Mire Gold Razer

A Kulve Taroth light bowgun that utilizes other monster parts for research purposes.

Special AmmoWyvernblast
Augment Equipment3
Custom Mods3
Custom Mods Shell Table /20
Medium Small Small Small Small
Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast
Large Medium Small Small Small
Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast
Medium Medium Medium Small Small
Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast
Large Large Medium Medium Small
Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast
Medium Medium Small Small Small
Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast
Large Medium Medium Small Small
Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast
Ex-Large Large Large Medium Medium
Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast
Ex-Large Large Large Large Medium
Semi-slow Normal Fast Fast Fast
Ex-Large Ex-Large Large Large Medium
Semi-slow Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast
Ex-Large Ex-Large Ex-Large Ex-Large Ex-Large
Semi-slow Semi-slow Semi-slow Normal Normal
Big Big Big Medium Medium
Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast
Medium Small Small Small Small
Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast
Medium Medium Small Small Small
Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast
Medium Medium Small Small Small
Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast
Medium Small Small Small Small
Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast
Medium Medium Small Small Small
Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast
Medium Medium Small Small Small
Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast
Large Medium Medium Small Small
Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast
Medium Small Small Small Small
Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast
Large Medium Small Small Small
Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast
Augment Equipment /5
Attack Increase
Increases attack power.
Stacks with other upgrades.
Warrior's Streamstone: Ranged x 1
Streamstone Shard x 3
Rathalos Plate x 2
Affinity Increase
Increases affinity.
Stacks with other upgrades.
Warrior's Streamstone: Ranged x 1
Streamstone Shard x 3
Odogaron Plate x 2
Defense Increase
Increases defense and adds a
chance to reduce damage taken
each time you receive damage.
Stacks with other upgrades.
Warrior's Streamstone: Ranged x 1
Streamstone Shard x 3
Bird Wyvern Gem x 1
Slot Upgrade
Adds an extra slot. Stack
with other upgrades to increase
the slot's level.
Warrior's Streamstone: Ranged x 1
Streamstone Shard x 3
Legiana Plate x 2
Health Regen
Regain health as you land attacks.
Stack with other upgrades to
increase the amount of health
Warrior's Streamstone: Ranged x 1
Streamstone Shard x 3
Anjanath Plate x 2
Unavailable /77
Gold Pierce Razer195+10%20
33- 32 - 2
442 -5 - -
3-- 3- - -
2-- -- 3 -
--- -- 3 2
Gold Spread Razer195+10%20
42- 32 - 2
3-- 6- 3 -
342 -- 3 -
2-- 5- - -
--- 4- - 2
Gold Shot Razer20820
633 -- - -
532 -- - -
432 -- - 2
--- -- - 2
--- 54 - 2
Glutton Gold Razer22120
113 32 4 1
13- 1- 4 -
13- 5- - -
2-- 1- - 2
--- 5- - 2
Mire Gold Razer208+10%20
32- 32 - -
32- 65 3 -
442 3- - 2
211 54 - -
--- -- - 2
Mud Gold Razer221-10%25
432 3- - -
5-- -- - -
322 43 - -
2-- -- - 1
--- -- 1 2
Rage Gold Razer221-10%20
4-2 -- 3 -
522 53 - -
3-- -- - 1
--- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Drifter Gold Razer182+20%20
643 32 - 1
53- 51 4 -
43- 1- 4 -
21- 5- - -
--- -- - 2
Claw Gold Razer195+30%20
432 -- - -
522 5- 3 -
322 4- - 1
--- -- - -
--- 43 - 2
Decay Gold Razer22120
321 -- - 2
4-2 6- - -
3-2 3- - 2
2-- 5- - -
--- 55 3 2
King Gold Razer195+25%20
442 3- 3 2
322 65 - -
3-- -- - 2
2-- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Erupter Gold Razer20820
442 -- 3 -
3-- -- - -
-21 -- - -
211 5- - 2
--- -- 2 2
Bomber Gold Razer221-20%20
133 -- 4 1
--- -4 - -
--- -3 - 1
221 -- 4 -
--- 54 1 2
Taroth Blitz "Glutton"26020
113 32 4 1
13- 1- 4 -
13- 5- - -
2-- 1- - 2
--- 5- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Mire"247+10%20
32- 32 - -
32- 65 3 -
442 3- - 2
211 54 - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Mud"260-10%25
432 3- - -
5-- -- - -
322 43 - -
2-- -- - 1
--- -- 1 2
Taroth Blitz "Rage"273-10%20
4-2 -- 3 -
522 53 - -
3-- -- - 1
--- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Drifter"221+20%20
643 32 - 1
53- 51 4 -
43- 1- 4 -
21- 5- - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Claw"234+30%20
432 -- - -
522 5- 3 -
322 4- - 1
--- -- - -
--- 43 - 2
Taroth Blitz "Decay"26020
321 -- - 2
4-2 6- - -
3-2 3- - 2
2-- 5- - -
--- 55 3 2
Taroth Blitz "King"247+25%20
442 3- 3 2
322 65 - -
3-- -- - 2
2-- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"24720
442 -- 3 -
3-- -- - -
-21 -- - -
211 5- - 2
--- -- 2 2
Taroth Blitz "Bomber"260-20%20
133 -- 4 1
--- -4 - -
--- -3 - 1
221 -- 4 -
--- 54 1 2
Taroth Blitz "Pierce"26020
33- 32 - 2
442 -5 - -
3-- 3- - -
2-- -- 3 -
--- -- 3 2
Taroth Blitz "Spread"247+10%20
42- 32 - 2
3-- 6- 3 -
342 -- 3 -
2-- 5- - -
--- 4- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Shot"273-10%20
633 -- - -
532 -- - -
432 -- - 2
--- -- - 2
--- 54 - 2
Taroth Blitz "Support"24730
16- 32 3 -
12- 14 - -
12- 53 - 1
-21 14 - 2
--- 54 1 2
Kjárr Blitz "Bomber"260Critical Status+10%
133 -- - 1
-3- -4 - -
-3- -- - 1
221 14 - -
--- 54 1 2
Kjárr Blitz "Claw"247Critical Status+15%
432 -- - 1
522 53 - -
322 4- - 1
--- 5- - -
--- 43 1 2
Kjárr Blitz "Decay"273Critical Element+10%
321 -- - 2
4-2 6- 3 -
3-2 3- - 2
2-- 5- - -
--- 55 3 2
Kjárr Blitz "King"260Critical Element+20%
442 3- 3 2
322 65 - -
3-- -- - 2
2-- -- - -
--- -- 2 2
Kjárr Blitz "Thunder"260Critical Element+15%
33- 32 - 2
442 -5 - -
3-- 3- 5 -
2-- -- 3 -
--- -- 3 2
Kjárr Blitz "Ice"260Critical Element+10%
32- 32 - 2
3-- 6- - -
342 -- 3 -
2-- 5- - -
--- 4- 2 2
Safi's Hellshot325+5%
44- -2 2 -
32- -- - -
32- -- - 2
2-- -4 - 2
--- -5 - 2
Safi's Frostshot325+5%
32- -2 - -
32- -5 - -
44- -3 2 2
2-- -- - 2
--- -5 - 2
Safi's Boltshot325+5%
32- -2 - -
44- 65 - -
32- -- - 2
2-- 54 2 -
--- -- - 2
Safi's Aquashot325+5%
4-- -1 - -
-11 -- 2 -
--- -2 - 1
-11 -2 - -
--- -1 - 2
Safi's Drakshot325+5%
63- 32 - 1
5-- -- - -
-11 -1 - -
-1- 53 - 1
--- -1 1 2
Safi's Hellshot325+5%
44- -2 2 -
32- -- - -
32- -- - 2
2-- -4 - 2
--- -5 - 2
Safi's Frostshot325+5%
32- -2 - -
32- -5 - -
44- -3 2 2
2-- -- - 2
--- -5 - 2
Safi's Boltshot325+5%
32- -2 - -
44- 65 - -
32- -- - 2
2-- 54 2 -
--- -- - 2
Safi's Aquashot325+5%
4-- -1 - -
-11 -- 2 -
--- -2 - 1
-11 -2 - -
--- -1 - 2
Safi's Drakshot325+5%
63- 32 - 1
5-- -- - -
-11 -1 - -
-1- 53 - 1
--- -1 1 2
Gold Pierce Razer195Kulve Taroth Essence+10%40
33- 32 - 2
442 -5 - -
3-- 3- - -
2-- -- 3 -
--- -- 3 2
Gold Spread Razer195Kulve Taroth Essence+10%40
42- 32 - 2
3-- 6- 3 -
342 -- 3 -
2-- 5- - -
--- 4- - 2
Gold Shot Razer208Kulve Taroth Essence40
633 -- - -
532 -- - -
432 -- - 2
--- -- - 2
--- 54 - 2
Glutton Gold Razer221Kulve Taroth Essence40
113 32 4 1
13- 1- 4 -
13- 5- - -
2-- 1- - 2
--- 5- - 2
Mire Gold Razer208Kulve Taroth Essence+10%40
32- 32 - -
32- 65 3 -
442 3- - 2
211 54 - -
--- -- - 2
Mud Gold Razer221Kulve Taroth Essence-10%45
432 3- - -
5-- -- - -
322 43 - -
2-- -- - 1
--- -- 1 2
Rage Gold Razer221Kulve Taroth Essence-10%40
4-2 -- 3 -
522 53 - -
3-- -- - 1
--- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Drifter Gold Razer182Kulve Taroth Essence+20%40
643 32 - 1
53- 51 4 -
43- 1- 4 -
21- 5- - -
--- -- - 2
Claw Gold Razer195Kulve Taroth Essence+30%40
432 -- - -
522 5- 3 -
322 4- - 1
--- -- - -
--- 43 - 2
Decay Gold Razer221Kulve Taroth Essence40
321 -- - 2
4-2 6- - -
3-2 3- - 2
2-- 5- - -
--- 55 3 2
King Gold Razer195Kulve Taroth Essence+25%40
442 3- 3 2
322 65 - -
3-- -- - 2
2-- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Erupter Gold Razer208Kulve Taroth Essence40
442 -- 3 -
3-- -- - -
-21 -- - -
211 5- - 2
--- -- 2 2
Bomber Gold Razer221Kulve Taroth Essence-20%40
133 -- 4 1
--- -4 - -
--- -3 - 1
221 -- 4 -
--- 54 1 2
Taroth Blitz "Glutton"260Kulve Taroth Essence40
113 32 4 1
13- 1- 4 -
13- 5- - -
2-- 1- - 2
--- 5- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Mire"247Kulve Taroth Essence+10%40
32- 32 - -
32- 65 3 -
442 3- - 2
211 54 - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Mud"260Kulve Taroth Essence-10%45
432 3- - -
5-- -- - -
322 43 - -
2-- -- - 1
--- -- 1 2
Taroth Blitz "Rage"273Kulve Taroth Essence-10%40
4-2 -- 3 -
522 53 - -
3-- -- - 1
--- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Drifter"221Kulve Taroth Essence+20%40
643 32 - 1
53- 51 4 -
43- 1- 4 -
21- 5- - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Claw"234Kulve Taroth Essence+30%40
432 -- - -
522 5- 3 -
322 4- - 1
--- -- - -
--- 43 - 2
Taroth Blitz "Decay"260Kulve Taroth Essence40
321 -- - 2
4-2 6- - -
3-2 3- - 2
2-- 5- - -
--- 55 3 2
Taroth Blitz "King"247Kulve Taroth Essence+25%40
442 3- 3 2
322 65 - -
3-- -- - 2
2-- -- - -
--- -- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"247Kulve Taroth Essence40
442 -- 3 -
3-- -- - -
-21 -- - -
211 5- - 2
--- -- 2 2
Taroth Blitz "Bomber"260Kulve Taroth Essence-20%40
133 -- 4 1
--- -4 - -
--- -3 - 1
221 -- 4 -
--- 54 1 2
Taroth Blitz "Pierce"260Kulve Taroth Essence40
33- 32 - 2
442 -5 - -
3-- 3- - -
2-- -- 3 -
--- -- 3 2
Taroth Blitz "Spread"247Kulve Taroth Essence+10%40
42- 32 - 2
3-- 6- 3 -
342 -- 3 -
2-- 5- - -
--- 4- - 2
Taroth Blitz "Shot"273Kulve Taroth Essence-10%40
633 -- - -
532 -- - -
432 -- - 2
--- -- - 2
--- 54 - 2
Taroth Blitz "Support"247Kulve Taroth Essence50
16- 32 3 -
12- 14 - -
12- 53 - 1
-21 14 - 2
--- 54 1 2
Kjárr Blitz "Bomber"260Critical Status+10%20
133 -- - 1
-3- -4 - -
-3- -- - 1
221 14 - -
--- 54 1 2
Kjárr Blitz "Claw"247Critical Status+15%20
432 -- - 1
522 53 - -
322 4- - 1
--- 5- - -
--- 43 1 2
Kjárr Blitz "Decay"273Critical Element+10%20
321 -- - 2
4-2 6- 3 -
3-2 3- - 2
2-- 5- - -
--- 55 3 2
Kjárr Blitz "King"260Critical Element+20%20
442 3- 3 2
322 65 - -
3-- -- - 2
2-- -- - -
--- -- 2 2
Kjárr Blitz "Thunder"260Critical Element+15%20
33- 32 - 2
442 -5 - -
3-- 3- 5 -
2-- -- 3 -
--- -- 3 2
Kjárr Blitz "Ice"260Critical Element+10%20
32- 32 - 2
3-- 6- - -
342 -- 3 -
2-- 5- - -
--- 4- 2 2
Chain Blitz338
423 -- - 1
532 51 - -
4-- -- - -
2-- -- - -
--- -- - 2
JA 日本語金色の弩・泥魚
US EnglishMire Gold Razer
FR FrançaisFusil d'or - Jyura
ES EspañolSaeta Áurea (Jyura)
DE DeutschGoldgewehr "Jyura"
IT ItalianoTrauma oro Jyura
KR 한국어금빛 보우건-이어
TW 繁體中文金色的弩‧泥魚
CN 簡体中文金色的弩·泥鱼
RU РусскийЗлаторез юратода
PL PolskiZłoty Grot z Jyura
PO Português do BrasilLâmina Ouro Jyura
AR العربيةكاسح جيورا الذهبي