W momencie, gdy to lekkie łukodziałko z Odogarona porusza ziemię swym rykiem, jego ofiara zalewa się krwią.
id | 200 |
base_model_id | 6 |
rarity | 10 |
attackAtak | 286 |
affinityZgodność | +30% |
Odchylenie | Niskie |
Amunicja specjalna | Wiwernogrzmot |
order_id | 208 |
slotsGniazda | |
weapon_type | lbg |
tree_en | Drzewo Odogarona |
Własne modyfikacje |
Crafting /2
Type | Component |
Karma Ulepsz | 24000 zenny Pazurzysko Odogarona x 2 Okruch Odogarona x 3 Klisko Odogarona x 2 Gnat potwora x 3 Unlock: Twarde ścięgno Odogarona |
Upgrade to Salwa podziemi | Pazurzysko Hebanowego Odogarona x 3 Okruch Hebanowego Odogarona x 5 Klisko Hebanowego Odogarona x 2 Artefakt smoczej kości x 1 Unlock: Hebanowy Odogaron |
Własne modyfikacje Shell Table /20
Name | Lv1 | Lv2 | Lv3 |
Normalny | 4 Medium Small Small Small Small Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast | 3 Medium Medium Medium Small Small Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast | 2 Ex-Large Large Large Large Medium Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast |
Przebijająca | 5 Large Large Medium Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | 4 Large Medium Medium Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | 2 Ex-Large Ex-Large Ex-Large Large Large Semi-slow Normal Normal Normal Fast |
Rozrzutowa | - | 2 Ex-Large Ex-Large Large Medium Medium Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | - |
Kasetowa | - | - | - |
Wiwernia | - | ||
Przylepna | 2 Ex-Large Large Large Large Medium Semi-slow Normal Normal Normal Fast | - | - |
Tnąca | 1 Large Large Medium Medium Small Semi-slow Semi-slow Normal Fast Fast | ||
Zapalna | - | ||
Wody | - | ||
Mrożąca | - | ||
Piorunów | 4 Medium Medium Medium Small Small Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast | ||
Smocza | - | ||
Trucizna | 5 Medium Medium Small Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | - | |
Paraliż | 4 Large Large Large Large Medium Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast | - | |
Sen | 5 Medium Medium Small Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | - | |
Wyczerpująca | 4 Big Big Medium Small Small Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast | - | |
Regenerująca | - | - | |
Demona | 1 Medium Small Small Small Small Semi-slow Normal Normal Normal Fast | ||
Pancerz | - | ||
Uspokajająca | 2 Large Medium Small Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast |
Drzewo Odogarona /7
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
195 | +15% |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
208 | +15% |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
221 | +30% |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
234 | +30% |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
286 | +30% |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
299 | +35% |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
312 | +35% |
JA 日本語 | 業【カルマ】改 |
US English | Karma+ |
FR Français | Karma + |
ES Español | Karma+ |
DE Deutsch | Karma+ |
IT Italiano | Karma+ |
KR 한국어 | 업【카르마】+ |
TW 繁體中文 | 業【羯磨】‧改 |
CN 簡体中文 | 业【羯磨】·改 |
RU Русский | Карма+ |
PL Polski | Karma+ |
PO Português do Brasil | Carma+ |
AR العربية | العاقبة+ |