The undying flame within these Anjanath dual blades will see all in its reach burned to ash.
id | 176 |
rarity | 10 |
whetstoneSharpness | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttack | 378 |
affinityAffinity | -20% |
elementElement | fire360 |
order_id | 181 |
wep_ids | |
weapon_type | w_sword |
tree_en | Anjanath Tree |
Crafting /1
Type | Component |
Anja Twinrippers I Upgrade | 32000 zenny Azure Rathalos Cortex x 2 (Unlock) Anjanath Fur x 3 Heavy Anjanath Nosebone x 2 Anjanath Lash x 1 Unlock: Azure Rathalos Cortex |
Anjanath Tree /7
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
196 | fire90 | -20% | ||||
210 | fire120 | -20% | ||||
238 | fire150 | -20% | ||||
266 | fire180 | -20% | ||||
294 | fire210 | -20% | ||||
322 | fire210 | -20% | ||||
378 | fire360 | -20% |
JA 日本語 | 蛮顎竜ノ烈爪Ⅱ |
US English | Anja Twinrippers II |
FR Français | Déchireuses Anja II |
ES Español | Rebanadoras Anja II |
DE Deutsch | Anjanath-Zwillingsreißer II |
IT Italiano | Squarciatori Anja II |
KR 한국어 | 만악룡의 열조Ⅱ |
TW 繁體中文 | 蠻顎龍之烈爪Ⅱ |
CN 簡体中文 | 蛮颚龙之烈爪2 |
RU Русский | Парные резаки аньяната 2 |
PL Polski | Dwa rozpruwacze Anja II |
PO Português do Brasil | Estripadoras de Anja II |
AR العربية | ممزق أنجا المزدوج II |