9★ Keeper of the Otherworld

TARGETSlay Xeno'jiiva
Failure ConditionsTime expires
Faint 3 times
ClientThird Fleet Senior Scholar
During my research, I came across a river. Just as I was about
to swim across, I spotted some kind of supernatural light. Its
existence defied all explanation. Help me unravel this mystery.
Quest ID62609
MapConfluence of Fates
Reward Money23760zenny
Time Limit50 Minute
EventIncreased quest rewards!
Quest Rewards /11
Supply Box /16
PrimarysoloFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarysoloEZ Ration x 3
PrimarysoloEmpty Phial x 30
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEmpty Phial x 30
SecondarysoloNormal Ammo 2 x 99
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 1 x 60
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 1 x 80
SecondarymultiNormal Ammo 2 x 99
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 1 x 60
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 1 x 80
JA 日本語冥き河のカロン
US EnglishKeeper of the Otherworld
FR FrançaisGardien d'Outre-tombe
ES EspañolGuardián del ultramundo
DE DeutschHüter der Anderwelt
IT ItalianoGuardiano dell'oltretomba
KR 한국어삼도천의 카론
TW 繁體中文冥河的凱倫
CN 簡体中文冥河的卡戎
RU РусскийХранитель Иного мира
PL PolskiStrażnik Zaświatów
PO Português do BrasilGuardião do Outro Mundo
AR العربيةحارس العالم الآخَر