9★ A Simple Task

TARGETDeliver 10 Gourmet Shroomcap
Failure ConditionsTime expires
Faint 3 times
ClientScholar on the Scene
While gathering samples out in the field, I noticed a number
of rare tracks. I need a capable hunter to investigate
these tracks, plus gather the rest of my samples!
INFOAptonoth Jagras Mernos Gajalaka
Quest ID65606
MapAncient Forest
Reward Money3600zenny
Time Limit50 Minute
EventGo and gather special tracks and traces!
Quest Rewards /7
Quality Bone x 116% (Guaranteed)
Mandragora x 212%
Blue Mushroom x 416%
Bitterbug x 616%
Toadstool x 515%
Carbalite Ore x 112%
Ancient Bone x 113%
Supply Box /16
PrimarysoloFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarysoloEZ Ration x 3
PrimarysoloEmpty Phial x 30
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEmpty Phial x 30
SecondarysoloNormal Ammo 2 x 99
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 1 x 60
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 1 x 80
SecondarymultiNormal Ammo 2 x 99
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 1 x 60
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 1 x 80
JA 日本語納品、ついでに痕跡
US EnglishA Simple Task
FR FrançaisUne tâche aisée
ES EspañolUn trabajo fácil
DE DeutschEine einfache Aufgabe
IT ItalianoUna semplice richiesta
KR 한국어납품, 그리고 흔적
TW 繁體中文交貨順便調查痕跡
CN 簡体中文交货顺便调查痕迹
RU РусскийПростая задача
PL PolskiProste zadanie
PO Português do BrasilUma Tarefa Simples
AR العربيةمهمة بسيطة