Dual blades wrapped in hide tempered hard as iron in the searing breath of an Anjanath.
id | 47 |
rarity | 4 |
whetstoneSharpness | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttack | 210 |
affinityAffinity | -20% |
elementElement | fire120 |
order_id | 51 |
wep_ids | |
weapon_type | w_sword |
tree_en | Anjanath Tree |
Crafting /2
Type | Component |
Blazing Hatchets I Upgrade | 4000 zenny Rathalos Marrow x 1 (Unlock) Anjanath Fang x 4 Anjanath Nosebone x 1 Anjanath Tail x 1 Unlock: Rathalos Marrow |
Upgrade to Anja Cyclone I | Anjanath Fang+ x 4 Anjanath Scale+ x 5 (Unlock) Inferno Sac x 3 Anjanath Plate x 1 Unlock: Anjanath Scale+ |
Anjanath Tree /7
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
196 | fire90 | -20% | ||||
210 | fire120 | -20% | ||||
238 | fire150 | -20% | ||||
266 | fire180 | -20% | ||||
294 | fire210 | -20% | ||||
322 | fire210 | -20% | ||||
378 | fire360 | -20% |
JA 日本語 | ブレイズハチェットⅡ |
US English | Blazing Hatchets II |
FR Français | Hachettes flamboyantes II |
ES Español | Hachas Flameantes II |
DE Deutsch | Glut-Beile II |
IT Italiano | Accette fiammanti II |
KR 한국어 | 블레이즈해체트Ⅱ |
TW 繁體中文 | 火焰戰斧Ⅱ |
CN 簡体中文 | 火炎战斧2 |
RU Русский | Полыхающие топорики 2 |
PL Polski | Ogniste siekiery II |
PO Português do Brasil | Mach. Escaldantes II |
AR العربية | المعاول المتوهجة II |