An insect that emits electricity when struck. Required to craft Shock Traps and Thunder Ammo.
item_id | 52 |
rarity | 4 |
carry_limit | 10 |
Sell | 80zenny |
Buy | 300zenny |
category | item |
Craft /2
Result | Ingredients |
Shock Trap x 1 | Trap Tool Thunderbug |
Thunder Ammo x 12 | Normal Ammo 1 Thunderbug |
Obtaining Quest /21
★ | Quest | Quantity | Percentage |
2 | Snatch the Snatcher | 3 | 12% |
2 | The Pain from Gains | 2 | 15% |
2 | Exterminator of the Waste | 2 | 15% |
3 | The Best Kind of Quest | 3 | 12% |
3 | Sinister Shadows in the Swamp | 3 | 12% |
3 | Mired in the Spire | 3 | 12% |
3 | The Piscine Problem | 3 | 12% |
3 | Prickly Predicament | 2 | 15% |
3 | Gettin' Yolked in the Waste | 2 | 15% |
3 | Landing the Landslide Wyvern | 3 | 12% |
4 | Royal Relocation | 3 | 12% |
5 | Horned Tyrant Below the Sands | 3 | 12% |
5 | Twin Spires Upon the Sands | 3 | 12% |
6 | Invader in the Waste | 3 | 10% |
6 | Tickled Pink | 3 | 10% |
6 | Keep Your Hands to Yourself! | 3 | 10% |
6 | A Crown of Mud and Anger | 3 | 10% |
6 | Pukei-Pukei Ambush | 3 | 10% |
6 | Up to Your Waist in the Waste | 3 | 10% |
6 | Brown Desert, Green Queen | 3 | 10% |
6 | Trespassing Troublemaker | 3 | 10% |
JA 日本語 | 雷光虫 |
US English | Thunderbug |
FR Français | Foudrinsecte |
ES Español | Electrobicho |
DE Deutsch | Donnerkäfer |
IT Italiano | Insetto elettrico |
KR 한국어 | 뇌광충 |
TW 繁體中文 | 雷光蟲 |
CN 簡体中文 | 雷光虫 |
RU Русский | Грозовой жук |
PL Polski | Gromuszek |
PO Português do Brasil | Insetrovão |
AR العربية | الحشرة الصّاعقة |