Defense /10
Tentacle Cowl γ+176 ‐ 194 (214)-3430-2Stamina Surge+3 Tool Specialist+1
Tentacle γ+ Layered Head0 ‐ 18 (38)00000
Tentacle Cloak γ+176 ‐ 194 (214)-3430-2Evade Window+4 Water Attack+2
Tentacle γ+ Layered Chest0 ‐ 18 (38)00000
Tentacle Gloves γ+176 ‐ 194 (214)-3430-2Marathon Runner+3 Blight Resistance+1
Tentacle γ+ Layered Arms0 ‐ 18 (38)00000
Tentacle Coil γ+176 ‐ 194 (214)-3430-2Evade Extender+3 Recovery Speed+2
Tentacle γ+ Layered Torso0 ‐ 18 (38)00000
Tentacle Greaves γ+176 ‐ 194 (214)-3430-2Constitution+4 Thunder Attack+2
Tentacle γ+ Layered Legs0 ‐ 18 (38)00000
Namielle Divinity /2
LevelSkill InfoParameters
2Element Acceleration
Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv2 and increases elemental damage.
45, 2, 6, 0
4True Element Acceleration
Continually attacking a monster activates Free Element/Ammo Up Lv3 and increases elemental damage.
45, 3, 15, 0
Armor Upgrade /23
The Iceborne Wyvern
2200 Pts, 0z178
3200 Pts, 0z180
To The Guided, A Paean
4200 Pts, 0z182
5200 Pts, 0z184
6200 Pts, 0z186
7200 Pts, 0z188
8200 Pts, 0z190
9200 Pts, 0z192
10200 Pts, 0z194
Augment EquipmentGreat Spiritvein Gem x 1, Pure Dragon Blood x 2, 60000z
11200 Pts, 0z196
12200 Pts, 0z198
13200 Pts, 0z200
14200 Pts, 0z202
15200 Pts, 0z204
16200 Pts, 0z206
17200 Pts, 0z208
18200 Pts, 0z210
19200 Pts, 0z212
20200 Pts, 0z214
JA 日本語【EXテンタクルγ】衣装
US EnglishNamielle γ+
FR FrançaisNamielle +
ES EspañolNamielle +
DE DeutschNamielle +
IT ItalianoNamielle +
KR 한국어【EX텐터클γ】의상
TW 繁體中文【精英·觸角γ】服裝
CN 簡体中文【精英·触角伽马】服装
RU РусскийНамиэль+
PL PolskiNamiella+
PO Português do BrasilNamielle+
AR العربيةناميال+