Ranque | Ranque -, Ranque +, Master Rank |
Capture %s | 30% |
Limp | 25% |
Nível de Ameaça | 2 |
size | large |
Ecologia | Serpe Alada |
Base HP | 3,250 |
Habitats Conhecidos | Floresta Ancestral |
Anotações de Pesquisador | O monstro da Floresta Ancestral, o "Rei dos Céus". Serpe terrível que ataca invasores com garras de veneno e sopro ardente. |
Informações Úteis | Rathalos ficam no ar para lançar seus vários ataques, mas uma bomba lampejante ou sua atiradeira pode trazê-los à terra. Ferir as asas ajuda quando tentam voar de novo. |
Description | O predador máximo da Floresta Ancestral patrulha os céus, sempre em busca de intrusos. |
Size | Base: 1704.22 ≤1533.8 (90%) ≥1959.85 (115%) ≥2096.19 (123%) |
As Terras-Guias
Stage | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | |
Floresta Ancestral | Rathalos | Rathalos | ★★(25) 2 | ★★★(150) 3 | ★★★(100) 4 | ★★★(75) 5 | ★★(40) 6 | ★(20) 7 | |
Fenda do Ancião | Rathalos | Rathalos | ★★★(80) 3 | ★★(40) 4 | ★★★(50) 5 | ★★(25) 6 | ★(10) 7 |
Investigação /1
Name | Low Rank | High Rank | Tempered | Master Rank | Tempered Master Rank |
Rathalos | ★5 HR8 HP4908 | ★7 HR13 HP6565 | ★9 HR30 HP7053 | M★3 MR7 HP20800 | M★4 MR17 HP24050 |
Expedição /3
Weakness /1
poison | sleep | paralysis | blast | stun | |
normal | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Status /5
poison | sleep | paralysis | blast | stun | exhaust | mount | |
Base | 250 | 150 | 180 | 120 | 150 | 225 | 40 |
Buildup | 150 | 100 | 130 | 60 | 120 | 75 | 70 |
Max | 700 | 550 | 570 | 720 | 630 | 900 | 460 |
TimerDecrease | -5/10s | -5/10s | -5/10s | -5/10s | -5/10s | ||
Duration | 15 | 40 | 10 | 7 |
Status /3
Armadilha de Choque | Armadilha de Poço | Cápsula de Lampejo | Cápsula de Esterco | Armadilha de Heras | |
Duration | 8 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 8 |
Decrease | 2 | 2 | 4 | ||
DecreaseLimit | 2 | 2 | 5 |
Weakness /1
fire | water | thunder | ice | dragon | |
normal | 0 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Damage /7
cut | impact | shot | fire | water | ice | thunder | dragon | stun | mount | |
Head | 65 | 70 | 60 | 0 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 100 | 100 |
Neck | 35 | 40 | 30 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 100 |
Body | 25 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 100 |
Back | 25 | 25 | 20 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 100 |
Wings | 50 | 45 | 40 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 0 | 100 |
Legs | 35 | 35 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 15 | 0 | 100 |
65 | 60 | 50 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 100 |
Master Rank Damage /3
cut | impact | shot | fire | water | ice | thunder | dragon | stun | mount | |
Head | 80 | 85 | 70 | 0 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 30 | 100 | 100 |
Neck | 35 | 37 | 30 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 100 |
Wings | 60 | 55 | 50 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 0 | 100 |
Rathalos Partes Quebradas /5
Part | flinch | cleave | kinsect_extract |
Head | 240 | Red | |
Body | 300 | Orange | |
Wings | 220 | White | |
Legs | 160 | Orange | |
200 | 200 | Green |
Rank | Ranque -/Ranque + | Master Rank |
TriggerDamage | 650 | 300 |
Duration | 100 | 60 |
SpeedMultiplier | 110% | 105% |
DamageMultiplier | 110% | 110% |
DefenseMultiplier | 110% | 110% |
BuildMultByHP | 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2, 2, 2 | 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 |
oocDecay | 0.1 | 0.1 |
Quest /22
Rewards Master Rank /74
Condition | Item | Percentage |
Track | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 100% |
Tail Carve | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Tail Carve | Relho de Rathalos x1 | 66% |
Tail Carve | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 7% |
Tail Carve | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 5% |
Tail Carve | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 2% |
Shiny Drop | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 50% |
Shiny Drop | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 28% |
Shiny Drop | Lágrima Grande de Serpe x1 | 22% |
Manto de Gatuno | Escama Lustrosa x1 | 70% |
Manto de Gatuno | Escama Luzente x1 | 30% |
Lamispólio | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 31% |
Lamispólio | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 42% |
Lamispólio | Tenebrasa de Rathalos x1 | 26% |
Lamispólio | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Palico Bonus | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 50% |
Palico Bonus | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 28% |
Palico Bonus | Lágrima Grande de Serpe x1 | 22% |
The Guiding Lands - Low | Osso de Dragoveio Pesado x1 | 63% |
The Guiding Lands - Low | Escama do Rei x1 | 37% |
The Guiding Lands - Mid | Osso de Dragoveio Pesado x1 | 37% |
The Guiding Lands - Mid | Escama do Rei x1 | 63% |
The Guiding Lands - High | Escama do Rei x1 | 100% |
The Guiding Lands - Tempered | Solidosso de Espiriveio x1 | 30% |
The Guiding Lands - Tempered | Escama Vermelha Aguerrida x1 | 61% |
The Guiding Lands - Tempered | Gema de Espiriveio x1 | 9% |
Capture %s | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 34% |
Capture %s | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 24% |
Capture %s | Tenebrasa de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Capture %s | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 14% |
Capture %s | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 7% |
Capture %s | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Cabeça - %s | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 67% |
Cabeça - %s | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 27% |
Cabeça - %s | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 5% |
Cabeça - %s | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Espinha - %s | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 69% |
Espinha - %s | Medula de Rathalos x2 | 30% |
Espinha - %s | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Quebre as asas de %s | Garrasa de Rathalos+ x1 | 35% |
Quebre as asas de %s | Tenebrasa de Rathalos x1 | 65% |
Cace %s | Córtex de Rathalos x1 | 27% |
Cace %s | Fragmento de Rathalos x1 | 21% |
Cace %s | Tenebrasa de Rathalos x1 | 12% |
Cace %s | Relho de Rathalos x1 | 9% |
Cace %s | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 3% |
Cace %s | Garrasa de Rathalos+ x2 | 10% |
Cace %s | Glândula Conflagrante x1 | 18% |
Investigation (Silver) | Córtex de Rathalos x2 | 17% |
Investigation (Silver) | Fragmento de Rathalos x2 | 15% |
Investigation (Silver) | Garrasa de Rathalos+ x2 | 10% |
Investigation (Silver) | Tenebrasa de Rathalos x1 | 15% |
Investigation (Silver) | Relho de Rathalos x1 | 13% |
Investigation (Silver) | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 10% |
Investigation (Silver) | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 6% |
Investigation (Silver) | Glândula Conflagrante x2 | 14% |
Investigation (Gold) | Córtex de Rathalos x3 | 12% |
Investigation (Gold) | Fragmento de Rathalos x3 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Garrasa de Rathalos+ x2 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Tenebrasa de Rathalos x1 | 17% |
Investigation (Gold) | Relho de Rathalos x1 | 16% |
Investigation (Gold) | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Manto de Rathalos x1 | 13% |
Investigation (Gold) | Glândula Conflagrante x3 | 12% |
Investigação | Pedra Feérica Ancestral x1 | 1% (Guaranteed) |
Investigação | Laborosso de Monstro x2 | 30% |
Investigação | Esfera de Armadura Pesada x1 | 27% |
Investigação | Pedra Fey Distorcida x1 | 19% |
Investigação | Minério Âmagórico x1 | 13% |
Investigação | Artefato de Dragosso x1 | 5% |
Investigação | Purocristal x1 | 5% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedra Feérica Ancestral x1 | 30% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedra Feérica Talhada x1 | 60% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedra Feérica Selada x1 | 10% |
Rewards Ranque + /64
Condition | Item | Percentage |
Tail Carve | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 20% |
Tail Carve | Cauda de Rathalos x1 | 66% |
Tail Carve | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 7% |
Tail Carve | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 5% |
Tail Carve | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 2% |
Shiny Drop | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 50% |
Shiny Drop | Carapaça de Rathalos x1 | 28% |
Shiny Drop | Lágrima de Serpe x1 | 22% |
Track | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 100% |
Manto de Gatuno | Escama Bonita x1 | 70% |
Manto de Gatuno | Escama Lustrosa x1 | 30% |
Lamispólio | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 31% |
Lamispólio | Carapaça de Rathalos x1 | 42% |
Lamispólio | Asa de Rathalos x1 | 26% |
Lamispólio | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Capture %s | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 34% |
Capture %s | Carapaça de Rathalos x1 | 24% |
Capture %s | Asa de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Capture %s | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 14% |
Capture %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 7% |
Capture %s | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Cabeça - %s | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 65% |
Cabeça - %s | Carapaça de Rathalos x1 | 30% |
Cabeça - %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 4% |
Cabeça - %s | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Espinha - %s | Carapaça de Rathalos x1 | 69% |
Espinha - %s | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 30% |
Espinha - %s | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Quebre as asas de %s | Garrasa de Rathalos x2 | 35% |
Quebre as asas de %s | Asa de Rathalos x1 | 65% |
Cace %s | Carapaça de Rathalos x1 | 27% |
Cace %s | Escama de Rathalos+ x1 | 21% |
Cace %s | Asa de Rathalos x1 | 12% |
Cace %s | Cauda de Rathalos x1 | 9% |
Cace %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 3% |
Cace %s | Osso Duro de Monstro x2 | 10% |
Cace %s | Glândula Infernal x1 | 18% |
Investigation (Silver) | Carapaça de Rathalos x2 | 14% |
Investigation (Silver) | Escama de Rathalos+ x2 | 12% |
Investigation (Silver) | Asa de Rathalos x1 | 24% |
Investigation (Silver) | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 10% |
Investigation (Silver) | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Investigation (Silver) | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 6% |
Investigation (Silver) | Glândula Infernal x2 | 14% |
Investigation (Gold) | Carapaça de Rathalos x3 | 12% |
Investigation (Gold) | Escama de Rathalos+ x3 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Asa de Rathalos x1 | 23% |
Investigation (Gold) | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Medula de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Investigation (Gold) | Rubi de Rathalos x1 | 13% |
Investigation (Gold) | Glândula Infernal x3 | 12% |
Investigação | Pedriacho x1 | 7% (Guaranteed) |
Investigação | Osso Duro de Monstro x1 | 30% |
Investigação | Esfera de Armadura Avançada x2 | 15% |
Investigação | Minério de Fundium x1 | 13% |
Investigação | Minério de Dragocerne x1 | 9% |
Investigação | Minério de Carbalita x2 | 14% |
Investigação | Relíquia Dragosso x1 | 6% |
Investigação | Novacristal x1 | 6% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedra Fey Reluzente x1 | 34% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedra Fey Gasta x1 | 35% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedra Fey Distorcida x1 | 26% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedriacho Maculada x1 | 3% |
Investigation (Purple) | Pedriacho Brilhante x1 | 2% |
Rewards Ranque - /51
Condition | Item | Percentage |
Tail Carve | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Tail Carve | Cauda de Rathalos x1 | 70% |
Tail Carve | Tutano de Rathalos x1 | 7% |
Tail Carve | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 3% |
Shiny Drop | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 50% |
Shiny Drop | Casco de Rathalos x1 | 28% |
Shiny Drop | Lágrima de Serpe x1 | 22% |
Track | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 100% |
Manto de Gatuno | Escama Grande x1 | 70% |
Manto de Gatuno | Escama Bonita x1 | 30% |
Lamispólio | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 42% |
Lamispólio | Casco de Rathalos x1 | 31% |
Lamispólio | Membrana de Rathalos x1 | 25% |
Lamispólio | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 2% |
Capture %s | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 35% |
Capture %s | Casco de Rathalos x1 | 26% |
Capture %s | Membrana de Rathalos x1 | 20% |
Capture %s | Tutano de Rathalos x1 | 14% |
Capture %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 5% |
Cabeça - %s | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 66% |
Cabeça - %s | Casco de Rathalos x1 | 30% |
Cabeça - %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 4% |
Espinha - %s | Casco de Rathalos x1 | 69% |
Espinha - %s | Tutano de Rathalos x1 | 30% |
Espinha - %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 1% |
Quebre as asas de %s | Garrasa de Rathalos x1 | 35% |
Quebre as asas de %s | Membrana de Rathalos x1 | 65% |
Cace %s | Casco de Rathalos x1 | 24% |
Cace %s | Escama de Rathalos x1 | 19% |
Cace %s | Garrasa de Rathalos x2 | 10% |
Cace %s | Membrana de Rathalos x1 | 9% |
Cace %s | Cauda de Rathalos x1 | 8% |
Cace %s | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 3% |
Cace %s | Osso de Monstro+ x2 | 10% |
Cace %s | Glândula de Chama x1 | 17% |
Investigation (Silver) | Casco de Rathalos x2 | 12% |
Investigation (Silver) | Escama de Rathalos x2 | 10% |
Investigation (Silver) | Garrasa de Rathalos x2 | 15% |
Investigation (Silver) | Membrana de Rathalos x1 | 16% |
Investigation (Silver) | Cauda de Rathalos x1 | 16% |
Investigation (Silver) | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 8% |
Investigation (Silver) | Tutano de Rathalos x1 | 13% |
Investigation (Silver) | Glândula de Chama x2 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Casco de Rathalos x3 | 10% |
Investigation (Gold) | Escama de Rathalos x3 | 8% |
Investigation (Gold) | Garrasa de Rathalos x2 | 13% |
Investigation (Gold) | Membrana de Rathalos x1 | 16% |
Investigation (Gold) | Cauda de Rathalos x1 | 16% |
Investigation (Gold) | Placa de Rathalos x1 | 16% |
Investigation (Gold) | Tutano de Rathalos x1 | 13% |
Investigation (Gold) | Glândula de Chama x3 | 8% |
Monster Damage /25
Name | Damage | Guard Require | GuardKnockback |
空中かみつき_頭 | 40 | 0 | 30 |
空中ひっかき | 30 | 0 | 30 |
空中必殺キック | 75 | 0 | 55 |
空中尻尾攻撃(尻尾先) | 45 | 1 | 30 |
空中尻尾攻撃(尻尾本) | 45 | 1 | 30 |
空中ブレス | 30 | 0 | 20 |
空中連続キック | 55 | 0 | 30 |
空中滑空 | 45 | 0 | 30 |
地上かみつき | 30 | 0 | 30 |
地上ダッシュかみ_胴 | 45 | 0 | 30 |
地上ダッシュかみ_頭 | 45 | 0 | 30 |
地上尻尾攻撃(尻尾先) | 35 | 1 | 30 |
地上尻尾攻撃(尻尾本) | 35 | 1 | 30 |
地上ブレス | 30 | 0 | 20 |
捕食攻撃_PL用 | 25 | 0 | 30 |
乗りダッシュ | 30 | 1 | 40 |
攻_空中中距離左 | 30 | 0 | 30 |
攻_空中中距離右 | 30 | 0 | 30 |
拘束攻撃 | 45 | 3 | 40 |
踏みつけ | 55 | 1 | 40 |
空中かみつき_胴 | 30 | 0 | 20 |
着陸分岐キック | 75 | 1 | 55 |
レイア_サマー(本体) | 70 | 0 | 55 |
レイア_サマー(先端) | 70 | 0 | 55 |
レイア_滑空 | 40 | 0 | 30 |
JA 日本語 | リオレウス |
US English | Rathalos |
FR Français | Rathalos |
ES Español | Rathalos |
DE Deutsch | Rathalos |
IT Italiano | Rathalos |
KR 한국어 | 리오레우스 |
TW 繁體中文 | 火龍 |
CN 簡体中文 | 火龙 |
RU Русский | Раталос |
PL Polski | Rathalos |
PO Português do Brasil | Rathalos |
AR العربية | راذالوس |