NameResearch Help: Capture The Ancient
DescriptionCapture endemic life known as the ancient creature of the New World.
Ingredientsx 1
RewardsResearch Points 800 pts
Deluxe First Wyverian Print x 1
Ingredients Available /1
Blessed WineAlcohol that helps trigger Fortune food skills.
It holds the record for the longest time at the
top of the rankings in Wine Hunter's Monthly.
Research Help: Capture The Ancient
JA 日本語調査協力:新大陸のヌシの捕獲
US EnglishResearch Help: Capture The Ancient
FR FrançaisZoologie : Créature ancestrale
ES EspañolInvestigación: captura al anciano
DE DeutschForschungshilfe: Uralte Kreatur
IT ItalianoObiettivo ricerca: il fossile vivente
KR 한국어조사협력: 신대륙의 주인 포획
TW 繁體中文協助調查:捕獲新大陸之主
CN 簡体中文协助调查:捕获新大陆之主
RU РусскийПомощь: поймайте древнего
PL PolskiWsparcie: łapanie prastarego
PO Português do BrasilAux. Pesq.: Captura Ancestral
AR العربيةمساعد بحث: أسر القديم