High Commendation

A ticket awarded for demonstrating tremendous courage. Collect them and something wonderful may happen!

Deliveries /2
Breaking out the Brigade5000 pts
Hunter King Coin x 5
High Commendation x 5
Brigade Layered Armor
Original Origin5000 pts
Zorah Magdaros Ticket x 3
High Commendation x 5
Origin Layered Armor
Obtaining Quest /24
8A Wound and a Thirst11% (Guaranteed)
8Kushala Daora, Dragon of Steel11% (Guaranteed)
8Teostra the Infernal11% (Guaranteed)
8Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak11% (Guaranteed)
9Land of Convergence11% (Guaranteed)
8A Portent of Disaster11% (Guaranteed)
8A Blaze on the Sand11% (Guaranteed)
8Lightning Strikes Twice11% (Guaranteed)
8Stirrings from the Grave11% (Guaranteed)
8The Eater of Elders11% (Guaranteed)
8Master of the Gale11% (Guaranteed)
8Hellfire's Stronghold11% (Guaranteed)
8The Eater of Elders11% (Guaranteed)
8The Winds of Wrath Bite Deep11% (Guaranteed)
8The Fires of Hell Bite Deep11% (Guaranteed)
9A Light Upon the River's Gloom11% (Guaranteed)
8The Blazing Sun11% (Guaranteed)
8Pandora's Arena11% (Guaranteed)
8No Remorse, No Surrender11% (Guaranteed)
8Infernal Monarchy11% (Guaranteed)
8Blue Prominence11% (Guaranteed)
8Blue Prominence11% (Guaranteed)
9Banquet in the Earthen Hall11% (Guaranteed)
9Keeper of the Otherworld11% (Guaranteed)
JA 日本語勇気の証G
US EnglishHigh Commendation
FR FrançaisCertificat du héros
ES EspañolGran recomendación
DE DeutschGroße Belobigung
IT ItalianoAlto encomio
KR 한국어용기의 증표G
TW 繁體中文勇氣之證G
CN 簡体中文勇气之证·大
RU РусскийОсобая благодарность
PL PolskiWielka pochwała
PO Português do BrasilAlta Condecoração
AR العربيةتوصية عالية