NameResearch Progress: Wildspire Waste
DescriptionComplete 2 master rank quests in the Wildspire Waste.
Ingredientsx 2
RewardsResearch Points 180 pts
Hard Armor Sphere x 3
RankMaster Rank
Ingredients Available /45
Wyvern ThighMeat that helps trigger Courage food skills.
A long time in the stew makes it very chewy.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Wyvern Skirt SteakMeat that helps trigger Courage food skills.
Best served thinly sliced and grilled over
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Wyvern EggMeat that helps trigger Courage food skills.
A precious plunder from a wyvern's nest.
Gettin' Yolked in the Forest
Wyvern HeadMeat that helps trigger Courage food skills.
A staple of haute cuisine, it also occasionally
features in celebratory feasts.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Tough MeatMeat that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Working your way through this chewy meat has
the added benefit of strengthening your jaw.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Thorny MeatMeat that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Still attached to the thorny scales from which
it was cut, it calls for slow, careful eating.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Bullion MeatMeat that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Relatively expensive, but sometimes you've
just gotta treat yourself.
Exterminator of the Waste
Steeled MeatMeat that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Hard enough to break a tooth, but the protein
and vitamins it packs almost makes it worth it.
Chef Quest! A Rotten Request
Marinated CarpaccioMeat that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Steeped in a secret sauce, this raw meat is
literally dripping with flavor.
The Meat of the Matter
Aptonoth MeatMeat that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
A staple of any hunter's diet which is used
in a wide variety of meat dishes.
Tickled Pink
ApceroastMeat that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
Almost always served in large potions, this
meat is a favorite among ravenous hunters.
Tickled Pink
White LiverMeat that helps trigger Acumen food skills.
Loved for its goopy texture.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Barbecued Short RibMeat that helps trigger Acumen food skills.
Mostly fat, this flavorful meat can be
dangerously addictive.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Tangy TripeMeat that helps trigger Acumen food skills.
A stomachful of this makes it oddly difficult
to sit still.
Chef Quest! Pumped to Deliver
Herbivore EggMeat that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
An omelette made from this could feed
several hungry families.
Gettin' Yolked in the Waste
King TurkeyMeat that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
Its meatiness makes it more than worthy of
its moniker. Puts Peon Turkey to shame.
It's a Crying Shamos
Ridgemane TunaFish that helps trigger Courage food skills.
Its meat is as tasty as its mane is audacious.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Serpentine SalmonFish that helps trigger Courage food skills.
Twisty and curvy, it looks more like a snake
than a fish.
Tickled Pink
Boorish YellowtailFish that helps trigger Courage food skills.
Though criticized for its vulgar appearance,
this fish is actually the epitome of courage.
Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown
Jumbo WhelkFish that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Larger shells fetch a higher price.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Scallop ChipsFish that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Scallops dried for preservation. They can also
be used to make a tasty soup.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Squad SardineFish that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
They form into regiment-like schools to
protect their territory.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Samurai TunaFish that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
Notable for the patterns on its head
resembling a samurai helmet.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
Gajau LiverFish that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
Packed with good fats, it's both
delicious and nutritious.
The Pain from Gains
Bent-backed ShrimpFish that helps trigger Acumen food skills.
Its distinctively contorted body makes this
shrimp difficult to eat.
Tickled Pink
Armor CrabFish that helps trigger Acumen food skills.
A crustacean with a shell that looks like
a suit of armor and is just as tough.
Tickled Pink
OsseoctopusFish that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
It has a brittle texture that's almost like
chewing on bone.
Tickled Pink
Pink CaviarFish that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
Brilliantly pink fish eggs, lightly pickled in salt.
Tickled Pink
Soulful CaviarFish that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
Fish eggs so delicious they move the soul.
What a Bunch of Abalone
MagniceleryVeggie that helps trigger Courage food skills.
Once you develop a taste for it, you'll find it
hard to resist.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
RapscallionVeggie that helps trigger Courage food skills.
Eaten raw, its flavor is so sharp that even a
Deviljho might shed a tear.
Flying Sparks: Tobi-Kadachi
StonecornVeggie that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
A stalk of corn that takes almost superhuman
strength to shuck.
Tickled Pink
Steadfast SpudVeggie that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
The tenacious roots it spreads make for back-
breaking work come harvesting time.
Tickled Pink
Soiled ShroomcapVeggie that helps trigger Resilience food skills.
Surprisingly difficult to find, they were once
thought to be only a legend.
Fungal Flexin' in the Ancient Forest
PlumpkinVeggie that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
An imposing, gorgeously proportioned
pumpkin. Its taste is almost irrelevant.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Cudgel OnionVeggie that helps trigger Vigor food skills.
As its name suggests, its sharp taste and
rough appearance are almost ogreish.
Jagras of the Ancient Forest
Kut-Ku BeanVeggie that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
The occasional bean is hot enough to have
you spouting fire like a Yian Kut-Ku.
Tickled Pink
Molten MangoVeggie that helps trigger Artillery food skills.
A mango that ripens quickly after it's picked,
and continues to seethe with heat long after.
Tickled Pink
Tater MudAlcohol that helps trigger Perception food skills.
A drink that goes down as easy as it sounds.
Tickled Pink
Dragon AleAlcohol that helps trigger Perception food skills.
Strong enough to knock out a wyvern, though
how that was tested is left up to the imagination.
Tickled Pink
Wyvern Amber AleAlcohol that helps trigger Perception food skills.
An aromatic, full-bodied brew.
Stuck in Their Ways
Goldenfish BrewAlcohol that helps trigger Perception food skills.
Consider yourself lucky to get your hands on
this holy grail of brews.
A Sore Site
Hunter's BrewAlcohol that helps trigger Fortune food skills.
The perfect refreshment after a long hunt.
Tickled Pink
Star BrandyAlcohol that helps trigger Fortune food skills.
Its bottle features the Research Commission's
famous sapphire star on its label.
Tickled Pink
Astera BeerAlcohol that helps trigger Fortune food skills.
The local brew of the Research Commission.
Perfect for celebratory toasts.
RRRRRumble in the Waste!
JA 日本語調査活動:大蟻塚の荒地
US EnglishResearch Progress: Wildspire Waste
FR FrançaisExploration : Désert des termites
ES EspañolInvestigando: Yermo de Agujas
DE DeutschForschung: Wildturm-Ödnis
IT ItalianoProgressi di ricerca: Guglie selvagge
KR 한국어조사활동: 개밋둑의 황야
TW 繁體中文調查活動:大蟻塚荒地
CN 簡体中文调查活动:大蚁冢荒地
RU РусскийИсследование: Дикогорье
PL PolskiRekonesans: Dzikowieża
PO Português do BrasilAvanço Pesq.: Ermo Selvagulha
AR العربيةتقدم البحث: أنقاض الهياكل الشرسة