Friendship Charm IV

A charm that enhances the Wide-Range skill.

SkillsWide-Range Lv4
Charms /2
Wide-Range /5
Skill Info
1Items affect nearby allies with 33% of their efficacy.1, 0, 0, 0
2Items affect nearby allies in a wider radius with 33% of their efficacy.2, 0, 0, 0
3Items affect nearby allies in a wider radius at 66% of their efficacy.3, 0, 0, 0
4Items affect nearby allies in a much wider radius with 66% of their efficacy.4, 0, 0, 0
5Items affect nearby allies in a much wider radius with full efficacy.5, 0, 0, 0
JA 日本語友愛の護石Ⅳ
US EnglishFriendship Charm IV
FR FrançaisCollier de l'amitié IV
ES EspañolCigua amistad IV
DE DeutschFreundschaftTalismnIV
IT ItalianoAmuleto amicizia IV
KR 한국어우애의 호석Ⅳ
TW 繁體中文友愛護石Ⅳ
CN 簡体中文友爱护石4
RU РусскийОберег дружбы 4
PL PolskiAmulet przyjaźni IV
PO Português do BrasilAmuleto de Amizade IV
AR العربيةسحر الصداقة IV