Exploiter Charm II

A charm that enhances the Weakness Exploit skill.

SkillsWeakness Exploit Lv2
Weakness Exploit /3
Skill Info
1Attacks that hit weak spots have 10% increased affinity, with an extra 5% on wounded parts.10, 15, 0, 0
2Attacks that hit weak spots have 15% increased affinity, with an extra 15% on wounded parts.15, 30, 0, 0
3Attacks that hit weak spots have 30% increased affinity, with an extra 20% on wounded parts.30, 50, 0, 0
JA 日本語痛撃の護石Ⅱ
US EnglishExploiter Charm II
FR FrançaisTalisman de cruauté II
ES EspañolCigua provecho II
DE DeutschVorteil-Talisman II
IT ItalianoAmuleto abuso II
KR 한국어통격의 호석Ⅱ
TW 繁體中文痛擊護石Ⅱ
CN 簡体中文痛击护石2
RU РусскийОберег хитреца 2
PL PolskiAmulet spryciarza II
PO Português do BrasilAmuleto de Fraqueza II
AR العربيةسحر المستغِل II