Fusarbalète lourd Pukei-Pukei. Le duvet coloré serait adorable s'il ne cachait un puissant venin.
id | 39 |
rarity | 2 |
whetstoneTranchant | +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 |
attackAttaque | 528 |
elementÉlément | poison240 |
order_id | 38 |
weapon_type | l_sword |
tree_en | Pukei-Pukei |
Crafting /3
Type | Component |
Espadon II Améliorer | 1000 zenny Plume Pukei-Pukei x 2 Écaille Pukei-Pukei x 3 Poche de poison x 1 Unlock: Pukei-Pukei |
Upgrade to Lame du tourment II | Cristal de corail x 3 (Unlock) Poche Pukei-Pukei x 2 Carapace Pukei-Pukei x 3 Queue Pukei-Pukei x 1 Unlock: Cristal de corail |
Upgrade to Lame de feu | Écaille Rathalos x 1 Palmure Rathalos x 2 Poche de flamme x 2 Moelle Rathalos x 1 Unlock: Rathalos |
Pukei-Pukei /8
Name | attack | element | affinity | defense | slots | whetstone |
528 | poison240 | |||||
576 | poison300 | |||||
624 | poison360 | |||||
720 | poison420 | |||||
768 | poison480 | |||||
816 | poison540 | |||||
960 | poison600 | |||||
1152 | poison660 |
JA 日本語 | ブルームブレイドⅠ |
US English | Blooming Blade I |
FR Français | Lame du tourment |
ES Español | Espadón Floral I |
DE Deutsch | Blühende Klinge I |
IT Italiano | Lama piumata I |
KR 한국어 | 블룸블레이드Ⅰ |
TW 繁體中文 | 花朵之刀Ⅰ |
CN 簡体中文 | 鲜花之刃1 |
RU Русский | Пестрый клинок 1 |
PL Polski | Kwitnące ostrze I |
PO Português do Brasil | Lâmina Pujante I |
AR العربية | النصل المتّقد I |