L'œil du cyclone

TARGET | Tuer le Kushala Daora |
Échec | Temps imparti écoulé S'évanouir 3 fois |
Client | Camarade de la classe A L'existence du Kushala nous rappelle la grandeur et la puissance de la nature. Marche la tête haute, et affronte le dragon ancien. Puissent les cieux redevenir bleus ! |
Quest ID | 62505 |
Carte | Terre des anciens |
Prime | 36000zenny |
Limite de temps | 50 Minute |
Conditions | HR50hunterrank |
HRReward | 1600 |
Event | Défiez le puissant Kushala alpha suprême ! Triomphez et vous pourrez forger le set Kushala γ et l'armure spéciale Dante ! |
ID | solo | Size | Health | Damage | PartHP | StatusBase | StatusBuildup | Stun | Exhaust | Mount |
Kushala Daora | solo | 91~122% | 17910 | 770% | 340% | 140% | 170% | 110% | 200% | 100% |
Kushala Daora | multi2 | 91~122% | 29999 | 831.6% | 752% | 140% | 425% | 385% | 700% | 300% |
Kushala Daora | multi | 91~122% | 44775 | 831.6% | 1122% | 140% | 425% | 385% | 700% | 300% |
Teostra | solo | 91~122% | 19350 | 760% | 360% | 140% | 170% | 120% | 200% | 125% |
Teostra | multi2 | 91~122% | 32411 | 820.8% | 796% | 140% | 425% | 420% | 700% | 375% |
Teostra | multi | 91~122% | 48375 | 820.8% | 1188% | 140% | 425% | 420% | 700% | 375% |
Récompenses /10
Item | Percentage |
Ticket Kushala Daora x 1 | 3% (Guaranteed) |
Pierre-dragon terne x 1 | 11% |
Pierre-dragon brillante x 1 | 7% |
Joyaux ??? x 1 | 18% |
Sphère d'armure dense x 1 | 22% |
Pierre-dragon x 1 | 9% |
Pierre-dragon scintillante x 1 | 7% |
Os dragon ancien x 2 | 9% |
Sang dragon ancien x 2 | 9% |
Gemme Daora x 1 | 5% |
Boîte à fournitures /20
Type | solo | Item |
Primary | solo | Premiers soins x 4 |
Primary | solo | Ration X x 3 |
Primary | solo | Boisson fraîche x 2 |
Primary | solo | Fiole vide x 30 |
Primary | multi | Premiers soins x 4 |
Primary | multi | Premiers soins x 4 |
Primary | multi | Premiers soins x 4 |
Primary | multi | Ration X x 3 |
Primary | multi | Ration X x 3 |
Primary | multi | Ration X x 3 |
Primary | multi | Boisson fraîche x 2 |
Primary | multi | Boisson fraîche x 2 |
Primary | multi | Boisson fraîche x 2 |
Primary | multi | Fiole vide x 30 |
Secondary | solo | Normal II x 99 |
Secondary | solo | Perforant x 60 |
Secondary | solo | Grenaille x 80 |
Secondary | multi | Normal II x 99 |
Secondary | multi | Perforant x 60 |
Secondary | multi | Grenaille x 80 |
JA 日本語 | 嵐のさなかにて |
US English | The Eye of the Storm |
FR Français | L'œil du cyclone |
ES Español | El ojo de la tormenta |
DE Deutsch | Das Auge des Sturms |
IT Italiano | Nell'occhio del ciclone |
KR 한국어 | 폭풍의 한복판에서 |
TW 繁體中文 | 在暴風雨中 |
CN 簡体中文 | 在暴风雨中 |
RU Русский | Око бури |
PL Polski | Oko cyklonu |
PO Português do Brasil | Olho da Tempestade |
AR العربية | مركز العاصفة |