Épée & bouclier Anjanath. Cette arme sanguinaire devient plus ardente à chaque coup porté.
id | 207 |
base_model_id | 6 |
rarity | 9 |
whetstoneTranchant | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttaque | 322 |
affinityAffinité | -20% |
elementÉlément | fire330 |
order_id | 210 |
weapon_type | sword |
tree_en | Anjanath |
Crafting /3
Type | Component |
Estoc croc-de-feu Améliorer | 20000 zenny Croc lourd Anjanath x 1 Éclat Anjanath x 2 Poche explosive x 1 Eltalite x 3 Unlock: Fourrure Anjanath |
Upgrade to Lohensieger | Cortex Rathalos azur x 2 (Unlock) Fourrure Anjanath x 3 Grand os nasal Anjanath x 2 Fouet Anjanath x 1 Unlock: Cortex Rathalos azur |
Upgrade to Donnersieger | Croc lourd Anjanath tonnerre x 1 Éclat Anjanath tonnerre x 2 Os solidos x 3 Meldium x 2 Unlock: Anjanath tonnerre |
Anjanath /6
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
196 | fire150 | -20% | ||||
224 | fire180 | -20% | ||||
266 | fire210 | -20% | ||||
294 | fire240 | -20% | ||||
322 | fire330 | -20% | ||||
378 | fire450 | -20% |
JA 日本語 | 蛮顎剣フラムシーカ改 |
US English | Gnashing Flammensucher+ |
FR Français | Estoc croc-de-feu + |
ES Español | Flammensuch. Mordiente+ |
DE Deutsch | KnirschenderFlammensucher+ |
IT Italiano | Flammensucher digrignato+ |
KR 한국어 | 만악검플람시커+ |
TW 繁體中文 | 蠻顎劍追尋者‧改 |
CN 簡体中文 | 蛮颚剑追寻者·改 |
RU Русский | Неутомим. искатель огня+ |
PL Polski | Gryzący Flammensucher+ |
PO Português do Brasil | Caçachamas Rangedor+ |
AR العربية | صرير مطارد اللهب+ |