The lightning contained within this Zinogre charge blade can reduce your foes to ashes in a single hit.
id | 134 |
base_model_id | 18 |
rarity | 10 |
whetstoneSharpness | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttack | 864 |
elementElement | thunder330 |
order_id | 153 |
slotsSlots | |
weapon_type | c_axe |
tree_en | Zinogre Tree |
Crafting /2
Type | Component |
Chrome Fortress I Upgrade | 32000 zenny Zinogre Hardclaw x 3 Zinogre Deathly Shocker x 2 Zinogre Cortex x 5 Lightning Sac x 3 Unlock: Zinogre |
Upgrade to Usurper's Lightning+ | Zinogre Hardhorn x 3 Zinogre Electrofur+ x 4 Fulgurbug x 5 Zinogre Skymerald x 1 Unlock: Zinogre |
Zinogre Tree /3
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
864 | thunder330 | |||||
900 | thunder360 | |||||
936 | thunder390 |
JA 日本語 | 王盾斧ライモン |
US English | Usurper's Lightning |
FR Français | Éclair du tyran |
ES Español | Relámpago usurpador |
DE Deutsch | Thronräuber-Blitz |
IT Italiano | Egida regale |
KR 한국어 | 왕순부 라이먼 |
TW 繁體中文 | 王盾斧雷紋 |
CN 簡体中文 | 王盾斧雷纹 |
RU Русский | Молния захватчика |
PL Polski | Błyskawica uzurpatora |
PO Português do Brasil | Relâmpago do Usurpador |
AR العربية | برق المحتل |