A bone found in bonepiles in the Hoarfrost Reach. Tempered by years of the tundra's unrelenting cold.
item_id | 1043 |
rarity | 9 |
carry_limit | 99 |
Sell | 2400zenny |
Buy | 24000zenny |
category | material |
Craft /61
Obtaining Quest /5
★ | Quest | Quantity | Percentage |
11 | Greetings from the Tundra | 1 | 21% |
14 | Treasure in the Steam | 1 | 21% |
11 | Trophy Fishin' | 2 | 11% |
11 | The Lord of the Underworld Beckons | 1 | 20% |
11 | A Bunch of Sticks in the Mud | 1 | 15% |
Monster /2
Locations | Rank | Area | qty | Percentage |
Hoarfrost Reach | Master Rank | Bonepile | 1 | 25% |
Hoarfrost Reach | Master Rank | Bonepile (Upsurge) | 1 | 62% |
Tailraider Safari /1
Map | Type | Rank | Star | Items | Percentage |
Hoarfrost Reach | Master Rank | 1 | Thick Bone x1 40% Quality Bone x2 25% Frozen Bone x1 25% Dragonbone Relic x1 5% Ancient Fragment x1 5% | 10, 30, 1, 10, 1 |
Elder Melder /30
Result | Melding Points |
Mega Potion | 20/10 |
Nulberry | 20/10 |
Max Potion | 20/30 |
Ancient Potion | 20/100 |
Catalyst | 20/30 |
Might Pill | 20/50 |
Adamant Pill | 20/50 |
Lifepowder | 20/50 |
Dust of Life | 20/80 |
Herbal Powder | 20/50 |
Demon Powder | 20/50 |
Hardshell Powder | 20/50 |
Dash Juice | 20/100 |
Mega Demondrug | 20/100 |
Mega Armorskin | 20/100 |
Farcaster | 20/30 |
Tranq Bomb | 20/30 |
Poisoned Meat | 20/20 |
Tinged Meat | 20/20 |
Drugged Meat | 20/20 |
Mega Bounce Bomb | 20/30 |
Mega Barrel Bomb | 20/50 |
Pitfall Trap | 20/50 |
Shock Trap | 20/30 |
Flash Pod | 20/20 |
Screamer Pod | 20/20 |
Dung Pod | 20/20 |
Demon Ammo | 20/50 |
Armor Ammo | 20/50 |
Dragon Ammo | 20/20 |
JA 日本語 | 凍てついた氷骨 |
US English | Frozen Bone |
FR Français | Os gelé |
ES Español | Hueso congelado |
DE Deutsch | Gefrorener Knochen |
IT Italiano | Osso ghiacciato |
KR 한국어 | 얼어붙은 빙골 |
TW 繁體中文 | 結凍冰骨 |
CN 簡体中文 | 结冻冰骨 |
RU Русский | Холодная кость |
PL Polski | Zamarznięta kość |
PO Português do Brasil | Osso Congelado |
AR العربية | عظمة متجمدة |