Earplugs Charm II

A charm that enhances the Earplugs skill.

SkillsEarplugs Lv2
Earplugs /5
Skill Info
1Slightly reduces the effects of weak monster roars.20, 100, 0, 0
2Reduces the effects of weak monster roars.10, 100, 0, 0
3Nullifies weak monster roars.0, 100, 0, 0
4Nullifies weak monster roars and reduces the effects of strong monster roars.0, 10, 0, 0
5Nullifies weak and strong monster roars.0, 0, 0, 0
JA 日本語耳栓の護石Ⅱ
US EnglishEarplugs Charm II
FR FrançaisTalisman de banshee II
ES EspañolAnti rugidos II
DE DeutschOhrstöpselTalisman II
IT ItalianoAmuleto udito II
KR 한국어귀마개의 호석Ⅱ
TW 繁體中文耳塞護石Ⅱ
CN 簡体中文耳塞护石2
RU РусскийОберег ушей 2
PL PolskiAmulet zatyczek II
PO Português do BrasilAmuleto de Tampões II
AR العربيةسحر سدادات الأذن II