4★ Persistent Pests

TARGETSlay 14 Hornetaur
Failure ConditionsTime expires
Faint 3 times
ClientChief Botanist
There's a spot that I'm certain hides the secret to new
Ancient Tree growth but it's infested with Hornetaurs!
*Unlocks a Botanical Research slot on first time completion.
INFOGirros Raphinos
Quest ID00481
MapRotten Vale
Reward Money2520zenny
Time Limit50 Minute
Quest Rewards /9
Armor Sphere+ x 11% (Guaranteed)
Devil's Blight x 112%
Dragonfell Berry x 218%
Parashroom x 316%
Godbug x 215%
Machalite Ore x 27%
Dragonite Ore x 112%
Sturdy Bone x 27%
Warped Bone x 112%
Supply Box /26
PrimarysoloFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarysoloEZ Ration x 3
PrimarysoloEmpty Phial x 30
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiFirst-aid Med x 4
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEZ Ration x 3
PrimarymultiEmpty Phial x 30
SecondarysoloNormal Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 1 x 30
SecondarysoloPierce Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 1 x 40
SecondarysoloSpread Ammo 2 x 35
SecondarysoloSticky Ammo 1 x 4
SecondarysoloCluster Bomb 1 x 1
SecondarysoloPower Coating x 25
SecondarymultiNormal Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 1 x 30
SecondarymultiPierce Ammo 2 x 40
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 1 x 40
SecondarymultiSpread Ammo 2 x 35
SecondarymultiSticky Ammo 1 x 4
SecondarymultiCluster Bomb 1 x 1
SecondarymultiPower Coating x 25
JA 日本語怒涛のカンタロス祭り
US EnglishPersistent Pests
FR FrançaisNuisibles nocifs
ES EspañolPlagas persistentes
DE DeutschHartnäckige Störenfriede
IT ItalianoInsetti infestanti
KR 한국어노도 같은 칸타로스 축제
TW 繁體中文怒濤的巨甲蟲祭
CN 簡体中文怒涛的巨甲虫祭
RU РусскийНеугомонные вредители
PL PolskiUparte szkodniki
PO Português do BrasilPestes Persistentes
AR العربيةآفات متواصلة