id | 85 |
base_model_id | 10 |
rarity | 5 |
attackAngriff | 168 |
affinityAffinität | +20% |
elementElement | (thunder180) |
Spezialmunition | 11 |
order_id | 102 |
slotsSlots | |
weapon_type | bow |
tree_en | HARDUMMY |
Crafting /8
Type | Component |
Create | 8000 zenny x 3 (Unlock) Zinogre-Todesschocker x 4 Zinogre-Harthorn x 1 Zinogre-Hartklaue x 2 Unlock: |
Create | 8000 zenny x 2 (Unlock) Anjanath-Reißzahn+ x 3 Monster-Spitzknochen x 5 Anjanath-Platte x 1 Unlock: |
Upgrade to HARDUMMY | x 2 (Unlock) Höllen-Zinogre-Drachenhalt x 4 Höllen-Zinogre-Harthorn x 1 Höllen-Zinogre-Hartklaue x 2 Unlock: |
HARDUMMY Verbessern | 8000 zenny x 2 (Unlock) Höllen-Zinogre-Drachenhalt x 4 Höllen-Zinogre-Harthorn x 1 Höllen-Zinogre-Hartklaue x 2 Unlock: |
Upgrade to HARDUMMY | x 3 (Unlock) Anjanath-Schuppe+ x 10 Drachenältester-Knochen x 3 Wyvern-Edelstein x 1 Unlock: |
HARDUMMY Verbessern | 8000 zenny x 3 (Unlock) Anjanath-Schuppe+ x 10 Drachenältester-Knochen x 3 Wyvern-Edelstein x 1 Unlock: |
Upgrade to HARDUMMY | x 2 (Unlock) Dämonjho-Scherbe x 6 Böser Reißzahn x 2 Dämonjho-Reißer x 3 Unlock: |
HARDUMMY Verbessern | 8000 zenny x 2 (Unlock) Dämonjho-Scherbe x 6 Böser Reißzahn x 2 Dämonjho-Reißer x 3 Unlock: |
US English | HARDUMMY |
FR Français | HARDUMMY |
ES Español | HARDUMMY |
DE Deutsch | HARDUMMY |
IT Italiano | HARDUMMY |
TW 繁體中文 | HARDUMMY |
CN 簡体中文 | HARDUMMY |
RU Русский | HARDUMMY |
PL Polski | HARDUMMY |
PO Português do Brasil | HARDUMMY |
AR العربية | HARDUMMY |