Material from master rank elder dragons. Equal parts austere and wild, it seems untouched by time.
item_id | 1053 |
rarity | 12 |
carry_limit | 99 |
Sell | 3200zenny |
Buy | 32000zenny |
category | material |
Craft /89
Obtaining Quest /33
★ | Quest | Quantity | Percentage |
15 | The Iceborne Wyvern | 1 | 24% |
15 | Under the Veil of Death | 1 | 24% |
15 | A Light From The Abyss | 1 | 24% |
15 | Clashing Swords Upon The Rime | 1 | 24% |
15 | The Harbinger of Clear Skies | 1 | 24% |
15 | Here Comes the Deathmaker | 1 | 24% |
15 | Royal Audience on the Sand | 1 | 24% |
15 | Lightning Crashes | 1 | 24% |
15 | Memories of the Sea God | 1 | 24% |
15 | It's the Afterlife for Me | 1 | 24% |
15 | Wings of the Wind | 1 | 24% |
15 | Mark of the Sun | 1 | 24% |
16 | Paean of Guidance | 1 | 24% |
16 | To the Very Ends with You | 1 | 24% |
16 | Faraway Lorelei | 1 | 24% |
16 | The Storm Brings the Unexpected | 2 | 18% |
16 | One Hot Night in the Spire | 1 | 24% |
16 | Divine Surge | 2 | 13% |
16 | Into the Palace of Flame | 1 | 24% |
16 | Sterling Pride | 1 | 24% |
16 | Point of No Return | 1 | 15% |
16 | The Red Dragon | 2 | 13% |
16 | Blazing Black Twilight | 2 | 21% |
16 | The Black Dragon | 5 | 12% |
16 | Dawn's Triumph | 1 | 24% |
15 | A Chilling Entrance | 1 | 22% |
16 | A Shocking Climax | 1 | 17% |
15 | The Winter Blues | 1 | 30% |
16 | The Eternal Gold Rush | 2 | 21% |
16 | The Evening Star | 2 | 21% |
16 | Dawn of the Death Star | 2 | 21% |
15 | RE: Return of the Bioweapon | 1 | 14% |
15 | USJ: Shine On Forever | 1 | 18% |
Monster /21
Monster | Condition | Rank | Quantity | Percent |
Kirin | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 13% |
Kirin | Investigation (Silver) | Master Rank | 2 | 8% |
Kirin | Investigation (Gold) | Master Rank | 3 | 8% |
Kirin | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Kushala Daora | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 8% |
Kushala Daora | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Lunastra | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 8% |
Lunastra | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Teostra | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 9% |
Teostra | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Ruiner Nergigante | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 12% |
Ruiner Nergigante | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Safi'jiiva | Siege Progress Rewards | Master Rank | 1 | 14% |
Safi'jiiva | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 8% |
Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Velkhana | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 8% |
Velkhana | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Namielle | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 1 | 12% |
Namielle | Investigation | Master Rank | 1 | 30% |
Shara Ishvalda | Hunt %s | Master Rank | 2 | 9% |
JA 日本語 | 太古龍骨 |
US English | Large Elder Dragon Bone |
FR Français | Gros os dragon ancien |
ES Español | Gran hueso de dragón anciano |
DE Deutsch | Großer Drachenältester-Knochen |
IT Italiano | Osso drago anziano grande |
KR 한국어 | 태고룡골 |
TW 繁體中文 | 太古龍骨 |
CN 簡体中文 | 太古龙骨 |
RU Русский | Большая кость Древнего дракона |
PL Polski | Duża kość Starszego Smoka |
PO Português do Brasil | Osso Grande de Dragão Ancião |
AR العربية | عظمة التنين المعمِّر الكبيرة |