γ+1
Leon+ Layered Arms1
Claire+ Layered Arms1
Clockwork β+ Layered Arms1
Buff Body α+ Layered Arms1
Innerwear αLayered Arms1
Innerwear βLayered Arms1
Tentacle Coil α+1
Tentacle Coil β+1
Clockwork α+ Layered Torso1
Rimeguard Coil γ+1
Leon+ Layered Torso1
Claire+ Layered Torso1
Clockwork β+ Layered Torso1
Buff Body α+ Layered Torso1
Innerwear αLayered Torso1
Innerwear βLayered Torso1
Kirin Leg Guards α+1
Kirin Leg Guards β+1
Clockwork α+ Layered Legs1
Safi Crested Boots α+1
Safi Crested Boots β+1
Escadora Sheath α+1
Escadora Sheath β+1
Tentacle Greaves γ+1
Rimeguard Greaves γ+1
Dragonfeet α+1
Dragonfeet β+1
Leon+ Layered Legs1
Claire+ Layered Legs1
Clockwork β+ Layered Legs1
Buff Body α+ Layered Legs1
Innerwear αLayered Legs1
Innerwear βLayered Legs1
Attack Charm IV1
Defense Charm V1
Draw Charm III1
Ruinous Atrocity1
Don Monstro1
Magdaros Volcanblade1
Daora's Tughril Beg1
Soulfire Edge "Blaze"1
Soulfire Edge "Ruin"1
Soulfire Edge "Styx"1
Black Fatalis Blade1
Despot's Boltbreaker1
Ruinous Extermination1
Magdaros Volcansword1
Black Tornaria1
Imperial Flickerflame1
Soulfire Lash "Blaze"1
Soulfire Lash "Ruin"1
Soulfire Lash "Styx"1
Fatalis Zaggespanon1
Ruinous Madness1
Despot's Crookbolt1
Teostra's Medal1
Soulfire Barb "Blaze"1
Soulfire Barb "Ruin"1
Soulfire Barb "Styx"1
True Fatalis Sword1
Despot's Blitz1
Ruinous Decimation1
Magdaros Volcancross1
Blizzard and Blaze1
Soulfire Fangs "Blaze"1
Soulfire Fangs "Ruin"1
Soulfire Fangs "Styx"1
Fatalis Dual Skies1
Ruinous Obliteration1
Despot's Crackle1
Pandemonium Unleashed1
Magda Floga Reforged1
Daora's Hyperborea1
Soulfire Heel "Blaze"1
Soulfire Heel "Ruin"1
Soulfire Heel "Styx"1
Fatalis Demolisher1
Ruinous Desolation1
Despot's Thunderclap1
Teostra's Musica1
Soulfire Chorus "Blaze"1
Soulfire Chorus "Ruin"1
Soulfire Chorus "Styx"1
Fatalis Menace Wailer1
Ruinous Perdition1
Love's End1
Daora's Regulus1
Soulfire Spike "Blaze"1
Soulfire Spike "Ruin"1
Soulfire Spike "Styx"1
True Fatalis Lance1
Ruinous Eradication1
Despot's Phlogiston1
Magda Lahat Reforged1
Black Ephyra1
Daora's Tempest1
Soulfire Talon "Blaze"1
Soulfire Talon "Ruin"1
Soulfire Talon "Styx"1
True Fatalis Gunlance1
Ruinous Light1
Black Strobila1
Teostra's Hellebarde1
Soulfire Scourge "Blaze"1
Soulfire Scourge "Ruin"1
Soulfire Scourge "Styx"1
True Fatalis End1
Despot's Thundergale1
Ruinous Devastation1
Magda Manus Reforged1
Daora's Worldbearer1
Dante's Devil Sword+1
Soulfire Brand "Blaze"1
Soulfire Brand "Ruin"1
Soulfire Brand "Styx"1
True Fatalis Charger1
Despot's Twinbolt1
Ruinous Catastrophe1
Daora's Samudra1
Soulfire Reach "Blaze"1
Soulfire Reach "Ruin"1
Soulfire Reach "Styx"1
Nexus Gae Bolg1
True Fatalis Dyaus1
Ruinous Cataclysm1
Despot's Wildfire1
Gulgoleth's Ruin1
Black Actinula1
Daora's Yellowjacket1
Soulfire Rasp "Blaze"1
Soulfire Rasp "Ruin"1
Soulfire Rasp "Styx"1
Fatalis Depths1
Ruinous Destruction1
Loyal Thunder1
Magda Gemitus Vulcan1
Teostra's Firestorm1
Soulfire Roar "Blaze"1
Soulfire Roar "Ruin"1
Soulfire Roar "Styx"1
Vor Buster1
Despot's Earlybolt1
Ruinous Doom1
Black Planula1
Daora's Toxotes1
Soulfire Arch "Blaze"1
Soulfire Arch "Ruin"1
Soulfire Arch "Styx"1
Bow of Vice & Violence1
Alatreon Great Sword1
Dark Claw1
Alatreon Sword1
Alatreon Dual Blades1
Alatreon Hammer1
Alatreon Harmony1
Alatreon Lance1
Alatreon Gunlance1
Dark Switch Axe1
Alatreon Edge1
Alatreon Dragonspire1
Alatreon Razer1
Chaos Wing1
Alatreon Bow1
Ruby Master Symbol1
Emerald Master Symbol1
Amber Master Symbol1
Amethyst Master Symbol1
Gold Red Master Symbol1
Gold Blue Master Symbol1
Bronze Master Symbol1
Monster /37
Kushala DaoraTail CarveMaster Rank13%
Kushala DaoraPlunderbladeMaster Rank11%
Kushala DaoraCapture %sMaster Rank12%
Kushala DaoraBreak %s's headMaster Rank12%
Kushala DaoraInvestigation (Silver)Master Rank18%
Kushala DaoraInvestigation (Gold)Master Rank116%
LunastraTail CarveMaster Rank13%
LunastraShiny DropMaster Rank12%
LunastraPlunderbladeMaster Rank11%
LunastraCapture %sMaster Rank13%
LunastraBreak %s's headMaster Rank13%
LunastraInvestigation (Silver)Master Rank18%
LunastraInvestigation (Gold)Master Rank116%
TeostraTail CarveMaster Rank13%
TeostraPlunderbladeMaster Rank11%
TeostraCapture %sMaster Rank12%
TeostraBreak %s's headMaster Rank12%
TeostraInvestigation (Silver)Master Rank18%
TeostraInvestigation (Gold)Master Rank116%
Ruiner NergiganteTail CarveMaster Rank13%
Ruiner NergigantePlunderbladeMaster Rank11%
Ruiner NergiganteCapture %sMaster Rank12%
Ruiner NergiganteBreak %s's hornsMaster Rank13%
Ruiner NergiganteInvestigation (Silver)Master Rank18%
Ruiner NergiganteInvestigation (Gold)Master Rank116%
Blackveil Vaal HazakTail CarveMaster Rank13%
Blackveil Vaal HazakPlunderbladeMaster Rank11%
Blackveil Vaal HazakCapture %sMaster Rank12%
Blackveil Vaal HazakBreak %s's headMaster Rank12%
Blackveil Vaal HazakInvestigation (Silver)Master Rank18%
Blackveil Vaal HazakInvestigation (Gold)Master Rank116%
NamielleTail CarveMaster Rank13%
NamiellePlunderbladeMaster Rank11%
NamielleCapture %sMaster Rank12%
NamielleBreak %s's headMaster Rank12%
NamielleInvestigation (Silver)Master Rank18%
NamielleInvestigation (Gold)Master Rank116%
Elder Melder /1
3Large Elder Dragon GemResearch Points: 500
Melding Points: 100
Elder Melder Ingredients /1
Melding Points
Celestial Wyverian Print100
JA 日本語古龍の大宝玉
US EnglishLarge Elder Dragon Gem
FR FrançaisJoyau dragon ancien
ES EspañolGran gema de dragón anciano
DE DeutschGroßes Drachenältesten-Juwel
IT ItalianoGemma drago anziano grande
KR 한국어고룡의 대보옥
TW 繁體中文古龍的大寶玉
CN 簡体中文古龙的大宝玉
RU РусскийБольшой самоцв. Древн. дракона
PL PolskiDuży klejnot Starszego Smoka
PO Português do BrasilGema Grande de Dragão Ancião
AR العربيةجوهرة التنين المعمِّر الكبيرة