A legendary sword said to have the power to defeat even gods.
id | 85 |
base_model_id | 1 |
rarity | 8 |
whetstoneSharpness | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttack | 693 |
defenseDefense | 20 |
elementElement | (dragon150) |
Elderseal | Elderseal[High] |
order_id | 89 |
slotsSlots | |
weapon_type | tachi |
tree_en | Workshop Weapon Tree |
Augment Equipment | 1 |
Crafting /2
Type | Component |
Supremacy Blade Upgrade | 56000 zenny Ace Hunter Coin x 5 (Unlock) Brute Coin x 4 Flying Coin x 4 Wyvern Gem x 2 Unlock: Ace Hunter Coin |
Upgrade to Hellish Slasher | Hero King Coin x 1 (Unlock) Glavenus Coin x 2 Nargacuga Coin x 2 Banbaro Coin x 2 Unlock: Hero King Coin |
Augment Equipment /5
Type | Type |
Attack Increase Increases attack power. Stacks with other upgrades. | 90,000zenny Hero's Streamstone: Sword x 1 Gleaming Streamstone x 3 Teostra Gem x 1 |
Affinity Increase Increases affinity. Stacks with other upgrades. | 90,000zenny Hero's Streamstone: Sword x 1 Gleaming Streamstone x 3 Daora Gem x 1 |
Defense Increase Increases defense and adds a chance to reduce damage taken each time you receive damage. Stacks with other upgrades. | 90,000zenny Hero's Streamstone: Sword x 1 Gleaming Streamstone x 3 Elder Dragon Blood x 2 |
Slot Upgrade Adds an extra slot. Stack with other upgrades to increase the slot's level. | 90,000zenny Hero's Streamstone: Sword x 1 Gleaming Streamstone x 3 Vaal Hazak Gem x 1 |
Health Regen Regain health as you land attacks. Stack with other upgrades to increase the amount of health regained. | 90,000zenny Hero's Streamstone: Sword x 1 Gleaming Streamstone x 3 Nergigante Gem x 1 |
Workshop Weapon Tree /5
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
561 | (dragon120) Elderseal[High] | 20 | ||||
693 | (dragon150) Elderseal[High] | 20 | ||||
924 | (dragon180) Elderseal[High] | 40 | ||||
825 | (blast510) | +20% | 30 | |||
858 | (blast540) | +30% | 30 |
JA 日本語 | 天上天下無双刀 |
US English | Divine Slasher |
FR Français | Guillotine divine |
ES Español | Cortador Divino |
DE Deutsch | Göttliches Haumesser |
IT Italiano | Affettatore divino |
KR 한국어 | 천상천하무쌍도 |
TW 繁體中文 | 天上天下無雙刀 |
CN 簡体中文 | 天上天下无双刀 |
RU Русский | Божественный серп |
PL Polski | Boski rozpruwacz |
PO Português do Brasil | Cortadora Divina |
AR العربية | الجارح المقدس |