Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown

TARGET | Defeat 10 Gajalaka |
Failure Conditions | Time expires Faint 3 times |
Client | The Meowscular Chef Meow my god! Are these lil' guys tryin' to flex on you? Show 'em what you're packin'! Let's say... 10 reps! *Unlocks a new Canteen ingredient on first time completion. |
INFO | Gastodon Barnos |
Quest ID | 00694 |
Map | Elder's Recess |
Reward Money | 5400zenny |
Time Limit | 50 Minute |
Conditions | HR13hunterrank |
HRReward | 250 |
Ingredients Available /1
Name | Description | Unlock |
Fish that helps trigger Courage food skills. Though criticized for its vulgar appearance, this fish is actually the epitome of courage. | Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown |
ID | solo | Size | Health | Damage | PartHP | StatusBase | StatusBuildup | Stun | Exhaust | Mount |
Bazelgeuse | solo | 91~122% | 9191 | 360% | 160% | 120% | 120% | 120% | 150% | 100% |
Bazelgeuse | multi2 | 91~122% | 13548 | 360% | 332% | 120% | 240% | 360% | 450% | 200% |
Bazelgeuse | multi | 91~122% | 20220 | 360% | 496% | 120% | 240% | 360% | 450% | 200% |
Deviljho | solo | 91~114% | 8888 | 360% | 160% | 120% | 120% | 120% | 150% | 100% |
Deviljho | multi2 | 91~114% | 13101 | 360% | 332% | 120% | 240% | 360% | 450% | 200% |
Deviljho | multi | 91~114% | 19554 | 360% | 496% | 120% | 240% | 360% | 450% | 200% |
Quest Rewards /9
Item | Percentage |
Gajalaka Sketch x 1 | 1% (Guaranteed) |
Devil's Blight x 2 | 12% |
Baitbug x 4 | 18% |
Chillshroom x 6 | 16% |
Fucium Ore x 1 | 15% |
Carbalite Ore x 2 | 12% |
Quality Bone x 2 | 7% |
Brutal Bone x 1 | 12% |
Firecell Stone x 1 | 7% |
Supply Box /20
Type | solo | Item |
Primary | solo | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | solo | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | solo | Cool Drink x 2 |
Primary | solo | Empty Phial x 30 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | multi | First-aid Med x 4 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | EZ Ration x 3 |
Primary | multi | Cool Drink x 2 |
Primary | multi | Cool Drink x 2 |
Primary | multi | Cool Drink x 2 |
Primary | multi | Empty Phial x 30 |
Secondary | solo | Normal Ammo 2 x 99 |
Secondary | solo | Pierce Ammo 1 x 60 |
Secondary | solo | Spread Ammo 1 x 80 |
Secondary | multi | Normal Ammo 2 x 99 |
Secondary | multi | Pierce Ammo 1 x 60 |
Secondary | multi | Spread Ammo 1 x 80 |
JA 日本語 | 料理長の!ハラハラ撃退依頼 |
US English | Chef Quest! Gajalaka Lockdown |
FR Français | Quête Cuistot : Objectif Gajalaka |
ES Español | ¡Misión del chef! Encierro de Gajalaka |
DE Deutsch | Chefkochquest! Gajalaka-Fangen! |
IT Italiano | Missione chef! Coprifuoco Gajalaka |
KR 한국어 | 주방장의! 조마조마 격퇴 의뢰 |
TW 繁體中文 | 料理長的!緊張刺激擊退委託 |
CN 簡体中文 | 料理长的!紧张刺激击退委托 |
RU Русский | Задание шефа! Капкан для гаялака |
PL Polski | Kuchnia! Kłopot z Gajalakami |
PO Português do Brasil | Missão Chef! Cerco Gajalaka |
AR العربية | مهمة رئيسية! قفل غاجالاكا |