Very rare Lavasioth material. The Guiding Lands' energy fortifies the monsters living there.
item_id | 1894 |
rarity | 10 |
carry_limit | 99 |
Sell | 3000zenny |
Buy | 30000zenny |
category | material |
Craft /10
Monster /3
Augment Equipment /1
Rarity | Name | Ingredients |
10 | Affinity Increase IV | Tempered Blastscale x 7 Incandescent Magmafin x 5 Spiritvein Solidbone x 3 Magma Crystal x 5 |
Elder Melder /1
Category | Result | Ingredients | Unlock |
3 | Incandescent Magmafin | Research Points: 150 Melding Points: 160 |
Elder Melder Ingredients /9
Ingredients | Melding Points |
Crackling Thunderpelt | 40 |
Aurora Crownhorn | 80 |
Bloodstained Ebonhide | 80 |
Extinction Greathorn | 80 |
Metallic Scute | 40 |
Glossy Ebonshell | 60 |
Crimson Blastscale | 80 |
Tempered Magmafin | 160 |
Bloodthirsty Glimmerpelt | 80 |
Elder Melder /1
Result | Melding Points |
Heavy Jaw | 30/120 |
JA 日本語 | 灼熱の溶岩ヒレ |
US English | Incandescent Magmafin |
FR Français | Nageoire de lave incandescente |
ES Español | Aleta de magma incandescente |
DE Deutsch | Weißglühende Magmaflosse |
IT Italiano | Pinna incandescente |
KR 한국어 | 작열의 용암 지느러미 |
TW 繁體中文 | 灼熱的熔岩鰭 |
CN 簡体中文 | 灼热的熔岩鳍 |
RU Русский | Раскаленный магмовый плавник |
PL Polski | Jaśniejąca magmopłetwa |
PO Português do Brasil | Magmatana Incandescente |
AR العربية | زعنفة حمم بركانية متقدة |