Fusarbalète léger Lunastra. Renferme le pouvoir malfaisant d'une âme damnée.
id | 120 |
rarity | 7 |
attackAttaque | 247 |
Déviation | Basse |
Tir spécial | Souffle-du-dragon |
order_id | 128 |
slotsJoyaux | |
weapon_type | lbg |
tree_en | Lunastra |
Transcender | 2 |
Éléments de modification | 3 |
Crafting /4
Type | Component |
Create | 16000 zenny Écaille Lunastra + x 4 (Unlock) Corne Lunastra x 3 Crinière Lunastra x 3 Gemme Lunastra x 1 Unlock: Écaille Lunastra + |
Upgrade to Obus Imperatrix "Lethe" | Ticket Commission de recherche x 1 Corne Lunastra x 2 Corne Teostra + x 3 Gemme Bazelgeuse x 1 Unlock: Lunastra |
Upgrade to Obus Imperatrix "Hadès" | Ticket Commission de recherche x 1 Aile Lunastra x 3 Corne Nergigante + x 3 Gemme Nergigante x 1 Unlock: Lunastra |
Upgrade to Obus Imperatrix "Styx" | Ticket Commission de recherche x 1 Queue Lunastra x 2 Corne Xeno'jiiva x 3 Gemme Xeno'jiiva x 1 Unlock: Lunastra |
Éléments de modification Shell Table /20
Name | Lv1 | Lv2 | Lv3 |
Normal | 4 Medium Small Small Small Small Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast | 3 Medium Medium Medium Small Small Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast | 2 Ex-Large Large Large Medium Medium Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast |
Perforant | 3 Medium Small Small Small Small Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast | 2 Large Medium Small Small Small Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast Fast | 2 Ex-Large Large Medium Medium Small Semi-slow Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast |
Grenaille | 3 Medium Medium Medium Small Small Normal Normal Fast Fast Fast | - | - |
Fragmentation | - | - | - |
Wyverne | - | ||
Antiblindage | 2 Ex-Large Large Large Large Medium Semi-slow Normal Fast Fast Fast | 1 Ex-Large Ex-Large Large Large Medium Semi-slow Semi-slow Normal Normal Fast | - |
Tranchant | 2 Large Medium Medium Medium Small Semi-slow Semi-slow Normal Fast Fast | ||
Incendiaire | 3 Big Big Big Medium Medium Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | ||
Aquatique | - | ||
Cryogénique | 3 Big Big Big Medium Medium Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | ||
Foudre | - | ||
Dragon | 2 Large Large Medium Medium Small Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast | ||
Fiole de poison | 6 Small Small Small Small Small Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast | 5 Medium Small Small Small Small Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast | |
Fiole de paralysie | 3 Medium Medium Small Small Small Normal Fast Fast Fast Fast | 3 Large Medium Medium Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | |
Fiole de sommeil | - | - | |
Léthargie | - | - | |
Guérison | 3 Medium Medium Small Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | - | |
Démon | 2 Medium Small Small Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast | ||
Peau-de-pierre | 2 Medium Small Small Small Small Semi-slow Normal Fast Fast Fast | ||
Tranquillisant | 2 Large Medium Small Small Small Normal Normal Normal Fast Fast |
Transcender /5
Type | Type |
Attaque Augmente l'attaque. Il est possible d'améliorer plusieurs fois. | 60,000zenny Pierre-dragon du guerrier - Corde x 2 Pierre-dragon x 3 Rubis Rathalos x 1 |
Affinité Augmente l'affinité. Il est possible d'améliorer plusieurs fois. | 60,000zenny Pierre-dragon du guerrier - Corde x 2 Pierre-dragon x 3 Gemme Odogaron x 1 |
Défense Augmente la défense et peut réduire les dégâts à chaque attaque. Il est possible d'améliorer plusieurs fois. | 60,000zenny Pierre-dragon du guerrier - Corde x 2 Pierre-dragon x 3 Gemme wyverne x 1 |
Joyau Ajoute un joyau. Il est possible d'améliorer plusieurs fois. | 60,000zenny Pierre-dragon du guerrier - Corde x 2 Pierre-dragon x 3 Gemme Legiana x 1 |
Régénération Restaure de la vie à chaque attaque. Il est possible d'améliorer plusieurs fois. | 60,000zenny Pierre-dragon du guerrier - Corde x 2 Pierre-dragon x 3 Gemme Anjanath x 1 |
Lunastra /3
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
247 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
247 | Bravoure | +20% |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
338 | Bravoure | +20% |
JA 日本語 | エンプレスシェル |
US English | Empress Shell |
FR Français | Obus Imperatrix |
ES Español | Saeta Lunastra |
DE Deutsch | Kaiserin-Hülse |
IT Italiano | Scarica fiamma |
KR 한국어 | 엠프리스셸 |
TW 繁體中文 | 皇后甲殼 |
CN 簡体中文 | 皇后甲壳 |
RU Русский | Панцирь императрицы |
PL Polski | Łuska Luny |
PO Português do Brasil | Casco da Luna |
AR العربية | صدفة الإمبراطورة |