Lancecanon en os. Une arme rudimentaire mais robuste, idéale pour les nouveaux chasseurs.
id | 42 |
rarity | 1 |
whetstoneTranchant | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttaque | 230 |
order_id | 45 |
wep_ids | Normal Lv 1 |
weapon_type | g_lance |
tree_en | Os |
Crafting /4
Type | Component |
Lancecanon en os Améliorer | 200 zenny Os de wyverne (P) x 2 |
Upgrade to Lancecanon en os III | Os de wyverne (M) x 2 (Unlock) Os ancien x 1 Unlock: Os de wyverne (M) |
Upgrade to Lancecanon Jagras | Griffe Grand Jagras x 1 Peau Grand Jagras x 1 Écaille Grand Jagras x 3 Griffe acérée x 1 Unlock: Grand Jagras |
Upgrade to Canon primitif | Griffe Barroth x 1 Cuirasse Barroth x 3 Vertèbre Barroth x 2 Unlock: Barroth |
Os /11
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
207 | Normal Lv 1 | |||||
230 | Normal Lv 1 | |||||
253 | Normal Lv 1 | |||||
276 | Focus Lv 1 | |||||
322 | Focus Lv 1 | |||||
368 | (thunder210) Focus Lv 1 | |||||
391 | (thunder240) Focus Lv 2 | 10 | ||||
437 | (thunder270) Focus Lv 2 | 10 | ||||
529 | (thunder300) Focus Lv 4 | 35 | ||||
575 | (thunder330) Focus Lv 5 | 35 | ||||
644 | (thunder360) Focus Lv 5 | 35 |
JA 日本語 | 骨銃槍Ⅱ |
US English | Bone Gunlance II |
FR Français | Lancecanon en os II |
ES Español | Lanza pistola Ósea II |
DE Deutsch | Knochengewehrlanze II |
IT Italiano | Lancia-fucile d'osso II |
KR 한국어 | 골총창Ⅱ |
TW 繁體中文 | 骨銃槍Ⅱ |
CN 簡体中文 | 骨铳枪2 |
RU Русский | Костяная копьепушка 2 |
PL Polski | Kościany lancopał II |
PO Português do Brasil | Lançarma de Osso II |
AR العربية | بندقية رمح جليدية II |