A charm that enhances the Guard skill.
equip_id | 3392 |
rarity | 12 |
Skills | Guard Lv5 |
Usage /1
Usage | Ingredients |
Ironside Charm IV Upgrade | Research Commission Ticket+ x 2 (Unlock) Tempered Oilshell+ x 3 Spiritvein Gem Shard x 1 Phantomcore Ore x 1 Unlock: Research Commission Ticket+ |
Charms /1
Icon | Name | Rarity | Skills |
Ironside Charm V | 12 | Guard Lv 5 |
Guard /5
Level | Skill Info | Parameters |
1 | Very slightly decreases the impact of attacks. | 10, 100, 0, 0 |
2 | Slightly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 15%. | 10, 85, 0, 0 |
3 | Greatly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 15%. | 20, 85, 0, 0 |
4 | Greatly decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 30%. | 20, 70, 0, 0 |
5 | Massively decreases the impact of attacks and reduces stamina depletion by 50%. | 30, 50, 0, 0 |
JA 日本語 | 鉄壁の護石Ⅴ |
US English | Ironside Charm V |
FR Français | Collier du preux V |
ES Español | Cigua férrea V |
DE Deutsch | EisenplatteTalisman V |
IT Italiano | Amuleto ferreo V |
KR 한국어 | 철벽의 호석Ⅴ |
TW 繁體中文 | 鐵壁護石Ⅴ |
CN 簡体中文 | 铁壁护石5 |
RU Русский | Оберег твердости 5 |
PL Polski | Amulet niezłomnego V |
PO Português do Brasil | Amuleto de Couraça V |
AR العربية | سحر الجانب الحديدي V |