1★ Up at the Crack of Dawn

TARGETSlay 12 Kestodon
Failure ConditionsTime expires
Faint 3 times
ClientElite Defender
"Our friendly Kestodon have blown a gasket, so we let them cool
off in your Arena. Research Commission friends, please see if
they've settled down." (Translation by the Lynian Researcher)
Quest ID61101
Reward Money1080zenny
Time Limit50 Minute
EventGather valuable early game ores to help you create armor.
Quest Rewards /5
Machalite Ore x 130% (Guaranteed)
Iron Ore x 218%
Earth Crystal x 122%
Ancient Bone x 119%
Lifepowder x 111%
Supply Box /26
PrimarysoloFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarysoloEZ Ration x 3
PrimarysoloEmpty Phial x 30
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEmpty Phial x 30
SecondarysoloNormal Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 1 x 30
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 1 x 40
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 2 x 35
SecondarysoloSticky Ammo 1 x 4
SecondarysoloCluster Bomb 1 x 1
SecondarysoloPower Coating x 25
SecondarymultiNormal Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 1 x 30
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 1 x 40
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 2 x 35
SecondarymultiSticky Ammo 1 x 4
SecondarymultiCluster Bomb 1 x 1
SecondarymultiPower Coating x 25
JA 日本語暁の大騒ぎ
US EnglishUp at the Crack of Dawn
FR FrançaisRéveil à l'aube
ES EspañolEn pie al alba
DE DeutschMorgenstund und so...
IT ItalianoBranco selvaggio
KR 한국어새벽의 소란
TW 繁體中文清晨大騷動
CN 簡体中文清晨大骚动
RU РусскийПеред рассветом
PL PolskiPobudka o świcie
PO Português do BrasilAcordar com o Canto do Galo
AR العربيةفي الأعلى عند بزوغ الفجر